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Coaches Corner, Volleyball | September 15, 2022

Coaches Corner with Volleyball’s Kim Clemons

                    Front Row!!!! Haley Eckert, Madison Hartley & Huntleigh Morast.


The ReSporter: What conditions would you accept a 10-16 record before the season started in August?

              Go get’em Hawks!!

Coach Clemons: “Preseason record, wins-losses, are not the deciding factor for a season. It is all about the approach and preparation that the girls buy into to get ready for the real stage — i.e. DISTRICT play and qualifying for PLAYOFFS!”

The ReSporter: What positives have you seen thus far for this team?

Coach Clemons: “We have talked so much about the little things, and instead of talking about it, BEING ABOUT IT! The girls are so positive and support each other all of the time. It has been a game changer, and these girls are FUN to coach!”

The ReSporter: Would you change anything in regards to how you scheduled the pre-district? Why or Why not?

Coach Clemons: “Ultimately, I would not change anything regarding our pre-season schedule. We played tough programs and went up against some good players from our area, and seeing these teams we played thus far, is appropriate for preparation to what we face in our district. We can gauge ourselves and how well we compete with these tough programs, and in retrospect, toward our district opponents who have competed with some of the same teams we’ve played this season as well.”

The ReSporter: What are your thoughts on the district teams this season?

               Go Hawk Volleyball.

Coach Clemons: “After our match with Navarro on the road (9/09), we strongly feel that we competed well with them, and matched up with them pretty well as far as skill. We are determined and set to beat them at HOME! As far as others in our district, it is going to be pretty competitive. Nothing seems definite for any of the teams.”

“We had the 2nd BYE in district, so after two matches into district, we have seen that Wimberley beat Fredericksburg in 5 (in Wimberley), Boerne has beat Bandera in 5 sets (in Bandera), and Davenport beat Boerne in 3, and Wimberley in 4 sets. So it is all for the taking! Lots of volleyball being played, meaning no blow outs and majority of the 25 point rallies being scored on both sides of the scoreboard!”

     Hawk Proud

The ReSporter: What will this team need to do for qualifying for a district spot? Without the answer of win enough games….

Coach Clemons: “LOL – Well that is the obvious, but… Strategically, we will need to play lights out defense, be consistent with putting the ball away offensively, and START strong, STAY strong, and FINISH strong throughout each set! BATTLE EVERY POINT and PLAY TOGETHER!”

“We have Fredericksburg Friday night at 5pm for HOMECOMING and we are excited to compete and BEAT THE BILLIES!”

The ReSporter: Thanks Coach…