**Canyon Lake Ladies ‘Track’ Team Wins Area Meet

Savanna Oberholtzer taking flight in the relays. She will compete in 2 events in Kingsville next week! Way to Go Hawks!
**Canyon Lake Ladies Track Team finished 1st at this year’s Area Meet.
Important to notice that the above sentence said Track Team and not Track & Field Team.
When teams take their throw and jump events off the ledger then you will have just running events and during that part of this evening watching CL’s competition… The Lake finished in First Place.
TRACK (Running Events) RESULTS 1st Canyon Lake 82 2nd Fredericksburg 80 3rd Davenport 78 4th Wimberley 52 5th Bandera 39 6th Cuero 35 7th Gonzales 27 7th La Vernia 27 9th Boerne 14 10th SA Kennedy 2 Lady Hawk Points Pts Events Cadence Patterson 22 1st 3200 1600 4th 4x400 Ayren Lightfoot 17 1st 400m 4x100 4th 4x400 Savanna Oberholtzer 13.5 1st 4x100 2nd 100m 6th 4x200 Aubrey Avey 12 1st 300mh 4th 4x400 Hannah Hammer 6 4th 400m 4th 4x400 Sofia George 5 1st 4x100 Abigail Lowth 5 1st 4x100 Haley Petty 0.5 6th 4x200 Gianna Cortez 0.5 6th 4x200 Eva Zabarcencu 0.5 6th 4x200 Totals 82.0

Canyon Lake had 7 ladies punch their ticket for the Region Meet to be held in Kingsville on the Texas A&I campus on Friday the 19th of April.
In the Relays this season, The Lake, set all-time times in those 3 events and It was the 4×100 relay that saved their best for this Area Meet after entering the Meet as an alternate team after Boerne had to bow out because of a soccer conflict.
That had Oberholtzer. Sofia George and Abigail Lowth adding Lightfoot to their first leg which led to a Hawk record breaking time.
All three relays have lowered their record times these last two years.
Relays 2023 2024 4x100 49.92 Lentz-Ortez 49.71 Lightfoot-Lowth Schroeder-S. Oberholtzer George-S. Oberholtzer 4x200 1:45.89 M. Oberholtzer-Ortez 1:45.22 S. Oberholtzer-Avey Lentz-Lightfoot Hammer-Lightfoot 4x400 4:02.33 Lentz-Avey 4:01.56 Avey-Hammer Hammer-Lightfoot Patterson-Lightfoot
This season top times in the following events and where Canyon Lake stands for the Region Meet
Event Region 4 Best Hawk Best 100 Meter 12.01 Freeport Brazosport Savanna Oberholtzer 12.17 400 Meter 56.04 Iowa Colony Ayren Lightfoot 57.74 800 Meter 1:15.29 Sealy Hannah Hammer 2:21.03 1600 Meter 4:58.22 Canyon Lake Cadence Patterson 3200 Meter 10:50.66 Canyon Lake Cadence Patterson 300 M Hurdles 45:48 Canyon Lake Aubrey Avey 4x100 Relay 47.48 Royal Lightfoot-Lowth 49.71 George-S.Oberholtzer 4x400 Relay 4:00.71 Sealy Avey-Hammer 4:01.56 Patterson-Lightfoot
In the last two meets the top 4 performers were able to move to that next rung on a ladder. For the Region Meet that margin of error is cut down to those top 2 for each event and making that ultimate state meet on May 2nd in Austin.
Canyon Lake has some legitimate chances of getting that chance to compete for The Meet.
The Hawk’s Boys had two that qualified for this Meet and both scored when Trevin Cutrer ran a 11.13 time for a 6th place finish and that time put Cutrer with the 5th best time.
Freshman Anthony Hockman got his first taste competing in an essential Bi-District type of sport with a chance to improve as he continues to work on his high jump event. Finishing 4th will give this young man more experience as he qualified for Region. Congrats Anthony!!
The ReSporter has several interviews these past two meets of Hawk Athletes on Instagram and X.
INSTAGRAM LINK: https://www.instagram.com/dbh.hawksigsh=MW1sbTdmcG1kY2lvag%3D%3D&utm_source=qr
Way to Go Fast Hawks!!