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Game Article, Water Polo | September 19, 2024

Aquatic Hawks Split with Rangers, Boys Win & Girls Lose

                     Rianna Gonzales Scores after a Macey Gill assist as The Lake’s comeback falls short.


Canyon Lake’s Boys Water Polo beat Smithson Valley, 17-4 and with this win a show-down next Tuesday when CL plays the only other undefeated team in district, Davenport, at the Hawk Nest a battle for #1 seed in the district playoff rounds.

                  Way to Go Hawks!!

The Lake took no prisoners as they opened up a 7-1 first quarter lead and never looked back after scoring 17 goals.

All-Time leading scorer, Levi Garner had 4 of those goals and Chief Rendon scored two followed with Felix Ciotti rounding out that 1st quarter scoring.

The Hawks had a 45% goal percentage and finished with all but one goal having an assist. Milo Martin-Rider was perfect scoring 4 goals on 4 attempts and that was followed by Cotti who was 2 for 2.

Martin-Rider finished with 4 assists leading the Hawks and Tristen Evans and Cole Coffee both ended the game with 4 Steals a piece.

When asked bout the next battle with Davenport Head Coach Page Small assessed, “It should be evenly matched…we have a common opponent in Canyon…they beat Canyon by one and we beat Canyon by one.”

                   Way to Go Hawks!!

Coach Small continued, “We are in a shallow/deep pool which gives us more of an advantage than Davenport so it could be a pretty close game if we are ready for them and it just depends on who gets the calls and doesn’t get the calls.”

Coach Small shared what this Hawk team will need to do in preparation, “More experience increases water polo IQ and the core of the boys have been with me for 3 years now and so now we are able to show them advanced skills stuff and that is starting to pay off.”

It should be a packed Aquatic Center so getting there early.would be a good idea Hawk Nation.

The Hawk Ladies have seen a lot of improvement too as they outscored SV Rangers in every quarter but that opening salvo.

It was a valiant comeback after being down 11 goals starting in the 2nd quarter as these Girls just missed in losing, 18-14.

Macey Gill (8 goals) and Rianna Gonzales (6 goals) were the tandem that forged this comeback but these Rangers had an abundance of athletes and fielded 3 different teams in this contest.

The good news was having CL being able to show off their stamina by outscoring Smithson Valley, 11-6 during that 2nd half.

CL’s Lady Hawks were borrowing players from other teams in their first season and two years ago had the Softball team supplying athletes to help with numbers.

That same Water Polo IQ will be an aspect to see as the numbers of athletes with more seasons can bring better results in the future.

Canyon Lake is the smallest school in this sport in the State of Texas so that has posed a disadvantage thus far.

Good Game Lady Hawks and Congrats to the Boys!!

Go Lake!


Boys              1  2  3  4  Final
Smithson Valley   1  0  2  1   4
CL Hawks          7  3  3  4  17

Shots                  MShots   Goals   Assists   Steals   TO    Saves
Greyson Patton           0        0       0         2       2      7
Connor Driggs            0        0       0         1       0      0
Chief Rendon             2        1       1         1       0      0
Cole Coffee              3        2       1         1       4      0
Dionysio Villavicencio   2        2       0         2       1      3
Felix Ciiotti            2        0       2         2       3      1
Nate Morris              2        1       1         0       3      0
Tanner Bartow            1        1       0         0       1      0
Tristen Evans            3        3       0         0       4      1
Levi Garner             14        6       8         3       2      2
Milo Martin-Rider        4        0       4         4       2      2
Totals                  33       15      17        16      23     11


Ladies            1  2  3  4  Final
Smithson Valley  11  1  3  3  18
CL Hawks          0  3  6  5  14

                 Shots    MShots   Goals    Assists.   Steals   Saves
Delaney Hersel     0         0       0         2         2        9
Macey Gill        21        13       8         3         0
Rielyn Essary      0         0       0         0         1        4
Samira Castillo    0         0       0         0         1
Mariah Mendoza     0         0       0         1         1
Rianna Gonzales    9         3       6         5         1
Addison Markle     0         0       0         0         1
Totals            30        16      14        11         7