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Football, Sport News | August 5, 2011

Bracken Football is Ready for the Appetizer

The Warriors finished their first week of practice in pads and the ReSporter did not see any long faces from the Coaching staff.

Newcomer Senior Austin Wilkerson

Newcomer Senior Austin Wilkerson

You get the feeling that the practices have revealed some surprises of some players, leaving a different taste in the collective mouths of the Coaches. Cereal seems to be eggs and ham and now the team will find out if the food is an all-you-can-eat.

“Practice went well when we went to pads the first time,” Head Coach Lloyd Fields said.

The Special Teams had a sub par year two years ago, when Bracken allowed five kick-offs for touchdowns. This past season the number went down to just one return.

Putting some stats to the equation might impress you more. Bracken crossed the goal line 113 times last season and of that number the Warriors kicked off 109. The team finished the game via Mercy rule on why they did not have 113 returns.

The opponent’s odds of scoring after a BCS touchdown with a return was: 0.009%

Two years ago the team’s percentage of  allowing a TD after a kickoff was: 0.07%

You will also notice the stat allowed Coach Fields to keep most of his hair.

“The return can be very demoralizing,” the full head of hair Coach Fields surmised.

The players are also feeling upbeat after the first week of practices.

When asked about the practices and if the team is progressing, Junior Quarterback Eli Achilles said, “Yes!! Definitely …we are in shape and more focused and we are not making dumb mistakes.”

Achilles continued, “The backups are giving us more depth…we are becoming a bunch of roll players.”

The Warriors are also welcoming another facet that also helped with last years team. The 2010 team had Stephen Burbank play for just one season and he ended up making it count.

Burbank finished with over 100 tackles and if you ask Coach Fields his importance to the team, then make sure you have 5-10 minutes on your hands as he expounds with all the accolades the young man added.

This season Bracken is welcoming another player that will be in the BCS uniform for the first time as a Senior… Austin Wilkerson. The difference is Wilkerson has been very active on the football field but just changed his venue.

“Football is always fun,” Newcomer Wilkerson stated. “This is the game I love and no one could stop me from playing.”

Wilkerson will basically be a freshman as far as playing 6-Man, but a Senior as far as maturity and having the passion for the game.

“This will be a good place to end my playing,” Wilkerson contemplated. “I like this team, but we still will have to fight to get there (State Game).”

The table has been set and now the Warriors will be planning to be eating a buffet. Remember in 6-Man speed is more important than size, pace yourself on your eating