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Sport News, Volleyball | August 10, 2011

CL split contest with Liberty Hill and Cedar Ridge

Senior Jackie Salazar

Senior Jackie Salazar

The good news is that the CL Hawks beat Liberty Hill.
The better news is that the Hawks are not in Cedar Ridge’s District

Canyon Lake started their Volleyball season with a nail biter win over Liberty Hill last Tuesday night at the Hawk Gym.

The Hawks had lost a ton of talent from last year’s team, but seem to have a group of girls that want to help the crowd forget the past and forge into the future.                                                                                        

The first game neither team could get more than a four point lead. In fact, after the score was tied at 12, neither team had more than a two point lead.  The game was highlighted by several newcomers with names that will become household.

Logan Neese played well as the outside hitter with several good blocks and kills in the game. The girls have been around, they just had not had the chance to showcase their skills at this level. Amber Ramsey had some time on the Varsity last year, but now the Sophomore will be one of the main cogs on the front line.

“This win will help make us a better team,” Ramsey stated. “It shows that we are working hard.”

Canyon Lake had several of the players showing Coach Nicole Creek that the potential is there for a good season. “We came out a little flat,” Coach Creek started. “The win will help us to build on this early. It took us a while to hit the floor.”

The Hawks showed good serves throughout the five game match. “We have been working on the serves and becoming more aggressive,” Coach Creek volleyed.

In the second game the Hawks lost a four point lead and were down three points, 20-23, when Jackie Salazar started her serve.

Five points later the Hawks had tied the match at a game a piece which helped turn the tide.

“We are excited and we kind of lost the lead,” Senior Salazar said. “The encouragement from the team really helped in preparing for the game. Coach has been stressing serving in practice. You have to have a certain technique.”

The Hawk team seemed to have the technique down in all the games, as the team held down the unforced errors to a minimum throughout.

Canyon Lake and Liberty Hill were evenly matched as the next two middle games were won by only two points each.

“We are just coming together,” Senior Missy Romero served. “We still have things to work on and we will have a good season.”

When asked what Coach Creek said in the timeout of the second game, “She just gave us a pep talk so she wanted to inspire us.”

Coach Creek might want to bottle the ‘Pep’ talk and sell it to the rain makers. The drought would be over sooner than later.

The Hawks won the final game 15-12 as they once again came back from hole and forged to the lead and it was never relinquished.

The second game was a different story as the Cedar Ridge team had height and poise. They controlled the first game and coasted to the three game sweep.

Canyon Lake will be at the Tex-Fest in Wimberley this Friday. The first three games have already been announced, then based on their record will be seeded in another group of teams for Saturday.

Friday the Hawks games are as follows:
 10:00 am    Laredo United
  1:00 pm    Blanco
  2:30 pm    Burleson

 Stats from Games:
 Liberty Hill vs CLHS
 24-26, 25-23, 27-25, 19-25, 15-12
 Kills:  Amber Ramsey 12, Katie Williams 8, Marisa Ellis 9
 Aces:   Missy Romero, Williams 4, Jackie Salazar 3
 Digs:   Salazar 12, Vickie Henderson 12
 Blocks: Ramsey 6
 Assist: Romero 15, Ellis 15

 Stats for Cedar Ridge
 15-25, 18-25, 11-25
 Kills:  Katie Williams 6, Marisa Ellis 6, Amber Ramsey 5
 Aces:   Caitlyn Valadez 2, Missy Romero 1, Williams 1
 Digs:   Valadez 12, Vickie Henderson 6
 Blocks: Ramsey 3, Williams 1
 Assist: Romero 8, Ellis 7