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Football, Sport News | August 18, 2011

2nd Article: Hawks breakdown of the Games

Junior Quarterback Branson Belcher

Junior Quarterback Branson Belcher

The ReSporter started the ball rolling earlier this week commenting on what type of teams Canyon Lake will be playing while also wondering if the game will be a win or loss.

The Hawks have a tough first set of games, and we will now look at the middle part of the schedule, with Austin-Travis, Luling, and Navasota.

Austin-Travis was one of the fastest teams CLHS played last season and the Hawks looked like a deer caught in the headlights. Everyone in this area knows that is not a good sign to be compared to.

In the last article we mentioned how in each game Canyon Lake did not win the statistic battle.

One game the passing did not work, the running the next game, and then against Sealy neither worked as the offense garnered just 75 total yards. If not for the special teams, the Hawks could of easily been held scoreless.

The Rebels beat CL on the stat page too, but the Hawks showed some life, by gaining over 300 yards of offense. This was the first game where the running and passing game was almost even with just nine yards difference.

This season Canyon Lake is deeper and a faster team and they should be able to minimize the greatest advantage that Austin-Travis enjoyed in that game.

Also, the Hawks will have played three games with a new quarterback that should help in changing the course of the game.

Travis will also have a new QB in the lineup and have also lost several of the players that put the hurt on the Hawks last season.

4A versus the 3A: Canyon Lake can win if they cut down on the turnovers and have an offense that utilizes their speed.

This will be a good game.

Canyon Lake will go on the road for their next game against the Luling Eagles. The Eagles are in the same district as Blanco and only lost four letterman from last year’s team.

This game last year was CLHS coming out party. The offense, especially the passing game, had the best outing up to that time with 193 yards.

A win on the road is always good for Canyon Lake and the depth for the Hawks should allow for a win.

Navarro (the Eveready battery) keeps running and running and running…This will be a scary game for Canyon Lake.

It should remind the fans of the second game against Liberty Hill two years ago, when the Hawks played the same type of offense and shut them down for a classic victory.

The Panthers had six drives in last years game that averaged over 13 plays. That resulted in total control of the game clock and not giving the Hawks to relax.

The good news was how close the game actually was in spite of the total domination of the line of scrimmage by Navarro.

Navarro also lost several more players from that stalwart team. The Panthers lost 21 letterman and return four players on the offensive side of the ball.

That is good news for Canyon Lake to right the ship that took on way too much water last year.

The defense has something to prove and you have to think the players have had this game circled on their calendar for a long time. The team cannot allow the ‘Eveready’ offense to run into the Christmas season and filling all the presents with those batteries.

The Hawks can win this game if they make sure all the presents run on electricity, allowing the team to unplug the Panthers.