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Boys Basketball | January 10, 2016

Hawks Team & Individual Top 3 and All-Time Stats

Hawks in a battle for rebounds against Cuero during 2015 Season

Hawks in a battle for rebounds against Cuero during 2015 Season

                    All-Time Team and Individual Records
 Pts Per Game Off         Pts Per Game Def          Assists
 2009         53.7        2011         46.6         2010      10.3
 2015         51.5        2012         49.1         2012       9.8
 2010         51.1        2015         53.7         2011       8.9
 2013         49.1        2009         55.9         2009       8.7
 2008         48.1        2008         56.9         2015       8.6
 2014         46.6        2014         57.7         2014       8.3
 2012         45.4        2010         60.9         2013       7.8
 2011         41.3        2013         61.6

 Steals                   Rebounds                  Blocks
 2013          9.8        2013         32.9         2014       4.2
 2009          9.6        2015         31.7         2015       3.7
 2010          9.1        2014         30.9         2013       2.7
 2015          9.0        2009         28.3         2012       2.7
 2011          8.6        2010         27.9         2009       2.3
 2014          6.6        2012         27.9         2010       1.8
 2012          4.8        2011         26.6         2011       1.6

               CL Hawks Top Three Boy’s Basketball
 total points             3pt. shots                field goal pct
 Rory Preiss      178     Jacob Ramirez     24      Tyler Williams    .489
 Will Gray        133     Brandon Ward      13      Rory Preiss       .468
 Brandon Ward     129     Will Gray         13      Heath McDonough   .455

 offensive rebounds       defensive rebounds        total rebounds
 Rory Preiss       53     Rory Preiss       78      Rory Preiss        131
 Jacob Ramirez     32     Heath McDonough   64      Heath McDonough     94
 Tyler Williams    31     Will Gray         61      Will Gray           85

 assists                  steals                    blocks
 Gerrit Wilkins    34     Brandon Ward      28      Tyler Williams      27
 Brandon Ward      32     Heath McDonough   25      Heath McDonough     13
 Will Gray         31     Will Gray         25      Rory Preiss         11

 3pt percentage           free throw made           free throw pct
 Jacob Ramirez   .358     Tyler Williams    30      Brandon Ward      .629
 Rory Preiss     .278     Rory Preiss       27      Will Gray         .629
 Will Nance      .278     Gerrit Wilkins    26      Justin Ferris     .625


            CL All-Time Stats Top 10 (Updated for current players)

 Total Points             3pt Goals                  Made Free Throws
 Andrew Riali    595      Andrew Riali     122       Andrew Riali      121
 Matt Magness    555      Chris Green       77       Matt Magness      120
 Stuart Lowry    407      Garrett Winters   71       Christian Pena    102
 Caleb Kreiger   406      Matt Magness      52       Brandon Berger     90
 Brandon Ward    384      Paul Davis        34       Doug Hubnik        80 
 Skyler Tschoepe 362      Skyler Tschoepe   34       Caleb Kreiger      72
 Christian Pena  356      Stuart Lowry      31       Sean Nolan         67
 Rory Preiss     349      Brandon Ward      31       Tanner Jones       66
 Tanner Jones    348      Brandon Berger    29       Skyler Tschoepe    66
 Chris Green     348      Will Gray         29       Rory Preiss        62
 Will Gray       244      Nic Adams         28       Brandon Ward       47
                          Jacob Ramirez     24       Will Gray          45

 Total Rebounds           Steals                     Assists
 Sean Nolan      368      Neal Whitehead    78       Doug Hubnik       187
 Andrew Riali    296      Tanner Jones      76       Matt Magness      136
 Rory Preiss     290      Matt Magness      69       Tanner Jones       90
 Skyler Tschoepe 249      Skyler Tschoepe   69       Brandon Berger     78
 Caleb Kreiger   218      Doug Hubnik       62       Garrett Winters    77
 Neal Whitehead  203      Javier Mendez     58       Brandon Ward       70
 Eric Nelson     184      Rory Preiss       58       Christian Pena     59
 Matt Magness    156      Brandon Berger    56       Daulton Winters    56
 Tyler Williams  152      Christian Pena    49       Rory Preiss        49
 Javier Mendez   151      Tyler Clark       49       Will Gray          48
                          Brandon Ward      46
                          Will Gray         42

 Blocks                   Season Points # Year
 Sean Nolan       85      Caleb Kreiger    406    ’12
 Caleb Kreiger    59      Christian Pena   356    ’09
 Tyler Williams   53      Tanner Jones     348    ’09
 Neal Whitehead   47      Andrew Riali     328    ’14
 Eric Nelson      29      Stuart Lowry     282    ’10
 Skyler Tschoepe  29      Matt Magness     278    ’12
 Rory Preiss      19      Andrew Riali     267    ’13
 Kevin Nolan      15      Paul Davis       259    ’13
 Ancel Morel      15      Brandon Ward     256    ’15
 Heath McDonough  13      Matt Magness     252    ’11
 Brandon Ward      8      Rory Preiss      178    ‘16 
                          Will Gray        133    '16
                          Brandon Ward     129    '16
                          Jacob Ramirez    122    '16
                          Tyler Williams   118    ‘16
                          Heath McDonough  108    ‘16