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Boys Basketball, Coaches Corner | February 18, 2016

Coaches Corner with Basketball’s Lucas Chapman

The ReSporter: Congrats once again on reaching a milestone that is well deserved.

The ReSporter: What can you tell us about the Taylor Ducks?

Head Basketball Coach Lucas Chapman

Head Basketball Coach Lucas Chapman

Coach Chapman: “They are big and athletic and can really get up and down the court. They shoot the ball well from deep and can really attack and rebound the ball. They are certainly going to be a tough opponent, but someone that I think we can certainly play with if we do the things we want to do.”

The ReSporter: I noticed from your last few games that certain players are sharing more of the load in rebounds, etc. Is that by design or just what happens in the flow of the game?
Coach Chapman: “That just happens in the flow of the game. Sometimes the ball bounces differently, so to speak, so rebounding can be fickle sometimes. I do like that we are having more guys get rebounds, especially the guards.”

The ReSporter: What are 2 or 3 things you will need to shore up in order to put this team in a place to pull off an upset?
Coach Chapman: “We need to keep them out of the paint and off of the glass on the defensive end of the floor. If we can do that we have a great shot. We also need to slow them down and make sure they don’t get a bunch of transition and run-out layups. That’s where they really hurt you.”

The ReSporter: Turnovers have been reduced greatly this season, knowing that part of the game and how it can wreck a game, who do you give that credit too for this year’s edition?
Coach Chapman: “We have done a much better job with our turnovers in district play. It is something that we work on and emphasize each day, and fortunately it seemed to finally click when we got to the games that really matter. Our guard play has been much more poised and confident which helps with handling pressure.”

The ReSporter: How do you approach this Tuesday’s game knowing that none of these players have been in this situation before?
Coach Chapman: “We will just try and treat it like any other game. At the end of the day it is just a basketball game, and something these guys have done 29 other times this year. We don’t need to make it more than it is, and just go out and play to our ability and execute what we work on. I think if we can just focus on that we will be fine.”

The ReSporter: What type of Prayer life will you be leading up to the start of the game in order to get those Free Throws to go through the hoop?
Coach Chapman: “I pray for a lot of things each, but making free-throws isn’t one of them. 😉 We just need to shoot it with confidence and believe in our ability. We play a game in practice each day called Free Throw Game, and we are usually lights out. It’s bound to carry over to the game at some point.”

The ReSporter: Your ‘Bigs’ have fallen off on the scoring side of the ledger as the ended their district play, how important is it for this group to play at a high level?
Coach Chapman: “Yeah I think a lot of that can be contributed to the level of competition we have played in the past month and a half. We have played some really tough big men during district, which makes it tough. Our main concern with our bigs is their ability to control the paint and rebound the ball. If they can do those things we will be ok.”

The ReSporter: What will you be looking for as this game gets going to know that you might have to make changes or if you know that this might be your night?
Coach Chapman: “The tempo of the game. If the game is a little slower paced and methodical then that plays in our favor. If they are able to get up and down the court, then we will be in trouble. We have to control the tempo with our ball-control and defense. As far as adjustments go, switching up our defense to try and slow them down will be something we will look at. We will have a few tricks up our sleeve.”

The ReSporter: Getting that one marque win is still something not achieved as of yet, the win over Lockhart earlier this year had to be one game you would like to emulate, what is your goal as the game starts to get near the end and you are either holding on or trying to catch-up?
Coach Chapman: “We just need to play 4 solid quarters against a quality opponent. Down the stretch we need to play poised and confident with a belief that we will win. I think sometimes we hope that we are going to win instead of doing the things necessary to do it. You just have to take it one possession at a time, and focus on your job. Don’t see the big picture, but rather each individual play.”

The ReSporter: Thanks Coach and have I said Congrats yet?