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Coaches Corner, Track & Field | March 4, 2016

Coaches Corner with Boy’s Track Troy Moses

The ReSporter: What are your overall impressions as you have 3 Meets in the books?

Track and Field Coach Troy Moses

Track and Field Coach Troy Moses

Coach Moses: “I can tell you that we have a bunch of young men that want to improve and they don’t mind working hard to get there. So far we have improved with each performance and that is exciting as we get closer to district.”

The ReSporter: How do you approach a Meet like you had in Dripping Springs when you were one of the smallest schools in attendance?
Coach Moses: “We tell the kids that Track is different than other sports. For us there is only one meet that really counts and that’s the District Meet, all other are just practice meets and we are just competing against ourselves to try to better our times each week. So when you go into a meet like that your really not concerned with what those around you are doing. With that said, I thought our kids preformed out standing against the BIGGER schools.”

The ReSporter: I know you look on how you can maximize your points is that a process that continues until the day of the District Meet?
Coach Moses: “Absolutely! We are discussing that almost after every race. We are very fortunate to have a lot of different talent this year, moving them around each week to see what they are capable of is a fun process.”

The ReSporter: The Junior Varsity has had several good Meets now, could you give us your overall impression of these young men?
Coach Moses: “I agree!!! I’m really impressed with the way they have competed and more importantly is that they don’t mind putting in the work in practice. We are starting to develop some distance runners with our young kids and when we do that, then we become a very good track team.:

The ReSporter: You certainly do not want the athletes to peak too early, how do you guard against that happening?
Coach Moses: “Our training is mapped out before the season begins. We start the season with high volume of running but with little intensity. As the season progresses the volume of running decreases and the intensity of the runs increase. Usually that keeps kids from running to fast to early in the season. We want to gradually see our times increase as we go through the season.”

The ReSporter: On a question off of that, how do you know that the person with a good time or distance has even peaked yet and might still have more fuel in his tank?
Coach Moses: Honestly, that is something you just learn to recognize over time. As a young coach I remember just running kids in the ground and burning their legs out, and couldn’t figure out why we weren’t improving. Now if I recognize a kids is just tired or their legs hurt, we’ll cut their work out down a bit to let their bodies rest up. You learn how to adjust your workouts to make sure they are ready to compete when they need to be at their best.”

The ReSporter: What athletes would be a in the ‘running’ (pardon the pun) for having a break out year as these weeks continue to get more serious?
Coach Moses: “Where do I start……….Really, I don’t think there is one kids that couldn’t break out at any moment. When you have a group of young men that work as hard as the group we have right now, your just waiting for the next “break out” to happen!!!”
“Adam Wiewel -Could break the school records in both the 3200m and the 1600m.”
“Robert Woods -Could break the school records in both the Discus and Shot Put.”
“Austin Camacho -Is running times now that he ran at the end of the year last year.”

The ReSporter: Thanks Coach and good luck this week next week in Bandera.