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Football, Player Profile | May 15, 2016

Robert Woods Signs with Mary Hardin Baylor

Robert Woods with an army of Coaches having his back

                         Robert Woods with an army of Coaches having his back

This time of year will always have some touching moments as many 18 year old students embark on making their mark in life and say good-bye their high school days.

On Thursday of this past week, Robert Woods, was using his time wisely as he chose a College he could get a higher degree while playing a sport he had grown to love, football.

Mary Hardin Baylor will be the recipient school to enjoy an athlete that will give them his all.

Woods was part of a small Senior class, but these students made up for it as each player had a significant skill set that they translated into making their team get all they could out of the leadership shown by example.

Whether Woods was playing football, basketball, or scoring points in Track & Field, this young man did not leave school thinking he could have done more.

Woods contributed to Varsity football for 3 years and left the gridiron with 15 sacks for second place all-time

Robert Woods with Dad and Mom, Rufus and Jacquelyn Woods

Robert Woods with Dad and Mom, Rufus and Jacquelyn Woods

for Canyon Lake.

He also had 30 tackles for loss finishing behind Alex Kemp (33) and teammate Haden Lee (31) as Woods would make his mark on the defensive side of the ball while also using his skills on the offensive side too.

Certainly having a chance to play exclusively on defense, Woods, would have had a chance to be tops in both categories mentioned above.

Offensively, Woods finished 6th all-time in rushing yardage, finishing his career with 943 yards on 195 carries and 8 touchdowns.

              Top 6 All-Time Rushers for the Hawks
 name                 carries     yards    ave.    td    yr graduated
 Zach Henshaw           724       4363     6.0     47       2011
 Josh DeVries           297       2108     7.1     23       2014
 Hayden Dubois          435       1973     4.5     27       2014
 Eduardo Covarrubias    295       1711     5.8     12       2012
 McGuire Johnson        213       1337     6.3     11       2013
 Robert Woods           195        943     4.8      8       2015

If the Hawks needed some tough yardage, then Woods would be the runner called upon many times by Hawk coaches.

Robert Woods, based on what teachers mentioned, was just as tenacious in the classroom and that is what will be his best reward as he continues through his sojourn in life.

“I hope he prepares to keep God first,” Rufus Woods’ Father imparted.”Don’t step away from values and be respectful.”

“I have mixed feelings,” Mom Jacquelyn said. “He has grown up and I still see him growing….from pre-school to graduation and now off to college…that is still my baby and I will miss him and I hope he continues to work hard.”

Robert’s Dad was not finished however as he had some more wisdom to impart to his son, “Academics first and then sports and in both demonstrate values that have been extolled to you.”

Go Robert!

   Go Robert!

Parent’s are an integral part in the equation for helping young people have the right frame of mind in this next step because the decisions that will be made now will not have training wheels to keep you from falling.

The ReSporter asked Rufus Woods a funny moment that happened to Robert during his   school years.

“Robert learned to start paying attention when he first started coming to Canyon Lake,” Rufus Woods recalled. “He was wanting to show up early to school and by not paying attention to what was told him by High School officials….had us showing up early to school and not having any cars in the parking lot as he forgot the day we needed to be there.”

“Robert used that as he also started setting his alarm clock,” Dad Woods closed. “If you don’t get up then you will be late.”

Robert Make us Proud!!

          Robert Make us Proud!!

For those who might not be in the know of what Rufus Woods was part of, then guessing the military would be a good indication on what was said above being a good indication of what might be a common occurrence for a this type of family.

“I want to use everything they taught and add it on and that will mold me to become the best player I can become,” Robert Woods said when asked how he will approach his first days of football. “I have been talking to the defensive coaches and if I listen to the coaches then I know they will know what they are doing to help me.”

Thanks Robert and the Hawk community will be following your development at Mary Hardin Baylor and thanks for being a great young man in the Canyon Lake area and good luck.