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Game Article, Volleyball | August 24, 2016

Sub-Varsity Hawks Fly over Pirates Plank

Both Sub-Varsity Volleyball Clubs Club the Pirates

Go CL Hawks

Go CL Hawks

Canyon Lake swept the Poth Pirates as the Freshman and Junior Varsity both took care of the Pirates in making them walk the plank.

The Freshman crew lost their first game of the year against Clemens but have continued to win ever since, with great passing skills that has helped supply the Hawks Varsity as this season has continued.

CL Freshman won, 25-12, 24-26, and 25-22 as the last two sets only had a team go up to 6 points before Poth would pull back into the fray of competition.

“The fans got their money’s worth,” Head Freshman Coach Tosha Ridgeway said with a relieved look. “We try not to look and pay attention to the score because they know that no lead is comfortable.”

In that last set, Taylor Fillinger was serving when the Hawks seemed to come together and that rally lasted for 7 service points and two of those points were aces for Fillinger.

Taylor Fillinger passing helps Freshman Hawks Beat Poth Pirates

Taylor Fillinger passing helps Freshman Hawks Beat Poth Pirates

CL used that rally to take a one point deficit, 3-4 to enough separation to eventually put this game against the Pirates away, 25-22.

“I just look for their weakest player when I am serving,” Fillinger said with confidence. “They were not strong in running with their feet.”

On what happened when Poth won the second set, “We just re-grouped and brought out fire and with a lot of effort and we just really wanted it,” Fillinger filled in.

Even that last set, Poth would not go away easy as the Pirates rallied with 4 points to pull back to a tie, at 20 all.

A kill by Alisia Niestemski halted the Poth rally and helped secure the win when Fillinger had another chance with her serve and scored 2 points for that final 2 point score, 25-23.

Cassidy Felps and Madison Puente were the two Hawks that had the kills to give Canyon Lake the separation and win.

Libero Lainee Moses was nails during the match with her good passing skills while also amassing 5 kills in those last two sets.

Libero Lainee Moses passes first test beating Pirates

Libero Lainee Moses passes first test beating Pirates

“All the plays start with a pass,” Moses started. “I just want to get my pass to the setter and hitters so they can do their jobs.”

That was evident as this Freshman team did not have many balls hitting the ground which helped for getting this win.

“We just have to focus on making a good pass,” Moses kept up the rally. “I think this team is skilled and we know what we are doing…..we have gotten better from last year and I think we can win district.”

Spoken with confidence and this is a part of what makes this group of Hawks ready to take their game higher as this year continues.

Go Hawks!!


CLJV Sweeps the Pirates’ JV

Canyon Lake’s Junior Varsity swept the Pirates in what continued a complete pasteting of Poth at their home gym, 25-23, 25-18.

Poth started the first set in a rush and increased their lead to 6 points, 8-2.

“It was a change in intensity,” Head JV Coach Megan Helmey said on what happened after Poth ran out to that 6 point lead. “All the other girls fell in love with the rally and that helped them get together.”

“I liked to see how scrappy we were and serving to the back row and I praised them for that,” Coach Helmey closed.

Canyon Lake looked to be in a daze during the start of that first set and then Kaitlyn Kelly helped in bringing CL back with a 5 point service as most of those points were served to the Pirate’s back row where unforced errors plagued the Pirates.

This tilt would not have any team with more than 2 points lead for the rest of the set.

Mariah Haight and Tyler Hollums come through Big in Win over Poth JV

Mariah Haight and Tyler Hollums come through Big in Win over Poth JV

Hence the final score and Hawk victory on a two point service and win by Tilly Giammalva.

In that second set, Canyon Lake, would find themselves in another nail biter as neither team could get a comfortable lead.

A three point lead was the most either team could muster as CL went into a 13-12 lead.

Enter Tyler Hollums as the Hawk server and starting a 9 point rally serving to the Poth back line.

Nine serves later the Hawks would take that separation for a sweep over Poth JV, 25-18.

“I was just hoping to make every serve,” Hollums got her serve in. “I wanted to prove to myself and did not want to make a mistake.”

Hollums saw what Kelly had done earlier and served to that back row for what turned out to be Pirate unforced errors as well as getting two kills from Adia Garcia and Eden Farley to help keep their rally alive.

Libero Mariah Haight was instrumental in making and keeping those rallies going.

“I did not want to go 3 games,” Haight said with resolve. “We just focused in not wanting the ball to hit the ground.”

Canyon Lake would keep the pressure on as Hollums continued to serve.

Hit Man says Go Lady Hawk's Volleyball

Hit Man says Go Hawk’s Volleyball

“Our intensity and focus and having to earn it,” Haight said when asked on what the thought process was for the team during those long rallies.

“We saw the Freshman game and thought our game would be easier,” Haight closed.

Thinking like that would not be possible if those thoughts would have stayed with the team during that rough first set.

Raegan Cowan with 5 kills and Farley’s 4 kills put an end to this Pirate Quest and a sweep for this bounty and the Hawk Junior Varsity.

Good Match and Good work ethic as this season continues, Go Hawks!!