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Sport News, Volleyball | August 30, 2011

Cornerstone Victory for CLHS 25-14, 26-24, 25-17

The Canyon Lake Hawks started strong and kept up the pressure as they succumbed the Cornerstone Warriors, Tuesday night at the Hawk gym.

The season has had a hard time getting started for the Hawks, so hopefully this victory can be a cornerstone win for Canyon Lake.

“We are still trying things,” Head Coach Nicole Creek said. “We are still looking for consistency and chemistry from the team.”

The Hawks certainly had those attributes on display in the first game, as it only took one rotation plus three for CL to win going away, 25-14. Canyon Lake had six aces in the first game.

Marisa Ellis had a stat on every line but the kills department.

“Our lineup wasn’t working,” the jack of all trades Ellis stated. “I’ve been told I have graceful hands.”

That was certainly evident as the assists administered by Ellis allowed the outside hitters to put the Warriors away with their kills.

One of the recipients was Junior Logan Neese, as she pitched in with seven kills in the match.

“We have a better all-around attitude,” Neese said. “If we can keep the attitude and energy on the court, then we can do anything.”

When asked about what she thought about the change in the lineup, Coach Creek admonished, “I liked it…we will keep trying things until district gets here.”

The Hawks have the cornerstone in place, now it is time to build the structure for a run the rest of the way.

“We want to win all of them and make the playoffs,” newcomer Ellis finished.

Canyon Lake vs. Cornerstone Christian 25-14, 26-24, 25-17
Kills: Katie Williams 12, Logan Neese 7, Amber Ramsey 5.
Assists: Marisa Ellis 20
Digs: Caitlyn Valadez 14, Missy Romero 13.
Aces: Missy Romero 3, Marisa Ellis 3, Jackie Salazar 3.