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Coaches Corner, Volleyball | September 5, 2016

Coaches Corner with Volleyball’s Kim Paisley

Faith Hasness is about to have a kill down the line

Faith Hasness is about to have a kill down the line.                             (picture by Phil Melone)

The ReSporter: What are your thoughts as you start a regiment of games with some good competition and what you want to see from this year’s team?

Coach Paisley: “I’m excited to get these tough preseason matches started as we approach our district schedule in the next 3 weeks. It will be more great preparation for the record that counts!”

The ReSporter: How is your rotation and how much do you see changing before district schedule starts?

Coach Paisley: “We have a solid 4-5 consistent players/positions, but I’d like to know who WANTS the 2 outside rotations. I will comtinue rotating players in and out until someone claims the spot with stats and consistency.”

The ReSporter: What are things you do as a coach to unforce—unforced errors?

Pink Elephant says Go Lady Hawks

               Pink Elephant says Go Lady Hawks

Coach Paisley: “Repetition, repetition, repetition in practice. Fundamentals and game situations in practice.”

The ReSporter: Give us your assessment of this year’s Sub-Varsity squads in comparison to past seasons?

Coach Paisley: “In the 4 years I’ve been here, this years Freshmen team has had the most depth and talent. They have a ton to offer, and we can run many different rotations and lineups.”

“The JV this year has some great leadership from sophomores Mariah Haight, Kaitlyn Kelly, and Raegan Cowan. They are vocal leaders and are fun to watch develop!”

“I can’t wait for all of us to begin district!”

The ReSporter: I know you dealt with this during your days at Wimberley, so how do you defend a district championship with teams you did not play the year before?

Hawk Proud

                     Hawk Proud

Coach Paisley: “It’s not about who is in your district, but it’s about the legacy and traditions that have been set in place by the former players. It’s about what we want and what we believe in. It’s about what we leave for the future Hawks in this program. We will work hard. We will fight.”

The ReSporter: In your last game you looked exasperated with how the Hawk’s were performing, did the break help for improvement or would you rather have played immediately after the Marion game?

Coach Paisley: “The break was nice for us all, especially since we have been going since August 1st and the varsity has had 3 tournaments 3  weekends in a row. Our practices were great Wednesday-Friday and we are ready to get back to it!”

The ReSporter: Good Luck Coach and have a great week!