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Uncategorized | October 20, 2010

MVMS 7th Grade Split with Wimberley in Football

By Don Holmes, Sports Editor

The Mountain Valley Middle School seventh-grade football team battled Wimberley to a draw last Thursday at Hawk Stadium, with the “B” squad losing 0-25 and the “A” squad posting a 12-6 victory.

The “B” squad was running in molasses for most of the game, as the B Hawks never could get traction in the game.

Robert Romero was the most productive runner, as he would never say die and kept his feet moving to inch out as much yardage as possible. He finished with 44 yards on 10 carries.

MVMS’s “A” team was greatly superior to the little Texans, as they ran off the first 12 points and then coasted on to victory.
Arredondo passed for 122 yards on 11 completions, as the “A” Hawks carved up the Texans with 164 total yards.

“When I give the ball to Mcleary, then I ride him and read the defense to see which way I will run,” quarterback Arredondo said.

“I fake it and go the other way and that way I can make the most yardage.”

The game was won on both sides of the ball, as the defense held Wimberley scoreless until their last drive of the game … set … match.

“We have a real good team,” linebacker Hayden Lee said. “The coaches told us if the (runners) stand straight up, then they were going to run. We made the score what we needed to get today and we always need to strive to be the best we can be.”
“My dad told me to never leave God out and so we pray before each game,” Arredondo said reverently.

Congratulations and keep listening to your dad.