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Boys Basketball, Game Article | January 29, 2017

Hawk Freshman on Short-End in Loss with Boerne, 44-36

Damien Nichols giving a dribbling exhibition in game with Boerne.    (photo by Karen Holmes)

Canyon Lake’s Freshman team started with a spark but in those two middle quarters that spark was doused with some shaky shooting and 12 turnovers giving Boerne all they needed to survive, 44-36.

The Hawks finished with 3 players getting to double figures but the other players were as cold as ice totaling 4 points as reinforcements did not get back in time to save this Hawk Team.

Nicolas Rivera finished high point with 12 points with Rylee Spaulding and Zachary Griffin topping at 10 points a piece.

Lakeside Dog Grooming- Go Hawks

Benjamin Rowe is a reliable double figure scorer but a big time struggle from beyond the arc had every player shooting blanks from that distance.

Rivera and Spaulding did have old fashion 3 pointers in that first quarter keeping the game in doubt trailing by one point, 14-13.

With just 12 total points in those two middle stanzas found the Hawks with a big hole to dig out of going into that last quarter.

Griffen did accomplish a double-double as high rebound Hawk with 10 for this contest.

Canyon Lake will get back to work this week in Hondo as they will attempt to get that bad loss taste out of their mouths.

Go Hawks!!

                     1   2   3   4   Final
 Boerne Freshman    14   7  10  13   44
 CL Hawks Freshman  13   6   6  11   36

                           3pt            tot rebounds
                 fgm-fga fgm-fga ftm-fta  pts or-dr tot a  s  b  to
 Damien Nichols    1-3     0-2     0-0     2   0-0   0  0  1  0  6
 Seth Moss         0-1     0-0     0-0     0   0-0   0  0  0  0  0
 Drayton Adams     0-2     0-2     0-0     0   0-1   1  0  0  1  0
 Zachary Whitaker  0-1     0-0     0-1     0   0-0   0  0  0  0  0
 Scott Garrett     0-0     0-0     0-0     0   0-0   0  1  0  0  0
 Benjamin Rowe     1-7     0-5     0-0     2   1-2   3  1  1  0  2
 Zachary Griffin   4-8     0-0     2-4    10   4-6  10  1  2  0  8
 Nicolas Rivera    3-9     0-4     6-7    12   4-5   7  3  2  0  2
 Rylee Spaulding   3-7     0-0     4-4    10   0-7   7  0  0  0  1
 totals           13-38    0-13   12-16   36   8-20 28  6  6  1 19
 percentages       34%      00%    75%