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Player Profile, Softball | May 20, 2017

Kat Weber Signs to Attend Trinity University in Softball

                    Kat Weber signing on the dotted line for a chance to play at Trinity University

Canyon Lake’s, Kat Weber, will be taking her bat and glove to College as she signed to attend Trinity University next year playing softball this past week.

Weber was a mainstay for CL during her career on the diamond as this young lady locked down the catcher position the past 3 seasons after following Brianna Young and Katy Payne.

The Hawks have been blessed with three consecutive good fielding catchers which some say might be the toughest position to play.

There is no rest when you catch as you are part of every pitch with no time to sit in the outfield picking flowers.

Kat Weber next stop Trinity University

“In kindergarten she wanted to play softball,” Michele Weber remembered. “She played 2 games and was done….she would be in the outfield picking flowers with nothing to do and from there she did not want anything to do with it.”

Those times would last until a few years later when she was playing basketball in the 5th grade.

“She was playing basketball and we were playing against a team coached by Jason York,” Michele continued her story. “He said, ‘You would be a really good softball player’…..then after some thinking, she (Kat) went to Jason and said go ahead and sign me up, and we went to a meet and greet time.”

The story gets better with more surprises.

“We thought, Kat, would be playing for Jason’s team and at the meeting, Jason introduced us to Heath Mentzger and said he would be your coach,” Michele said with a smile. “That started in the 5th grade and now she will be going to college.”

Kat Weber finished her career at the Hawk Nest high in several categories.


            Finished Career in the Top-Ten in the following areas.

     at bats    runs    hits      rbi’s     doubles     triples    base on balls
      6th        7th     5th      4th        6th          3rd         4th
      270        65      91       55         12           4           37

Weber was one of only 4 Hawks to finish their career with more walks than strikeouts. Her strikeouts were not plentiful as she would strike out only .114 of the times going to the plate. A good contact hitter is valuable weapon in softball.

“I am really happy,” Kat started. “I picked the best school and it is awesome….the school is well rounded and everyone has a place.”

Kat also had some words for the Hawk community, “Canyon Lake has been the best days of my life and I have progressed here and I filled my bucket list by trying to be the best teammate and being the best I can be….I will work my hardest and try to be an asset to TU (Trinity University) and be a good teammate on or off the field.”

Well said from a lady that seems very calculated on how she proceeds through life.

Kat Weber is ready for Trinity!!

Making good decisions is an attribute as her age and Kat seems to have things well thought out.

“She has put a lot of hard work in from the 5th grade to now and she had dedication and we knew she would make it,” David Weber (Dad) said proudly. “When she sets her mind to it, then we did not have to push her.”

David continued, “She has to be on time and she never wants to be late….I got stopped once trying to get to a game on time….but she will be close to home and we will try to make every game we can.”

Kat Weber will be missed at Canyon Lake and now this young lady has more bases to reach as she goes out into her college career.

The ReSporter is thinking she will do well, thanks Kat for spending time with the Hawks!!