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Football, Sport News | September 25, 2011

Bracken Christian Season Stats at Halfway Mark

The ReSporter will be filling your time as we wait for the two week layoff. Keep coming back and read up on all things Bracken Christian.

Record: 5-0

             1   2   3   4   Final
 Opponent   22  30  22   0    74
 Warriors  128 121  44  16   309

 Team Stats      Opponent        Warriors
 Total Yards     978             1959
 First Downs     40              52
 Rushes/Yards    129/368         96/1417
 Comp/Att/Int    48/101/3        24/42/1
 Passing Yards   540             545
 Fumbles/Lost    10/4            3/2
 Punts/Ave       10/35.2         0/0
 Penalties-Yds   14-110          18-157
 Rushing          Att   Yds   Ave   Lg   TD
 Grady Achilles   44    697   15.8  71   14
 Ehren Jacobson   19    184    9.7  47    5
 Austin Wilkinson 12    245   20.4  70    5
 Eli Achilles     15    204   13.6  65    2
 Arnold Adame      4     67   16.8  38    1
 Davis Scott       2     20   10.0  14    0

 Receiving        No    Yds   Ave   Lg   TD
 Grady Achilles   6     252   42.0  61   6
 Arnold Adame     8     151   18.9  35   5
 Eli Achilles     4      59   17.0  32   0
 Austin Wilkinson 3      50   16.7  30   1
 Peter Corey      2      22   11.0  14   0
 Jordan McDaniel  1      11   11.0  11   0

 Total Rush/Rec   No    Yds   Ave   Lg   TD
 Grady Achilles   50    949  18.9   71r  20
 Arnold Adame     12    218  18.2   38r   6
 Austin Wilkinson 15    295  19.7   70r   6
 Eli Achilles     19    263  13.8   65r   2
 Ehren Jacobson   19    184   9.7   47r   5
 Peter Corey       2     22  11.0   14p   0
 Davis Scott       2     20  10.0   13r   0
 Jordan McDaniel   1     11  11.0   11p   0