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Coaches Corner | February 22, 2011

Coaches Corner with Head Coach Trent Dunavant

The Canyon Lake Hawks Baseball team has finished the pre/season when they played last Friday night in Burnet.
The Hawks will be learning at a fast pace the next couple of weeks as they prepare for district play.

“We have a lot of young guys that need a lot of game repititions,” Head Coach Dunavant said. “ We are just inexperienced at some positions and it is going to take some time to get up to speed.”

The pitching game will certainly be a big part of the season and one of the most important positions to evaluate.

“Pitchers for the most part threw strikes last night,” Dunavant continued. “A few guys had some location issues and left some pitches up in the strike zone that they hit hard, but we will remedy that.”

The players at the plate had some good game action also.

“We got to see some good lefthanded pitching last night.” Dunavant interjected. “That will be a plus to prepare us for the season. We were more aggressive on the bases this week as well.”

So how did the team do in showing the coaches what they have to work with?

“We get a couple of guys from basketball today, and that will give us much needed depth, especially in the outfield,”
Dunavant finished. “We saw things last night that will allow us to now get guys in places that can stay and be comfortable and we have a better understanding of what we need to focus in on this week in practice.”

Trent Dunavant
Head Baseball Coac