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Boys Basketball, Coaches Corner | December 27, 2011

Coaches Corner: Jeff Maynard-Basketball

The ReSporter finally caught up with Jeff Maynard, the Head Coach for DSC_0467Canyon Lake Boys Basketball team.

The ReSporter: A 9-5 record so far this season….what are your thoughts on the progress the team has shown thus far?

Coach Maynard: “I am very pleased with where we are right now. This is the best start that we have ever had, and in all honesty we are a couple of possessions away from being 11-3. We still have a lot to improve on, but I am real proud of how our boys have approached the season thus far.”

The ReSporter: With this team it seems like you have a chance to sub any player at any time during a game and the talent level does not drop significantly. How will this dictate your game management?

Coach Maynard: “It makes game management a lot easier. it frees us up to take a few more risks and not have to worry about things like foul trouble or who’s having a bad night. It makes coaching a lot of fun. The only hard part is trying to get every player the opportunity they deserve, but that is a good problem to have.”

The ReSporter: What are you hoping to accomplish as you go into the last tourney before District play starts?

Coach Maynard: “The approach most coaches have toward Holiday Tournaments is the same–get ready for district. The greatest benefit to playing in a tournament is getting great conditioning. This is also one of your last chances for the bench players to really jockey for position off of the bench. Our approach to the tournament is the same it has always been since we have opened. We want to win every game at the tournament, but we will play (sub) two games like we think we will sub during district play, and two games will be “conditioning” games–where we will make sure our bench players get a lot of floor time.”

The ReSporter: What can be done (if anything) in improving the shooting percentage?

Coach Maynard: “We just have to keep doing what we do. Our shot selection has been good. We have gotten the shots we want to get, but they just have not been falling. We will keep practicing and keep taking the shots that we get and hopefully they will begin to fall. I believe it will all come together at some point.”