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News | February 21, 2012

Dale Dehlin will be missed by Canyon Lake and The ReSporter

The ReSporter has learned of the passing of Dale Dehlin this Tuesday and would like to share with the family how much we will miss his countenance, help, and smile.

The ReSporter always could count on Dale to let me know of misspelling and other tidbits that was missed in articles written by this writer.

You could always see Dale at all the Sporting events whether it involved Bryce Dehlin his son or not. He was a staunch supporter of Canyon Lake in every facet that you can imagine.

The ReSporter will miss his company during games from little league through high school. Or, just sitting with him during basketball games.

Dear Dehlin family, know that you are in our Prayers as we share in this loss of your husband and father.

Our heart hurts and ask that if you are in need then you know you can count on us (Canyon Lake community) to be there for you.

God Speed as you remember the awesome gift you have received in a man that you had the pleasure to share your life with.

Don Holmes