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Boys Basketball, Coaches Corner | February 23, 2012

Boys Basketball Final Coaches Corner with Jeff Maynard

The ReSporter had a chance to get some last thoughts from Head Coach Jeff Maynard

Basketball Coach Jeff Maynard

Basketball Coach Jeff Maynard

on the recent end of season for the 2012 Basketball season.

The ReSporter: “Canyon Lake finished this season by giving up 10 points per game less than any previous season. What did this team do differently than previous clubs to reach that number?”

Coach Maynard: ”I think that this team really bought into our defensive philosophy and once they saw the success they were having—it became fun for them. The other big difference in this team was their desire to play defense. That is something we have been trying to find with our kids and I think we have found it.”

The ReSporter: “The Hawks also finished this campaign with 170 fewer turnovers than the previous record in 2010-11 season. How did this accomplishment factor into this season?”

Coach Maynard: ”We told the boys all year that if they played great defense and took care of the ball, that they would put themselves in a position to be successful. We did a great job all year of staying patient.”

The ReSporter: “Many of the fans did not get to see the Freshman and Junior Varsity play, what are the expectations as these groups mesh for next year?”

Coach Maynard: ”Pretty much the same as this year. PLAY GREAT DEFENSE and TAKE CARE OF THE BALL. We will look quite a bit different and we will be very young/inexperienced next year, but I really like our mix of kids. I think the player off of both the Freshman and JV teams compliment each other well.”

The ReSporter: “What are your goals for next year? What are you expecting from the players coming up?”

Coach Maynard: ”Our main goal next year is to shoot the ball better as a team. Other than than it is to play our style of basketball and improve on the previous year, and again play great defense and take care of the ball.”

The ReSporter: “Let us know some of your thoughts of the graduating Seniors?”

Coach Maynard: “Just like with any group of Seniors that graduate you are going to miss them. This group was very different than the groups we have had in the past. These guys were very close, and that sure made them a lot of fun to be around. I am proud of the way they sent the message to our young kids—that playing defense is the Canyon Lake way.”

The ReSporter: “And please comment on the soon to be loss of Coach David Bentzen?”

Coach Maynard: ”It is a very bitter sweet feeling. I am very happy for David and his family and their new opportunity, but I am also very sad to see him go. David is one of the best coaches I have had the privilege of working with. Losing him is a great loss for us as a program in more ways than one. However, in this business all head coaches know that at some point you will be replacing an assistant. I wish him the best and thank him for all he has done for our program. He will be missed.”