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Football, Pre/Game | November 6, 2012

Pre/Game: Kerrville OLH (6-3) @ BCS (8-1)

History: Bracken Christian holds a 4-1 edge in games played.
 2008 BCS  40   OLH  14
 2009 BCS  48   OLH  75
 2010 BCS  71   OLH  62
 2010 BCS  76   OLH  70 OT Playoff
 2011 BCS  79   OLH  34
This Year's Results:
 BCS  56  Austin Hill Country  06   OLH 58  SA Castle Hills     47
 BCS  66  Sugarland Logos      20   OLH 00  Seguin Lifegate     50
 BCS  60  Brenham Christian    12   OLH 57  Cedar Park Summit   08
 BCS  56  Boerne Geneva        58   OLH 42  Austin HIll Country 36
 BCS  58  SA Lutheran          00   OLH 54  CASA                06
 BCS  98  Gustine              56   OLH 36  SA The Winston      67
 BCS  53  SA The Winston       08   OLH 46  SA Castle Hills     44
 BCS  53  CASA                 00   OLH 14  Boerne Geneva       70
 BCS  51  Emery-Weiner         19   OLH 64  SA Lutheran         14

There has been some classic games against Kerrville OLH from past years.

One such game played in 2009 was the last time Bracken had lost at home.

OLH had more in their tank in that contest as they poured it on in the second half and pulled away from a Bracken team that was on an 8 game winning streak and had a lot of momentum going into the post season.

Then in 2010, BCS returned the favor and narrowly escaped with a nine point win in Kerrville which allowed the Warriors to play a home playoff game while OLH would be relegated to a tougher road in the playoffs.

In fact, Bracken met up with OLH again that year in the third round of those playoffs.

It was a classic game that went into overtime with Bracken intercepting a pass that put your Warriors into their championship game and eventual TAPPS Trophy against Dallas Covenant.

Last year, Kerrville OLH and Bracken was battling for a District crown and the Warriors ‘Mercy’ gamed the visitors on this go around, 79-34. It was a 24th game winning streak for Bracken that got them eventually into another final four round.

This season both teams have been tarnished a tad. OLH with a 6-3 record and two losses in District 4.

While Bracken is still feeling the angst with their two point loss to Geneva in that driving rain over a month ago.

The loser of this game will most likely still make the playoffs as a wild card team.

Common opponents, which in 6-Man football is usually one of the only ways to get a good handle on your competition and coming up with a good idea of how this game might turn out.

District foes will be our measuring stick.
 BCS 58 SA Lutheran  00      OLH 64  SA Lutheran  14

Not much ammo on this game when a team has a mercy game with both. One point to make out of this contest was Lutheran being able to get 14 points in their game with OLH.

The Lutheran team Bracken played did not threaten a score.

 BCS 53 The Winston  08      OLH 36  The Winston  67

Big difference in scoring with this game. Once again, the main item to look for is opponents points scored. A difference of 59 points between the two teams with Winston.

Plus, The Winston won their game with OLH while being beat soundly in their game against the Warriors.

 BCS 53  CASA        00      OLH 46   CASA        44

Once again, points allowed is pivotable in seeing the pulse of what might be in store for Friday night.

 BCS 56  Geneva      58      OLH 14   Geneva      70

Geneva certainly can make many a team look bad this season and that certainly was the case in their game with OLH this past season.

After studying the results above, you can make an argument that this game might be another mercy game for Bracken.

One thing to note, however, this prognosticator thought last week’s game might of been a mercy game too in favor of Bracken against Emery-Weiner.

That turned out to be a four quarter brawl.