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Player Profile, Softball | April 23, 2011

Player Profile: Alex Henderson

Second Baseman Alex Henderson

Second Baseman Alex Henderson

One of the most improved players this season is second baseman Alex Henderson. Henderson leads the team with a .385 batting and .912 fielding percentage.

Alex’s confidence coming to the plate is not hard to see. She bats first in the lineup, which allows her to set the table for the other players to score runs.

Henderson’s on base percentage is just what Coach Gallagher wants in a lead off hitter. She has jets for shoes and is successful with a .443% rate.

That speed also has resulted with 11 stolen bases and great range in the field to help get anything on the right side of the infield, hence her great fielding percentage.

The Hawks are a nickel and dime team which gives them the chance to score runs by manipulating the base paths. Senior Alex Henderson takes this part of the game to the next level and that mental aspect of the game has helped the team to score more runs ever this year.

To put the difference in the two years, look at the numbers Henderson had last year.

               Last year  This Year
Batting Ave.?   .129       .385
Hits?           4          30
Runs?           3          21
Walks?          3          9
Strikeouts?     13         10
Fielding Pct.?  .615       .912

We could do more stats, but you get the idea of the improvement. This young lady has been one of the main reasons for the Hawks making the playoffs.

Her leadership this season along with not giving up and working hard has paid great dividends and will only enhance her future as a young lady going into the world to see what she can conquer next.

Right now? Concentrate on conquering the next opponent and congratulations on a great year!