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Coaches Corner, Track & Field | January 29, 2013

Coaches Corner with Girl’s Track Coach Lacey Lambert

The ReSporter: You seemed really excited after the end of last season having several athletes with another year of experience. Is that still a sense of expectations as you prepare for this Track Season?

Coach Lambert: “Yes it is. We had a very strong young team last year and we are looking forward to having them back this season. We have some upper classman that are showing great enthusiasm for this season and are lookig to spread that enthusiasm with the entire team once we have everyone there together.”

The ReSporter: You have had two girls advance to State in each of the last two seasons. How does that help in motivation for this year’s squad, especially since Marisa is returning this season?

Coach Lambert: “It really shows the other girls how hard you have to work to make it to the state meet, but it also shows them that they too have a chance to make it to state so they are willing to put the work in to be the best.”

The ReSporter: You have some speed with several Ninth graders last season that finished second in District in the 4×100 and 4×200. How many of these athletes will make a jump to Varsity?

Coach Lambert: “Two of them are no longer running and they other two will have a shot at being on varisty as long as they work hard to earn their spot.”

The ReSporter: What is it about the 4×400 that brings the best out of CL Athletes?

Coach Lambert: “The 4×400 is the one race we have always been competitive in and now the girls fight each week to see who gets to be on it. This season I have 6 or maybe even 7 girls that could earn a place on the varsity 4×400 and it just makes the whole team more competitive when they have to compete against each other for a spot.”

The ReSporter: What are your expectations in the Field Events? Where will most of your points come from?

Coach Lambert: “I think we will still score a lot of our points in the field events. Marisa should still be one of the top triple jumpers and high jumpers and I’m looking for her sister Mariah to show a large improvement in field events this season. We also have Kaelin returning in the shot and discus who I’m looking for points in both of her events as well. Hayley Melone will also compete this year for me in the long jump.”

The ReSporter: How will you approach this years season when comparing this team the past few years? Does this team have a chance to get up into the higher part team wise in District?

Coach Lambert: “Every season it is our goal as a team to have more runners and score more points at the district track meet. I do beleive that we will have more runners this season but it is still hard for us to compete with Fredericksburg and Bandera that have double the amount of girls as we do.”

The ReSporter: Finally, what do you know about your Freshman squad this year, will they be as deep as last year’s crew?

Coach Lambert: “We do have some talent in the 9th grade class in the sprints, field events, and hurdles. I still don’t kmow exactly how many freshman are coming out until basketbal is over.”

The ReSporter: Thanks Coach, look forward to seeing how this group of girls improve through this season, good luck.