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Track & Field | May 8, 2011

Boy’s Track Coaches Corner-Levi Montgomery

This will be the last Boy’s Track and Field, Coaches Corner for this season. The ReSporter will be having many articles throughout the Summer Months priming the Football and Volleyball pump.

Stay connected on this Web Site.

ReSporter: Overall, what is your thinking on the season and how the team performed?

Coach Montgomery: “Very pleased with how hard the boys worked all season long. Track can become a grind after a while, but the boys remained committed. Their hard work paid off, and those that ran track became faster athletes which is our primary goal.”

ReSporter: What are some of the items you hope to accomplish for next season?

Coach Montgomery: “We want to make a little noise at the regional meet. We have the overwhelming majority of our kids coming back, and we expect to be very good.”

ReSporter: Based on the Seniors you lose and 8th graders that are coming up what is your thoughts on how the team will compete for next year?

Coach Montgomery: “We will lose a few seniors that did well for us, but we expect to be in good shape once the track season rolls around next year.”

ReSporter: The Junior Varsity had a great year, so how do you feel the team will do in replacing the athletes lost?

Coach Montgomery: “We do have some depth, so we fully expect some of the guys that were on the JV to step up and contribute at the varsity level.”

ReSporter: Your Relays were a pleasant surprise, and you ran a very young team. What are you wanting the relays to accomplish for next season?

Coach Montgomery: “We want to be on the award stand next year at the regional meet.”

ReSporter: “What would be your final thoughts for the team and fans of CLHS for the coming years?

Coach Montgomery: “We have good kids here at Canyon Lake that are not afraid of hard work. The future in all sports is bright. The best is yet to come for Canyon Lake Athletics.”

ReSporter: Thanks Coach for your hard work and the product will be fun to watch on the new Track next Spring.