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Coaches Corner, Softball | April 25, 2013

Softball: Coaches Corner with John Gallagher

The ReSporter:You stated last season about how your team would need to improve their

Head Coach John Gallagher

offensive skills…was that part of your game a success? And what will be your major goals as you look into next season?

Coach Gallagher: “I thought we hit better as a team this season .280 compared to .212 last season. We had one player (Beseda) over 400 and three over 300 where as last year we had only one over 300. We scored 156 runs compared to 127 in 2012 so I’m happy with our production this season. We also added more speed to the lineup and that will help us next season. Our major goals next year will be (1) to fill three infield and one outfield positions that were vacated by our seniors. Defensive continuity will be key to building a strong unit. (2) to improve our overall knowledge of the game. (3) get more consistentcy from our offensive short game-bunt, slap, base-running etc. (4) build on the confidence gained from this season and  take it to the next level. (5) be more dominate on the mound by limiting walks. (6) Find a way to finish. We had several games with one bad inning. Without those we win a few more games.”

The ReSporer: You are losing some good offense with the departure of Seniors, but I think you lose some defense that might be harder to replace…how do you assess that need?

Coach Gallagher: “We definitely loose some defense and that will be a work in progress but we will look at some girls who helped us this year to fill some of those spots.”

The ReSporter: What are your needs with the Battery Mates and how and what are you expecting for next season?

Coach Gallagher: “The battery will stay the same and we will look for some depth at both the pitcher and catcher positions. I don’t know yet what we have coming in next year as far as numbers but we have some talent and that is always good news.”

The ReSporter: How did having a Junior Varsity help this season?

Coach Gallagher: “Having a JV team this year helped our program a lot. Giving them playing time will benefit them and hopefully our varsity for the future.”

The ReSporter: How long before seeing the fruits of having a JV team?

Coach Gallaher: “I think it will take a couple of years to see a payoff but the more girls that are playing the more chances we have of someone stepping up a level.”

The ReSporter: What are your thoughts for next year and the chances of advancing further?

Coach Gallagher: “Next year will be exciting. We will have only one senior and competition will be intense with 4 to 5 positions to fill. I feel that we will compete for a playoff spot if we continue to work hard and build confidence in ourselves.”

The ReSporter: Indeed even with four Seniors, you still have a very young team and now looking to the future becomes closer and more of a reality of good things to come. Thanks and have a restful off season.