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Coaches Corner, Football | August 28, 2013

Coaches Corner with Bracken’s Lloyd Fields

The ReSporter: The Castle Hills scrimmage was an eye opener.Head Coach Lloyd Fields

Coach Fields: “Castle Hills was the best scrimmage team we have ever played…We are a work in progress and the quicker we grow up the better we will be.”

The ReSporter: What set that Castle Hills squad different than those other scrimmages?

Coach Fields: “That was the best back we have faced since Walker with Kerrville OLH two years ago. We are not as fast as we used to be…we have have run out of preparation time and we are not there yet, we had four weeks now (of practice) and we could use two more weeks, but the season starts this Friday ready or not.”

The ReSporter: What have you done as a result of last week’s game?

Coach Fields: “We have taken Davis Scott from defensive end to linebacker and moved John Colby from linebacker to x-backer and Jeff Camp from x-backer to defensive end and now we will retool.”

The ReSporter: That is a lot of changes especially this close to the start of the season. What else has been going on with your practices?

Coach Fields: “(Gunnar) Stolhandske will play on defense and rotate with Preston Koch and that will hopefully help Koch on offense and keep him fresher.”

The ReSporter: Team wise what are some differences you have instilled?

Coach Fields: “We had contact about two weeks longer than we had in previous years and that helped our second team and they will get better.”

The ReSporter: Game time is right around the corner what are your thoughts going into this weekend’s game?

Coach Fields: “Friday we need to play offense and defense…these past two weeks of scrimmage we had our defense play and then our offense…this week both will need to be present.”

“Offensive will have to run the ball and help control the game and other than that we just have to go out there and play.”

The ReSporter: Special teams are not a common item in scrimmages that you can assess how that unit will play…what are you hoping for this season with this part of your game?

Coach Fields: “Special teams is 50/50 in both the scrimmage and practice. I hope we get half of our bonus kicks and will have Koch kicking this year. We will use Davis Scott and Noah Boriack on the kick-off unit and the punt return is also a work in progress.”

The ReSporter: Where is your strength going into this weeks contest?

Coach Fields: “Our tight end is pretty good and offensive line, Stolhandske improved a lot on the offensive line and we are also getting good play from Davis and Camp.”

The ReSporter: Thanks Coach and we look forward to watching your next chapter this year at Bracken this week.

Coach Fields: “Thanks and I would like to say thanks to the crowd these past two weeks…both scrimmages had game day attendance…I have never seen that many people at our scrimmages before.”