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Boys Basketball, Game Article | November 14, 2013

Hawks Boys Basketball Start Season in Loss to Cedar Creek

Canyon Lake had a rude awakening to their season last Tuesday as they absorbed a 50 point loss to Cedar Creek.

One item to take note would be playing a higher classification school will not result in good things when many players are still in pads and helmets.

The Hawks are still without a compliment of players and this is not to imply a loss would not have still been the outcome. But, that outcome would have not been of this magnitude.

“Obviously it is disappointing any time you lose,” Head Coach Lucas Chapman stated. “I was very proud of our effort. We were outmanned and the guys we did have suit out, played as hard as they could.”

Playing a game when many of your players have not practiced and will not be implemented until the football season ends does give a coach a chance to see other tendencies with a team besides a score.

“Because we did not have a full roster, we could not really play the way we have practiced and the way we would like to play,” Coach Chapman continued. “Hopefully, when we are full-strength, everything will look a little different. We have a lot of things to work on and a long way to go, but I am still very excited about our guys and where we are headed.”

The Freshman and Junior Varsity will also be starting their seasons with a loss, but as you can see on who was scoring, several players had a chance to play a lot of minutes on more than one team.

Canyon Lake JV    52
Cedar Creek JV    61
Scoring: Justin Ferris     13
         Sam Langford      11
         Nic Adams          8
         Nikolai Lauritsen  7
         Dave Pfaff         7
         Branton Kindla     3
         Rodrigo Sarmiento  3
Canyon Lake Fresh    42
Cedar Creek Fresh    57
Scoring: Justin Naranjo   15
         Gerrit Wilkins   11
         Rory Preiss       5
         Tyler Williams    4
         Taylor Powers     3
         Jacob Ucinski     3
         Ty Daily          1
Varsity Stats:             3pt            Tot  Rebounds
Name             fgm-fga fgm-fga ftm-fta  pts  or-dr tot  a  s  b  to
Andrew Riali       3-17    1-10    8-11   15    6-3   9   1  3  0   2
Justin Ferris      1-2     0-0     0-2     2    0-0   0   1  0  0   2
Garrett Winters    1-9     1-6     1-2     4    0-0   0   3  1  0  14
Tyler Clark        4-9     2-3     0-1    10    4-5   9   0  3  0   1
Nic Adams          2-7     1-4     0-0     5    3-0   3   0  2  0   4
Branton Kindla     0-0     0-0     0-0     0    1-0   1   0  0  0   0
Luke Curry         3-15    2-11    2-4    10    1-4   5   0  1  1   3
Dave Pfaff         1-2     0-0     0-0     2    1-2   3   2  2  0   0
Dean Dominie       0-0     0-0     0-0     0    0-0   0   1  0  0   1
Sean Nolan         1-3     0-0     1-4     3    5-1   6   1  2  1   4
Totals            16-64    7-34   12-24   51   21-15 36   9 14  2  32
Percentages       25.0%   20.6%   50.0%