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Coaches Corner, Track & Field | January 31, 2014

Coaches Corner with Track Coach Troy Moses

The ReSporter: I was looking at your schedule and you will have 5 meets before district…

Track and Field Coach Troy Moses

Track and Field Coach Troy Moses

Is that enough or would you want more?

Coach Moses: “It depends on how the calendar works out each year. This year, there’s not a lot of time between District, Area, & Regional’s and that is when we want our kids performing their best. So you don’t want to run them too much and have their legs tired when you need them the most.

The ReSporter: You also mentioned that you had approx. 50 students that will be on the team, how and when do you place them in an event?

Coach Moses: “It’s sometimes a hit and miss thing. We put them where we feel they can be successful, and most the times we are right, but sometimes we are wrong. There’s been times we have an injury and we have to put someone in that event to replace them and it turns out that the replacement was better than the first.”

The ReSporter: How much of a say do they have compared to what you see in them?

Coach Moses: “We will try to put them in events that they want to do, but when it comes down to it we are going to put them where: #1 They are going to help the TEAM win, and #2 they can compete.”

The ReSporter: What are your hopes for this year’s squad after a disappointing ending to last season’s district meet?

Coach Moses: “I just want to see our kids work hard and compete to the best of their ability. Track is an individual sport with a TEAM component. The difference is that we have no control over what the other teams do.

The ReSporter: Do you have a feel for what area you might be strongest in? Distance, Field Events, Relays or sprints?

Coach Moses: “If we get the kids out that need to be running we could be very competitive in the relays. I’m not for sure how the field events were last season, but I foresee our field events improving as well.”