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Game Article, Volleyball | August 15, 2014

CL Hawks Sweep to Saturday’s Games in Wimberley

Addison Farley defeating Gravity.

Addison Farley defeating Gravity.

CL Hawk Volleyball will go into Saturday games in Wimberley Tournament with a 4-1 record after sweeping through their Pool on Friday.

Lampasas, Hamshire-Fannett, and Uvalde all fell prey to a Hawk team that was only tested in their second game with Uvalde when they finally succumbed those Lobos, 25-20 for a chance of playing in the Gold Bracket.

Canyon Lake was quick and to the point(s) as all three games had their opponent collecting brooms after being swept.

The Hawks are in a groove with players grasping their roles on this team early.

Junior Addison Farley has made her presence known as she deprives gravity with any it’s rules when flying for a kill.

“Coach is wanting me on the outside and that is giving me a lot more options,” Addison added up. “We are

Sophomore Regan Mickey and Junior Addison Farley

Sophomore Regan Mickey and Junior Addison Farley

working together as a team and our team is close and we are wanting to win.”

Winning was like Niagara Falls on this day and those kills ministered by Addison and Bailey Drum looked much like the water coming down….straight down.

Another constant to look for with this team are those ‘dump’ shots by Sophomore Regan Mickey. This shot has given opponents looking for a block after seeing Mickey gets ready for a set, then, Mickey surprises her opponent by dumping the ball in an open spot on the court.

“Before play, I look to see if they (opponent) are way back,” Mickey said. “If they start picking up that shot, then I will try dumping the ball from where those players came from.”

A game of chess for Mickey as she seems to be evaluating the team she is playing to pick that right time for a quick score.

Canyon Lake in previous years has not possessed a way to keep from those unforced errors and early this season, CL has found a way, to keep passing the ball and waiting for a chance to get another point.

“We got to work on some things,” Head Coach Kim Paisley said when asked about the first day of games. “We got everyone in and we we handled business like I thought we should.”

The pool of teams were not that tough, but that begs the question how bad should you beat a team you are better than?

Canyon Lake only allowed one team, Uvalde, to score more than 15 points and that was their last game of the match when the Lobos finished with 20.

“They were a better team than the previous two games in our pool,” Coach Paisley said. “They had a couple of hard hitters and that got us out of our system in that last game. We are getting our bench stronger and that will give us more depth.”

Now Canyon Lake will rise early in the morning for an 8:30 game against Navarro, in the main gym. That is something not done by Canyon Lake in previous years, a chance to play in the main gym for all the marbles.

 Game Stats for combined 3 games:
 Kills:    Bailey Drum 26, Addison Farley 10
 Digs:     Hayley Melone 30
 Assists:  Regan Mickey 75
 Aces:     Mariah Ellis 6, Lillie Sander 2
First Game:                       Match                         Overall Record
 CL Hawks vs. Lampasas            25-14, 25-09   win 2-0        2-1
 CL Hawks vs. Hamshire-Fannett    25-11, 25-14   win 2-0        3-1
 CL Hawks vs. Uvalde              25-15, 25-20   win 2-0        4-1

Go Hawks!!