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Football, Player Profile | July 9, 2011

Offensive Tackle: Michael Brady

Offensive Tackle Michael Brady

Offensive Tackle Michael Brady

Michael Brady is another undefeated Junior Varsity player that will add depth for the line. The young man has probably grown one or two inches since the ReSporter interviewed him.

How about: 6’2”     200 lbs.    Left Tackle     Junior

Brady also played a little quarterback for the JV last year, but the feeling that those days might be gone unless the Hawks can start beating teams like they were beaten in 2008.

When talking about the stamina issue and how this will benefit the team, Brady said, “It should help me later in the game and keep my stamina up and then I can keep busting.”

The ReSporter wanted to check on the definition for ‘Busting’ and this is what was found: Break, split, or burst (something): “they bust the tunnel wide open”. The word is a verb and if the definition fits what Brady meant, then the running backs will be having a field day playing behind the left tackle.

“I’m going to give it all I’ve got and show all I’ve got,” the Junior Brady said. “Last year we scrimmaged against the Varsity and we got used to the game speed and we bust our butts to get after them.”

Once again the ‘bust’ word was used and the ReSporter won’t even go into the definition of what that phrase meant. The simple plan for Mr. Brady would be that he seems ready to get after them.

“I like to play left tackle,” Left Tackle Brady admonished. “I get to go out and hit them (defense) every play.”

Brady continued, “I’m shooting for pancake blocks and in practice I going to go hard every time and hope to get better as the year goes on.”

Talking to Brady reminded the ReSporter of the steer in the shoot at a rodeo that is wanting to bust out and do some damage on whoever is going to try and ride him.

As far as the off season and how the team is progressing, Brady was no different than the rest of our profile interviews. “We (Canyon Lake) match up good and competition wise we have been working hard,” Brady concluded. “I need to elevate mentally.”

The offensive line looks to be ready to open some holes for the running game this season. Time will tell on how the depth and teamwork will continue to advance this season.

The biggest weakness last season was the slow start and this season looks promising with the amount of Seniors ready to start busting.

Thanks to Offensive Line Coach Chuck Wallen for allowing the ReSporter to get to know a very important unit for the team this year.

Only 24 more days and the team will start practicing. The ReSporter is busting to get this season going….how about you?