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Football, Game Article | September 13, 2014

Hawks Have Defensive Gem in Win over Marion, 38-6

Robert Woods doing damage in last week's game with Smithville

Robert Woods doing damage in last week’s game with Smithville

Canyon Lake finished off the Marion Bulldogs in wet conditions and lightening delays on Friday night, 38-6.

The game was early in the first quarter when lightning had been sighted and the stands emptied as a delay for an hour ensued on this wet night.

“It was a little depressing when they had to stop the game,” Safety Matt Adams volunteered. “But with Tommy Clark in the locker room, he got us all pumped up and ready to go when we returned to play.”

CL had a 7-0 lead at the delay signal and quickly resumed when they had a lightening strike offensively for another score with 5:16 left on the first quarter clock.

“We had a goal to have a fast start,” Head Coach Charley Drum said. “We got three and out on defense and our kickoffs gave us touchbacks.”

That was certainly a part of the game that changed from last week’s start.

“They had this game and played with intensity,” Coach Drum parted.

Marion was not at full strength as they were starting their second string Sophomore QB which resulted with the Hawks having the advantage defensively.

Offensively, Skyler Tschoepe was almost perfect passing, missing one target. Another pass was for a touchdown but a penalty called that score and pass back.

Split End Evan Schuller was the tough luck receiver for the pass called back, but another chance presented Schuller with a 24 touchdown pass later in the game.

In responding to the called back TD pass, Schuller commented, “When I caught it and then found out there was a penalty, I really wasn’t down.”

Schuller finished the game with 43 yards via the pass and both showed off a very accomplished receiver.

“Many times we are blocking for the runners and receivers just to get those extra defensive players out of the way,” Tactician Schuller said. “We can tell the Coaches where the defense is playing us so we can pick up possible miss matches for later in the game.”

Canyon Lake seemed to be on another scoring drive when Hayden DuBois was trying for extra yardage, then the ball was taken away for a fumble return of 60 yards for Marion. Dubois lost the ball on Marion’s nine yard line.

The Hawks held the Bulldogs and scored on their next drive.

Marion would finally put an impressive drive together while driving 70 yards mixing their passing and running.

With the score, 21-6, Canyon Lake drove 79 yards on eight plays to score with four seconds left in the half.

DuBois had a 44 yard run on the drive to help give CL just enough time for an end of half score and a comfortable 28-6 lead.

“They (Marion) was keying on the halfback and tailback,” DuBois said. “They were biting so hard on those plays that it helped my game tonight. The long run was a fake to the right and the line just opened up for the score. You know I can’t go anywhere without my line!”

With 132 yards rushing, it was DuBois most yardage rushing in a career that started on Varsity in his Sophomore year.

All the major components were in sync for much of this game as the offense, defense, and kicking game of Michael Thorpe did what was needed to finish the game on a positive note heading into their game with Wimberley next week.

The 65 yards of offense for Marion was the lowest total ever for Canyon Lake.

 Year  Team         Defensive Yardage      Final Score
 2014  Marion               65             38-06
 2013  Bandera             109             27-06
 2012  Bandera             133             42-07
 2013  Wimberley           150             28-13
 2014  Smithville          171             43-14

Two of the five best defensive games have come in consecutive weeks as CL starts to mature in getting ready for district play to start.

The rushing defense did most of the damage which made this Bulldog team a one dimensional opponent.

 Year  Team           Defensive Rushing     Final Score
 2014  Marion                 19            38-06
 2010  Somerset               36            24-25
 2009  Ingram                 48            42-07
 2009  Wimberley              56            15-38
 2010  Boerne                 60            21-07

You can see how this stat has been absent for four years as you have to go back a while to get some Hawk defensive teams that were stopping the run.

Pass defense is starting to get in gear too, with two interceptions and allowing sacks coming from receivers being covered.

Safety Matt Adams has been having a good year and keeps getting more comfortable as each game passes.

“Our secondary keeps getting better every week,” Adams Family started. “Tonight was a good example showing that and we keep striving forward and keep rolling.”

Mason Montgomery had the interception helping with that all around good defensive outing in the back field.

“We just came out all pumped up,” Montgomery said while lifting weights.

What happened in that first game with Blanco will let you know if Canyon Lake has dusted off all of that bad karma present on that night.

Having two interceptions also will help as Canyon Lake tries to increase the turnover margin to their favor.

As far as the little things go, that extra point after scoring is becoming an automatic off the foot of Thorpe.

 Player           Extra Points   Pct.  Field Goals  Pct.  Total Points
 Jake Robinson       67/71      .944       5/6     .833       82
 Mike Thorpe         37/38      .974       2/2    1.000       43
 Juan Martinez       29/33      .879       4/6     .667       41
 Jacob Crabb         34/38      .895       0/0     .000       34

Thorpe has missed just one extra point as he has had two blocked. His percentage has this young man becoming number one for Hawk kickers.

Kicking field goals just adds to the icing on that cake, as this becomes a major component as this season progresses.

Now it is time for the Texans.

“We will be going into Wimberley with a two game winning streak,” Adams said.

“This was our preparation game for Wimberley and we will be playing them like it was a district game,” DuBois said. “We still have a lot of improvement from everyone, me included.”

“Wimberley has played some good teams and this is the type of games that get your juices going,” Drum beat.

Go Hawks—-Beat Wimberley!!

                   1   2   3   4   Final
 Marion Bulldogs   0   6   0   0   06
 CL Hawks         14  14  10   0   38
 Scoring Summary:
 CLH-Josh DeVries 36 yard run (Mike Thorpe kick), 10:51, 1st
 CLH-Hayden Dubois 9 yard run (Mike Thorpe kick), 5:16, 1st
 CLH-Josh DeVries 3 yard run (Mike Thorpe kick), 4:35, 2nd
 MHS-Camden Wilson 7 yard pass from J.D. Raggio (pat failed), 2:34, 2nd
 CLH-Robert Woods 3 yard run (Mike Thorpe kick), 0:04, 2nd
 CLH-Evan Schuller 24 yard pass from Skyler Tschoepe (Thorpe kick), 8:46, 3rd
 CLH-Mike Thorpe 30 yard field goal, 4:19, 3rd

 Game Stats          Bulldogs     Hawks
 Total Yards         65           377
 First Downs         6            20
 Rushes/Yards        16/19        55/307
 Comp/Att/Int        9/21/2       4/5/0
 Passing Yards       46           70
 Punts/Average       5/25.4       1/29.0
 Fumbles/Lost        2/0          2/1
 Penalties-Yards     5-55         8-65
 TOP                 17:26        30:34

 Passing             Comp  Att  Int  Pct   Yds  TD
 Skyler Tschoepe     4     5    0   .800   70   1

 Rushing             Att   Yds  Ave  Lg  TD
 Hayden DuBois       20    132  6.6  44  1
 Josh DeVries        12     69  5.8  36  2
 Robert Woods        10     57  5.7   9  1
 Tanner McGill        5     29  5.8  11  0
 Skyler Tschoepe      3     16  5.3   7  0
 Will Joyner          2      4  2.0   4  0
 Justus Montgomery    2      2  1.0   1  0

 Receiving           No    Yds   Ave  Lg  TD
 Evan Schuller       2      43  22.5  24  1
 Josh DeVries        1      20  20.0  20  0
 Jake Merritt        1       4   4.0   4  0