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Football, Pre/Game | September 17, 2014

Pre/Game: SA Winston @ BCS Warriors Sept. 19th

Pre/Game:   San Antonio The Winston Eagles     @     Bracken Christian Warriors     Sept. 19     7:30 pm

 History: Warriors lead series 6-0.
 2008   BCS   46   SA Winston   00
 2009   BCS   74   SA Winston   14
 2010   BCS   65   SA Winston   20
 2011   BCS   54   SA Winston   00
 2012   BCS   54   SA Winston   08
 2013   BCS   46   SA Winston   00

 This Season Game Results:
 BCS   45   Temple Trinity       18       SA Winston   50   SA River City   02
 BCS   51   CASA                 06       SA Winston   00   Kerrville OLH   50
 BCS   66   Austin Hill Country  40

Bracken Christian Warriors will be playing their 100th game since they first donned an uniform back in 2006.

This Warrior team will also be looking for their 77th victory which for all the math majors, would make figuring out that Bracken would have a 77% winning percentage.

Bracken has had only one losing season which was their first year when that Warrior team could only muster one win. Since that year there has not been a year where eight wins or more had not been reached.

Another way of giving you an idea of how dominant this team has been, Bracken is in their 9th year and with 10 game seasons you have a team that has played enough playoff games to be more than a year ahead of when this mile marker would of have been reached,  if no extra games had been realized.

This year’s team has an unblemished record thus far and will try to continue that streak with a team Bracken has yet to  play a four quarter game with in their history.

Y4 Custom Homes says Go Warriors.

Y4 Custom Homes says Go Warriors.

The Winston Eagles have scored 42 points in those six games with BCS and the Warriors have recorded three shut outs.

This is the first home game for Bracken which also marks the second to last team in the state of Texas to not have any home cooking. That other team is based in Giddings, Texas. (It is a State school and all their games are on the road.)

Bracken has used the road to their advantage as they have only lost four games away from their home turf. That is a winning clip of .889%.

Noah Boriack will be the Warrior that will be the feature back and this player passed the 2000 yard rushing mark two weeks ago as each game solidifies his place in rarefied air by running and passing in the Bracken record books.

Jeff Camp will be his go to receiver as he too is climbing the record charts in that pass catching category. That fact will be a factor for this season as the passing game will give opposing teams a ‘pick your poison’ decisions.

QB Brady Beene has only thrown three incompletions for the season and in his last game amassed 87 yards as a receiver.

Zack Fasenmeyer seems to be hitting his stride as this season matures while also having several younger players filling out important roles for this campaign.

Sophomore Seth Smith, Freshman Thomas Johnson, and Freshman Christian De Leon have all contributed to give BCS a surprising three game winning streak.

The ReSporter did not forget one player that is playing out of his skin, Coy Zunker, who is administering punishment to whoever gets in his way as he pursues the ball.

Nothing is known about The Winston except their scores from their first two games.

Suffice to say, 6-Man Football is a hard game to find information from opposing teams and this week’s game is no different.

Bracken should win this game but more than that it will be a good game to figure out what that winning percentage will be after the game.

Go Warriors!!