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Coaches Corner, Football | October 23, 2014

Coaches Corner with Bracken’s Lloyd Fields

The ReSporter: Hey Coach, it is hard to find information out about teams and we would like to know what type of offense Concordia will run this Friday?

Head Coach Lloyd Fields

Head Coach Lloyd Fields

Coach Fields: “They run a tight pistol and take their snap about five yards behind the center. They are mainly a running team but will pass, but the most of their offense is the run game.”

The ReSporter: What else would be good to know about this team?

Coach Fields: “This team is where Bracken was back in 2006 as this is their first football team at the school. So, they don’t have any Seniors, but we don’t have any Juniors.”

The ReSporter: So, will it be the younger class of players that will make or break this game?

Coach Fields: “No, we still have Seniors and I hope they will be the difference in this game…but our Freshman have had to grow up fast this year….in previous seasons, our Freshman for the most part have stood on the sideline with me. Now they are getting a lot of playing time and starts from this group of players.”

“They still make mistakes both mentally and physically but they have done an exceptional job and they were put in a no win situation.”

The ReSporter: How has your practices gone this week and how are your injuries?

Coach Fields: “Our ‘Garbage Cans’ show up every day and one of those ‘Cans’ was injured when one of it’s lids was taken off so they have some helmet problems. One ‘Garbage Can’ made a tackle the other day tho.”

The ReSporter: Funny stuff Coach, I guess, sometimes all you can do is laugh at what has happened this season for Bracken…how bout any injuries for your players?

Coach Fields: “Eight of our 11players has been hurt this year but there is no quit with them and we have two of our players that will return but don’t know if they will be cleared. But, the players have not quit and want to help in any way.”

The ReSporter: Are you speaking of Joshua Chu and Liam Ortman?

Coach Fields: “Yes.”

The ReSporter: This part of the season is when games can make or break your season, what are your thoughts on this year and how it has progressed?

Coach Fields: “When you look at the teams that have been on top of the heap the past few years and see where they are, then you have to tip your hat for this team and how they still have fought and will have a winning record…..Abilene Christian, Dallas Covenant, Greenwood, Austin Hill Country are no longer on top and will finish this season with losing records. So, the fact that we still have a winning record makes this a good year.”

The ReSporter: Well you are playing on the road for this game, so that almost guarantees a win for your team.

Go get ’em Coach and good luck this Friday. Go Warriors!!