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Coaches Corner, Football | November 13, 2014

Coaches Corner with Bracken’s Lloyd Fields

Coaches Corner with Bracken’s Lloyd Fields:

The ReSporter: Hey Coach, hope your week is going well…speaking of which how has this week been going for the team?

Bracken Christian's Head Coach Lloyd Fields

Bracken Christian’s Head Coach Lloyd Fields

Coach Fields: “This will be the first time in a long while that we will have everyone ready and dressed for this week’s game.”

The ReSporter: That is certainly good to hear….what do you know about Conroe?

Coach Fields: “They have a number 15 that is a big boy and he and the team will run right at ya….they will get into some spread but for the most part they are a tight offense.”

The ReSporter: What else is there to know?

Coach Fields: “They are not very fast and they would remind you a lot of Temple team we played in our first game this season.”

The ReSporter: What is a key to this week’s game for Bracken?

Coach Fields: “We need to jump on them early and we can’t afford any turnover’s but if we can get a lead early then we have a chance of winning.”

The ReSporter: What are your need to do list for this week’s Friday game?

Coach Fields: “We need to establish our running game and defensively we need to not give up the deep pass.”

“We have to shut down their running game and lastly we will need to recover the on-side kicks and we can’t afford to lose any of them.”

The ReSporter: How will you go at this game?

Coach Fields: “There are no more games if we lose, so we will play our best players as much as we can on both sides of the ball, but we will need to have the other players step up when those players are taking a rest. ‘Faz’ will give Noah (Boriack) some rest on defense.”

Texas Country RV supports Bracken Christian and says Go Warriors!!

Texas Country RV supports Bracken Christian and says Go Warriors!!

The ReSporter: You mentioned about the size of their fullback, I have a mental picture of Coy Zunker going for a tackle against that player and seeing Coy winning that battle most of the time.”

Coach Fields: “Coy is fearless and his heart gives him his size…he will get his automatic 10 or more tackles in this game.”

The ReSporter: This will be a cold affair and the school moved this game up from a Saturday start to playing this Friday…

Coach Fields: “Yes, it was probably a good move and we will be ready for that four hour drive.”

The ReSporter: Four hours is a snap…you are lucky you don’t play in Lubbock….good luck Coach!