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Football, Sport News | July 24, 2011

How did BCS win it all last year?

The obvious reason was the Warriors being better. There were several items that fell together that helped in the undefeated season.

The ReSporter will go into some of the reasons Bracken won it all.

Turnover Ratio: The Warriors won the turnover battle in every game but one last season. Bracken intercepted 12 passes and threw five. The plus seven ratio helped BCS but that stat alone did not catapult the team to the championship.

Bracken Christian won the fumble stat overwhelmingly—28 to 8, or a plus 20. The opposition fumbled 42 times all together also helping Bracken hold the team without a first down.

The fumble alone whether you recover the ball or not is usually a lost play for the offense. Bracken fumbled a total of 14 times for the season, or every 22 rushing plays.

The ReSporter has pointed out in previous articles how important this stat is for 6-man. The Warriors had the ball 27 more times than the visitor and with an offense that churned out 363 yards per game, then you can see how unfair that was for the opponent.

Penalties: Once again the Bracken Warriors won this stat very convincingly.

Bracken was only penalized 33 times for the year for 289 yards. How about every 14 plays the refs saw the Warriors do something wrong. Conversely the ‘other team’ was whistled 55 times for 458 yards.

How many plays were called back because of a penalty that stopped a touchdown or momentum for Bracken.

This stat is based on teams that are prepared and have great self discipline. The Coaches get a lot of credit for winning this stat.

Except for the one penalty that the Head Coach was flagged for in the playoffs, this helped in contributing to an unbeaten season.

Injuries: The Warriors were for the most part injury free last season. Yes, there were some bumps and bruises, but for the whole season and the extra games played, Bracken needed this to be in their favor.

This ingredient for a 6-man squad will go a long way for a successful season.

Look at Kerrville OLH last season. Their record was 8-5 and they finished one game away from the State game.

This team could of reached the finals if it were not for injuries. OLH lost a key game to Marble Falls in District play while nursing injuries. If OLH had not had the injury bug, then a win would of put them in second place in district allowing them to start in the playoff brackets opposite your Bracken Warriors.

Kerrville played the Warriors closer than any other team and the evidence would be the nine and six point wins for Bracken.

Taking the two Kerrville games out of the season, the Warriors beat all the other teams by an average of 41 points per game.

Injuries can play a significant role in how the season will end up, or in OLH’s case down.

Bracken Christian had a magical season with several major components in their favor. The next page in the short history will be written and hopefully the Warriors can capitalize on the intangibles above and more.

The ReSporter would like to add one more reason on how the Warriors won it all last season…did we mention that Bracken was better yet?