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Football, Player Profile | July 24, 2011

The Dynamic Duo–Repeat From Summer

Canyon Lake's Zach Henshaw

Canyon Lake's Zach Henshaw

Bracken's Grady Achilles

Bracken’s Grady Achilles

The ReSporter has the privilege of covering two of the better running backs in the region this year. Both teams go unnoticed for similar reasons…Bracken Christian will be competing in their sixth season while the Canyon Lake Hawks will be in their fourth season against Varsity teams.

Many of the players will not get the same ink as players from established schools. Both programs made significant strides last year with Bracken celebrating a Division I Championship and Canyon Lake winning their first playoff game.

Both teams have running backs that will have records that will be hard to top in the years to come.

Grady Achilles and Zach Henshaw will both be Seniors playing in the backfield. Both players have put a lot of skins on the wall the last two years…here are some samples:

Zach Henshaw

  1. Rushed for 2,259 yards in the last two seasons.
  2. Averaging 119 yards per game.
  3. Finished last season  with 771 yards in his last four games.
  4. Henshaw averaged 7.5 yards per carry during that stint.
  5. Topped 100 yards rushing in eight of the last ten games played.
  6. Henshaw has averaged 211 yards in the last three playoff games.
  7. He has averaged over 5 yards per carry for his career.

Grady Achilles

  1. Rushed for 6,166 in the last three seasons.
  2. Averaging 11.7 yards per carry.
  3. Scored 62 touchdowns rushing last season.
  4. Averaged 29.3 yards per TD run last year.
  5. Achilles has had 15 games of 200 yards or more.
  6. BCS is 19-2 when Achilles reaches 100 yards rushing.
  7. Achilles scored every three carries last season.

You can get the idea that the two runners are special. The records for Achilles do not have his freshman season included, the only item noted from that year was the number of yards, carries, and touchdowns.

Also, Grady Achilles team plays six-man while Zach Henshaw is playing 11-man. Anyway you break the game down, the end result would still be the same. How many yards does a six-man player need to have for people to take notice?

Zach Henshaw has been running on a team that had no rushing game the inaugural season. The young man has changed the philosophy of the offense and made it two dimensional.

The ReSporter had the opportunity to catch up with the two young man and will have that interview posted this coming Thursday.