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Football, Player Profile | July 29, 2011

Robinson Squared

Josh and Jake Robinson

Josh and Jake Robinson

The ReSporter likes to talk to twins especially since the writer is also a twin. In fact, as soon as it was found that Jake was the second born, the ReSporter sided with him on the interview.

The second born twin need to always stick together.

Josh and Jake Robinson started playing soccer at a young age and did not get into football until their eighth grade year. The twins were everywhere last year playing on the JV squad.

Both players use their soccer skills for the kicking game and might be able to see some action this upcoming season on the Varsity.

“I want to be perfect on the kicking game,” Second Born Jake Robinson said. “ I have been working on my steps and even redoing some of my steps.”

Josh interrupted, “I might do some kick-offs, you have to be in the right mind set when you are kicking.”

The two athletes will have opportunities to play in the defensive backfield as well as receiver.

“I played the cover two which handles the flats and curls,” Josh Robinson said. “I’m glad  I got moved from the corner…it got me more involved.”

The Robinson’s have been like many of the other players this Summer, as they have been preparing for the upcoming season. The attitude of the players permeates throughout the team.

Jake started, “We have had leadership throughout the Summer…it came in day one and this is how its going to be. Perfection this year…no doubt.”

Josh talked about the way the team practiced last year during the unblemished season, “We started working on how to practice and we played better in practice than in the game.”

This comment can only give fans smiles as you wonder how good the JV would of been if they were at their apex during the game.

Josh finished, “The game was not won on Thursday night, it was won starting Monday during practice.”

Jake also had his two cents, “Real vision is to win State and that is the clear vision of what we want.”

The Win State papers that were spread across the weight room was started by the twins.

“You won’t see a team work as hard as us,” Jake Robinson said boldly. “We will make a deep run in the playoffs.”

“Just getting better,” Josh Robinson countered. “We don’t want to get satisfied, we want  a clear mind and full heart and then we can’t lose…we can’t live in the past.”

The ‘Clear Mind and Full Heart’ was the mantra of an earlier interview with Elijah Montgomery. Another item that has permeated the thoughts of the players.

Jake and Josh talking about being on the defensive side of the ball and tackling a player like Zach Henshaw.

“Tackling Zach (Henshaw) is like taking down a freight train,” Jake interjected. “He can squat 480-490 pounds.”

Josh also gushed, “Just to watch him…he has a drive, a focus that is God given.”

The good news with an interview with twins, is the ReSporter can make a mistake on who said what. Think about Christmas time when you are under the tree and you see two gifts that are wrapped the same and the only difference is the name on top.

Open one present the other twin has just seen what he will get. Now you can tell this twin (ReSporter) still has some long ago issues that need to be dealt with.

The interview will need to close down after one more question so the ReSporter can get an appointment with a counselor.

Josh and Jake Robinson are one in many ways and that same ingredient will have to be present for the team in a few days as the Hawks embark on a new season.

In talking about the team winning state and the signs the young man had printed up…the ReSporter wanted to know what happens if the team loses a game?

“We will need to prepare one game at a time,” Josh Robinson closed. “If we lose, then we have to leave no doubt that we gave it our all and then we get to bounce back.”