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Archive for the ‘Boys Basketball’ Category

The ReSporter shares Stats from this Past School Year

Wednesday, May 28th, 2014

The Reporter would like to thank all the many readers that have frequented this website this past year.

The ReSporter would like you to Vault into next year by placing an Ad on this site.

The ReSporter would like you to Vault into next year by placing an Ad on this site.

This has been a very successful year for the website as each month this season had more visits than any previous month since we started four years ago.

The ReSporter had 315 articles this past school year and since starting this quest, The ReSporter, has finished a total of 1,159 posts or articles.

Another way of saying, a lot of stories.

Now it is time for The ReSporter to take a few months off and hopefully come back with enough energy to get another year finished.

Our apologies for these past couple of weeks, The ReSporter, has suffered ‘Burn Out’ much like many of the Seniors have suffered from Senioritis.

With that being said, The ReSporter would like to invite you to think about helping with posting an Ad through this venue.

Since, The ReSporter, likes numbers then chew and calculate how these stats might help your business.

 School Year starting August 1 through May 28
 Year             Visits       Pageviews     Ave Time     Top 3 Cities in Visits
 2013-14          25,334       62,610           3:02      CL-8689/SA-4560/NB-2388
 2012-13          21,241       49,631           2:45      CL-6035/SA-3434/NB-2164
 2011-12          16,142       43,868           2:55      CL-4940/SA-2365/NB-1868
 *2010-11          3,005       14,826           2:34      CL- 885/NB- 519/SA- 443

The * for 2010-11 represents just three months as this endeavor started after the basketball season that year, so those numbers will not have the same amount of days you could visit.

This also shows how each year has topped each previous season which should hopefully give you an idea of what might happen this coming school year.

SA and NB for the cities represent San Antonio and New Braunfels. Austin and San Marcos were right behind those two cities giving you an idea of how far this site can reach what you might be needing to sell or get across to your audience.

Thanks once again for showing support for this site and know that an Ad would cost $50 per semester and an extra $35 if you would like to have your Ad placed with articles, which many of you have noticed we started doing this past spring.

The ReSporter would also welcome ideas and thoughts that you might like to see for this upcoming school year.

Be Blessed and enjoy the Summer and tell my Advertisers you saw their Ad on my site…and Congrats to all the Seniors from Bracken and Canyon Lake. You don’t know how much I have enjoyed covering your events these past 4 years.

Three Hawks are Honored in District Play

Thursday, February 27th, 2014

Tell Them Congrats

Senior Andrew Riali was awarded First Team 27-3A All District for his

Hawk's Andrew Riali is awarded First Team 27-3A District

Hawk’s Andrew Riali is awarded First Team 27-3A District

basketball play this past season for Canyon Lake.

Senior Isaac Mendez also was awarded Second Team, while Senior Tyler Clark garnered Honorable Mention on this year’s awards for district play.

Canyon Lake had three players that certainly made their mark for all time players for the Hawks with this announcement.

Riali name is found on top of the heap in points (594), three point shots made (122), and total rebounds finishing with 296.

Riali’s (113) also finished second in made free throws trailing only Matt Magness who is still on top with 120 for his career.


Tanner McGill has been Biding His Time

Sunday, February 16th, 2014

Biding His Time

Tanner McGill has been seen throughout this school year and with little to show for his presence.

Sophomore Tanner McGill

Sophomore Tanner McGill

McGill was a transfer this year and yet his paperwork with the UIL has taken until now for getting clearance to play Varsity sports.

“Finally,” McGill said. “I’m happy it is finally over but sad that it took this long…but the wait was worth it. Now I can start work and try to help the baseball team.”

McGill has a Sophomore classification, but in football he would of been the back up quarterback until he was relegated to Junior Varsity this past season.


Final 2013-14 Basketball All-Time & Season Stats

Sunday, February 16th, 2014
Hawks Dribble out the Season and will regroup for 2014-15 Season

Hawks Dribble out the Season and will regroup for 2014-15 Season

Final 2013-14 Basketball All-Time and Season Stats

Varsity Games

 Points Scored               Free Throws Made            3pt Goals Made
 Andrew Riali       328      Andrew Riali         78     Andrew Riali        60
 Skyler Tschoepe    185      Skyler Tschoepe      34     Garrett Winters     36
 Garrett Winters    153      Sean Nolan           20     Luke Curry          21
 Luke Curry         141      Luke Curry           18     Skyler Tschoepe     15
 Trendon Martinez   105      Garrett Winters      17     Trendon Martinez    14
 Sean Nolan         102      Austin Acosta        14     Tyler Clark         10
 Tyler Clark        102      Haden Lee            14     Javier Mendez        4
 Isaac Mendez        88      Trendon Martinez      9     Nic Adams            4
 Haden Lee           64      Tyler Clark           8     Austin Acosta        3
 Javier Mendez       58      Isaac Mendez          8
 Austin Acosta       41      Javier Mendez         6
 Nic Adams           26      Robert Woods          6
 Robert Woods        22      Nic Adams             2

 Offensive Rebounds          Defensive Rebounds          Total Rebounds
 Sean Nolan          69      Andrew Riali        108     Andrew Riali       159
 Andrew Riali        51      Skyler Tschoepe      95     Sean Nolan         145
 Skyler Tschoepe     48      Sean Nolan           76     Skyler Tschoepe    143
 Isaac Mendez        34      Haden Lee            66     Haden Lee           95
 Haden Lee           29      Luke Curry           56     Isaac Mendez        77
 Tyler Clark         26      Javier Mendez        49     Javier Mendez       75
 Javier Mendez       26      Tyler Clark          45     Luke Curry          74
 Trendon Martinez    24      Isaac Mendez         43     Tyler Clark         71
 Robert Woods        18      Trendon Martinez     27     Trendon Martinez    51
 Luke Curry          18      Robert Woods         22     Robert Woods        40
 Austin Acosta       15      Austin Acosta        17     Austin Acosta       32
 Garrett Winters      9      Garrett Winters      12     Garrett Winters     21
 Nic Adams            9      Nic Adams             9     Nic Adams           18

 Assist                      Steals                      Blocks
 Garrett Winters     41      Isaac Mendez         46     Sean Nolan          24
 Austin Acosta       30      Skyler Tschoepe      41     Skyler Tschoepe     16
 Andrew Riali        24      Tyler Clark          41     Andrew Riali         9
 Skyler Tschoepe     24      Javier Mendez        32     Haden Lee            8
 Tyler Clark         22      Garrett Winters      27     Luke Curry           7
 Trendon Martiniez   22      Andrew Riali         23     Isaac Mendez         6
 Isaac Mendez        19      Austin Acosta        23     Robert Woods         4
 Javier Mendez       19      Haden Lee            21     Tyler Clark          3
 Luke Curry          15      Trendon Martinez     14     Javier Mendez        3
 Haden Lee            6      Luke Curry           10     Trendon Martinez     2
 Nic Adams            5      Sean Nolan           10
 Sean Nolan           3      Nic Adams             7
 Robert Woods         1      Robert Woods          1



CL Boy’s Basketball Lose Final Game to Bandera, 67-48

Thursday, February 13th, 2014
Isaac Mendez has one of his best games against Bandera's final contest

Isaac Mendez has one of his best games in final contest against Bandera

Canyon Lake ends season on a losing note as the Hawks said good-bye to four Seniors who played their last game.

Bandera finished off the Hawks, 67-48, as CL once again started the game in a whole as the Bulldogs finished that first quarter in the lead, 18-7.

Isaac Mendez did have one of his best games of the season on this night as he was the only Hawk in double figure scoring finishing with 12 points and also chipped in with 9 rebounds which also led the Canyon Lake effort.

Canyon Lake did finish the season as the all time leading Hawk team with steals, rebounds, and blocks per game.

Those numbers still did not translate into victories as CL finished the season without a district win.

Conversely Canyon Lake also finished this season as the worst team for defense, assists, and turnovers was only 3 away from leading in that category (2009 team had 3 more turnovers).

The Hawk Seniors did make their presence known for their last game: Andrew Riali, Tyler Clark, Isaac Mendez, Javier Mendez, and Luke Curry.

                          ftm-fga  3ptm/3pta  ftm-fta   Pts  or-dr  tot  a  s  b to
 Senior Line Stats:        16-46     4-19       1-3     37    7-13  20   2  6  2 12
 Rest of team totals:       3-25     1-7        4-8     11    4-6   10   2  1  2  3

Player Quotes:
On what you think about last game and what wisdom for younger players:
Senior Isaac Mendez: “This went by quick….you can’t take days off and I hope for a different season than what we did.”
Senior Javier Mendez: “The season ending kind of stinks….the players got to understand the harder you work, the better you get.”
Senior Andrew Riali: “It is hard to say good-bye….this year all I wanted to do is concentrate on basketball. The players have to practice three times harder and work on what you are worse at doing. Work over the
Summer as much as you can on dribbling skills, finishing, and free throws.”
Senior Luke Curry: “We were building blocks for future teams.”
Junior Garrett Winters: “Ultimately, I would like to win some basketball games next year. We need to reduce our turnovers and just take care of the ball.”

The ReSporter will have final stats for the year and all-time stats tomorrow.

                 1   2   3   4   Final
 Bandera        18  15  16  18   67
 Canyon Lake     7  11  15  15   48

                               3pt            tot  rebounds
 name                fgm-fga fgm-fga ftm-fta  pts  or-dr tot  a  s  b  to
 Andrew Riali          1-10    1-7     1-2     4    1-1   2   0  0  1  2
 Trendon Martinez      0-2     0-0     0-0     0    0-0   0   0  0  0  1
 Garrett Winters       1-6     1-6     0-0     3    0-0   0   0  0  0  0
 Tyler Clark           4-7     0-2     0-0     8    1-2   3   1  2  0  0
 Austin Acosta         0-1     0-1     0-0     0    0-0   0   0  0  0  2
 Isaac Mendez          6-16    0-0     0-1    12    4-5   9   1  3  0  5
 Skyler Tschoepe       0-0     0-0     0-0     0    0-0   0   0  0  0  0
 Haden Lee             0-0     0-0     1-2     1    0-2   2   0  1  1  0
 Javier Mendez         2-4     0-1     0-0     4    1-3   4   0  1  0  3
 Luke Curry            3-9     3-9     0-0     9    0-2   2   0  0  1  2
 Robert Woods          1-1     0-0     1-2     3    2-2   4   1  0  1  0
 Sean Nolan            1-5     0-0     2-4     4    2-2   4   0  0  0  0
 totals               19-61    5-26    5-11   48   11-19 30   3  7  4 15

This Week at Canyon Lake

Sunday, February 9th, 2014
Canyon Lake Boys will be at Home for their last game of the season with Bandera

Canyon Lake Boys will be at Home for their last game of the season with Bandera this Tuesday night

This Week at Canyon Lake

Last week was a ‘Lost in Weather’ week as many games were not played or the dates changed because of those nasty elements.

The Girls Basketball team did finish their season last Tuesday and next year should have a team starting to make a little more noise as this year’s team was full of underclassman and to top that off, the Junior Varsity girls finished with several wins to end the season.

Boys Basketball will be having their final game at home with Bandera on Tuesday as they too will put those sneakers away for another year.


Hawk’s Basketball Short-Handed in Loss to Billies, 68-45

Sunday, February 9th, 2014
Garrett Winters ready to attack.

Garrett Winters ready to attack.

Canyon Lake lost to front runner Fredericksburg in Basketball on Saturday after the scheduled game on Friday was postponed due to weather, 68-45.

Fredericksburg jumped on CL with a 21-8 first quarter and the game was all but over as the Hawks had only eight players ready for action on this rescheduled affair.

Canyon Lake had a decent day of shooting when you take the misses from beyond the arc.

With two shots made out of 16, CL would have a hard time sustaining any sort of rally. From inside the arc, the Hawks made almost half their tries which has been the case for most of this year.


This Week at Canyon Lake

Sunday, February 2nd, 2014
Canyon Lake will be playing their last game for the season this Tuesday night

Canyon Lake will be playing their last game for the season this Tuesday night

Canyon Lake Girls Basketball will be in their last game of this season on Tuesday at the Hawk gym.

This has been a rebuilding year for CL as this team has featured Freshman and Sophomores and with that came a lot of growing pains.

On Tuesday night the Hawk Nation will be saying good-bye to Amber Ramsey, Emily Muniz, Cati Harrington, Brianna Young, and Jenna Lann.

Come out this Tuesday night to let these girls know your appreciation for representing Canyon Lake.

The Hawk Boy’s Basketball team will be on the road as they play out their season with only 3 games remaining. Their next home game will be a week from this Tuesday which will also be their season finale.


Basketball Hawk’s Top Three and All-Time Stats

Wednesday, January 29th, 2014

Hawks Top Three & Climbing the Charts

 Points Scored           Free Throws Made       Rebounds
 Andrew Riali     303    Andrew Riali     77    Andrew Riali     138
 Skyler Tschoepe  180    Skyler Tschoepe  34    Skyler Tschoepe  133
 Garrett Winters  136    Garrett Winters  16    Sean Nolan       126
                         Sean Nolan       16

 Assists                 Steals                 Blocks
 Garrett Winters   40    Isaac Mendez     40    Sean Nolan        21
 Austin Acosta     28    Skyler Tschoepe  40    Skyler Tschoepe   13
 Skyler Tschoepe   24    Tyler Clark      35    Luke Curry         6
                                                Haden Lee          6
                                                Andrew Riali       6

 Field Goal Percentage   Free Throw Percentage  3pt Field Goal Percentage
 Isaac Mendez     45.2   Andrew Riali     71.9  Trendon Martinez 34.1
 Sean Nolan       44.4   Austin Acosta    63.6  Javier Mendez    33.3
 Trendon Martinez 42.4   Luke Curry       57.7  Garrett Winters  29.4

 All Time Stat Leaders Current Players in Blue
 Team Offensive Points   Defense         Assists         Rebounds
      2009    53.7       2011    46.6    2010    10.3    2013    33.4
      2010    51.1       2012    49.1    2012     9.8    2009    28.3
      2013    50.2       2009    55.0    2011     8.9    2010    27.9
      2008    47.6       2008    56.9    2009     8.7    2012    27.9
      2012    45.4       2010    60.9    2013     8.4    2011    26.6
      2011    41.3       2013    61.0

      Steals             Blocks          Turnovers
      2013    10.4       2012    2.7     2011    370
      2009     9.6       2013    2.4     2012    412
      2010     9.1       2009    2.3     2013    511
      2011     8.6       2010    1.8     2010    545
      2012     4.8       2011    1.6     2009    596

 Points Scored            3pt Goals              Free Throws Made
 Andrew Riali      570    Andrew Riali    116    Matt Magness      120
 Matt Magness      555    Cole Green       77    Andrew Riali      112
 Stuart Lowry      407    Matt Magness     52    Christian Pena    109
 Caleb Kreiger     406    Paul Davis       34    Brandon Berger     90
 Christian Pena    356    Garrett Winters  32    Doug Hubnik        80
 Tanner Jones      348    Stuart Lowry     31    Caleb Kreiger      72
 Cole Green        348    Brandon Berger   29    Tanner Jones       66
 Skyler Tschoepe   180    Luke Curry       20    Skyler Tschoepe    34
 Luke Curry        151    Trendon Martinez 14
 Garrett Winters   136    Skyler Tschoepe  14

 Total Rebounds           Steals                 Assists
 Andrew Riali      264    Neal Whitehead   78    Doug Hubnik       187
 Caleb Kreiger     218    Tanner Jones     76    Matt Magness      136
 Neal Whitehead    203    Matt Magness     69    Tanner Jones       90
 Eric Nelson       184    Doug Hubnik      62    Brandon Berger     78
 Brandon Berger    170    Matt Noyola      58    Christian Pena     59
 Matt Magness      155    Javier Mendez    56    Daulton Winters    56
 Javier Mendez     143    Brandon Berger   55    Garrett Winters    39
 Skyler Tschoepe   133    Christian Pena   49    Javier Mendez      31
 Sean Nolan        126    Tyler Clark      43    Andrew Riali       31

 Caleb Kreiger      59
 Neal Whitehead     47
 Eric Nelson        29
 Sean Nolan         21
 Kevin Nolan        15
 Ancel Morel        15
 Skyler Tschoepe    13

Hawk’s Freshman Beat Wimberley, 49-41

Wednesday, January 29th, 2014

Canyon Lake’s Freshman squad came out of the gate shooting and used that 11 point first quarter lead

DJ Dorroh, Heath McDonough, Rory Preiss relax after another win over Wimberley Freshman

DJ Dorroh, Heath McDonough, Rory Preiss relax after another win over Wimberley Freshman

for their second victory over the Texans this season.

In their first match, CL forged a hard fought overtime win, but in this game shooting 50% for the game allowed this Hawk team to get enough cushion to finish off Wimberley.

Take DJ Dorroh for instance, this young man was perfect from the floor as he made all of his five shots and two free throws to boot.

“We were just moving the ball around and getting good shots,” Dorroh said perfectly. “Then in the second half we were getting too confident and started slowing down.”
