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THIS WEEK @ CANYON LAKE March 5th-March 10th

Sunday, March 4th, 2018

                                          Hawk’s Baseball warming up before win over Somerset in Devine Tourney.

                   THIS WEEK         @        CANYON LAKE

Monday, March 5    Canyon Lake       @        Wimberley         All Day  Girls  Golf
                   Johnson City JV   @        CL Hawks          500p            Baseball
                   Johnson City      @        CL Hawks          700p            Baseball

Tuesday, March 6   Canyon Lake       @        Wimberley         All Day  Boys   Golf
                   CL Hawks JV       @        Wimberley         500p            Softball
                   CL Hawks          @        Wimberley         500p     Boys   Soccer
                   Wimberley         @        CL Hawks          600p     Girls  Soccer
                   CL Hawks          @        Wimberley         700p     Boys   Soccer
                   CL Hawks          @        Wimberley         700p            Softball

Wednesday March 7  CL Hawks          @        Bulldog Relays    400p            Track & Field

Thursday March 8   CL Hawks          @        Somerset Tourney  TBA             Baseball
 `                 CL Hawks JV       @        Canyon Tourney    TBA             Baseball

Friday March 9     CL Hawks          @        Somerset Tourney  TBA             Baseball
                   CL Hawks JV       @        Canyon Tourney    TBA             Baseball
                   CL Hawks          @        Bandera           600p     Girls  Soccer
                   Bandera           @        CL Hawks          500p     Boys   Soccer
                   Bandera           @        CL Hawks          700p     Boys   Soccer

Saturday March 10  CL Hawks          @        Somerset Tourney  TBA             Baseball



THIS WEEK @ CANYON LAKE Feb-26 thru Mar 3rd

Sunday, February 25th, 2018

                 Every Lady Hawk was recognized for District 28-4A awards after incredible season.


                      THIS WEEK     @    CANYON LAKE         February 26-March 3rd

 Feb 26 Monday        CL Hawks      @    Blanco            All-Day   Boys   Golf
                      Blanco JV     @    CL Hawks JV          430p          Baseball

 Feb 27 Tuesday       CL Hawks      @    Blanco            All-Day   Girls  Golf
                      Boerne JV     @    CL Hawks JV          500p   Boys   Soccer
                      Boerne        @    CL Hawks             700p   Boys   Soccer
                      CL Hawks      @    Boerne               700p   Girls  Soccer

 Mar 1 Thursday       CL Hawks      vs.  Llano               1200n          Softball
                      CL Hawks      vs.  TMI                  130p          Softball
                      CL Hawks      vs.  Johnson City         430p          Softball
                      All-Games     @    Johnson City
                      CL Hawks      vs.  Devine Tourney        tba          Baseball

 Mar 2 Friday         SA Highlands  @    CL Hawks JV          530p          Baseball
                      Navarro       @    CL Hawks             530p          Softball
                      CL Hawks      vs   Devine Tourney        tba          Baseball

 Mar 3 Saturday       CL Hawks      vs.  Devine Tourney        tba          Baseball
                      CL Hawks      vs.  SAC                 1030a          Softball
                      CL Hawks      vs.  Akins                430p          Softball
                      All-Games     @    Johnson City
                      CL Hawks      @    Navarro           All-Day          Track & Field


THIS WEEK @ CANYON LAKE February 19-24

Sunday, February 18th, 2018

     Sophomore Jessie Melendez going to battle after a field goal try.              (photo by Karen Holmes)

                 This Week         @       Canyon Lake

Monday  Feb 19   Llano JV          @       CL JV           500p          Baseball
                 CL Hawks          @       Llano           600p          Baseball

Tuesday Feb 20   Canyon Lake       @       Marion          All-Day Girls Golf
                 CL Hawks JV       @       Marble Falls    500p          Softball
                 Bandera           @       CL Hawks        500p    Girls Soccer
                 CL Hawks JV       @       Bandera         500p    Boys  Soccer
                 CL Hawks          @       Marble Falls    700p          Softball
                 CL Hawks          @       Bandera         700p    Boys  Soccer
                 CL Hawks          vs.     Wimberley       800p    Boys  Basketball
                 Bi-District New Braunfels High School
               **CL Hawks          vs.     SA Veterans     800p    Girls Basketball
                 Quarterfinals Canyon High School

Wednesday Feb 21 CL Hawks          @       Marion          All-Day Boys  Golf

Thursday Feb 22  Hallettsville     @       CL Hawks        100p          Softball
                 Yoakum            @       CL Hawks        300p          Softball
                 Hill Country Tournament
                 CL Hawks          @       Marion Tourney  TBA           Baseball

Friday Feb 23    Navarro           @       CL Hawks        100p          Softball
                 Hill Country Tournament
                 CL Hawks          @       Marion Tourney  TBA           Baseball
                 Fredericksburg    @       CL Hawks JV     500p   Boys   Soccer
                 Fredericksburg    @       CL Hawks        700p   Boys   Soccer
                 CL Hawks          @       Fredericksburg  700p   Girls  Soccer

Saturday Feb 24  Luling            @       CL Hawks       1000a          Softball
                 Flatonia          @       CL Hawks        200p          Softball
                 Hill Country Tourney
                 CL Hawks          @       Marion Tourney TBA            Baseball
                 CL Hawks          @       Lobo Relays    All-Day        Track
                 Hays High School

**CLB will be Live Streaming this Quarterfinal Match-up with Pre/Game 7:30p




Sunday, February 11th, 2018

Jorge DeLeon making strides in game with Boerne with Jaren Marmolejo not far behind.  (photo by Lynne Carpenter)

              THIS WEEK       @    CANYON LAKE           Feb. 12-17

Mon Feb 12    CL Hawks        @    New Braunfels       All-Day   Boys   Golf
                                   Landa Park
              Wimberley JV    @    CL Hawks JV            500p          Softball
              Wimberley       @    CL Hawks               700p          Softball 

Tue Feb 13    CL Hawks        @    Llano               All-Day   Girls  Golf
              CL Hawks JV     @    Burnet                 430p          Baseball
              Burnet          @    CL Hawks               500p          Baseball
              Boerne Freshman @    CL Hawks Freshman      500p   Boys   Basketball
              Boerne JV       @    CL Hawks JV            500p   Boys   Basketball
              Boerne          @    CL Hawks               630p   Boys   Basketball
            **GONZALES        vs.  CL HAWKS               630P   Girls  Basketball
                                   Bi-District Canyon High School

Wed Feb 14    Hawk Relays     @    Canyon Lake            300p          Track

Thu Feb 15    CL Hawks        vs.  Seguin                1230p          Softball
              CL Hawks        vs.  Victoria East          415p          Softball
                                   Canyon Tourney

Fri Feb 16    Wimberley JV    @    CL Hawks JV            500p   Boys   Soccer
              CL Hawks        @    Wimberley              600p   Girls  Soccer
              CL Hawks        vs.  New Braunfels          600p          Softball
            **CL Hawks        vs.  Sealy                  630p   Girls  Basketball
              CL Hawks        vs.  Bandera                700p   Boys   Basketball
              Wimberley       @    CL Hawks               700p   Boys   Soccer
              CL Hawks        vs.  Steele HS              700p          Softball
              Canyon Tourney  @    Steele High School

Sat Feb 17    Lockhart JV     @    CL Hawks JV           1000a          Baseball
              Lockhart        @    CL Hawks              1200n          Baseball
              CL Hawks        vs.  Lehman                 215p          Softball
              CL Hawks        vs.  Canyon                 745p          Softball
                                   Canyon Tourney

********Game to be Live Streamed on Canyon Lake Broadcasting starting @ 6:00 pm




Sunday, February 4th, 2018

Canyon Lake Baseball Food Drive to Help CRRC was a Success as the Hawks start Scrimmages this week.


                 THIS WEEK        @    CANYON LAKE           FEBRUARY 5 THRU FEBRUARY 9

Monday  Feb 5    CL Hawks         @    Navarro             All-Day   Girls  Golf
                                       Starcke Park Seguin
                 Llano JV         @    CL Hawks JV         500p             Baseball
                 Llano            @    CL Hawks            700p             Baseball

Tuesday Feb 6    Pleasanton JV    @    CL Hawks JV         400p      Boys   Soccer
                 CL Hawks JV 2    @    Bandera Fresh       500p      Girls  Basketball
                 CL Hawks JV 1    @    Bandera JV          500p      Girls  Basketball
                 Bandera Fresh    @    CL Hawks Fresh      500p      Boys   Basketball
                 Bandera JV       @    CL Hawks JV         500p      Boys   Basketball
                 Pleasanton       @    CL Hawks            600p      Boys   Soccer
                 CL Hawks         @    Bandera             630p      Girls  Basketball
               **Bandera          @    CL Hawks            630p      Boys   Basketball

Wednesday Feb 7  CL Hawks         @    Navarro             All-Day   Boys   Golf
                                       Starcke Park Seguin
                 CL Hawks         @    Blanco              500p             Softball

Friday    Feb 9  CL Hawks JV      @    Navarro JV          400p             Baseball
                 CL Hawks JV      @    Boerne JV           500p      Boys   Soccer
                 CL Hawks         @    Navarro             600p             Baseball
                 Boerne Champion  @    CL Hawks            630p             Softball
                 CL Hawks         @    Boerne              700p      Boys   Soccer
                 Boerne           @    CL Hawks            700p      Girls  Soccer

             (** indicates game being Live Streamed on CLB)



Canyon Lake’s New District Alignment for 2018-19 is Now in the Books!

Sunday, February 4th, 2018

CL Hawks are ready for a new district for next 2 years.                    (photo by Karen Holmes)


February 1st is upon us and this is the date set for announcing what district a school will be a part of for their next two seasons.


This Week @ Canyon Lake

Sunday, March 19th, 2017

Softball Alumni Game was contentious as these two titans battled it out last Saturday.
Kat Weber and Kirsten Jones went to battle.      (photo by mjrphotog.com)

                     This Week        @      Canyon Lake

Mon Mar 20           CL Hawks JV      @      Hondo JV          5:00p         Baseball 
                     CL Hawks JV      @      Hondo JV          7:00p         Baseball

Tue Mar 21           CL Hawks         @      Fredericksburg    All-Day Boys  Golf
                                             Lady Bird Golf Course
                     Boerne JV        @      CL Hawks JV       5:00p         Softball
                     Boerne           @      CL Hawks          7:00p         Softball
                     CL Hawks         @      Boerne            7:00p         Baseball

Wed Mar 22           CL Hawks         @      Fredericksburg    All-Day Girls Golf
                                             Lady Bird Golf Course

Thu Mar 23           CL Hawks         @      Wimberley         All-Day       Track
                                             Texans Relays

Fri Mar 24           CL Hawks         @      East Central      All-Day       Tennis
                     CL Hawks JV      @      Hondo JV          5:00p         Softball
                     CL Hawks         @      Hondo             7:00p         Softball
                     CL Hawks         @      Hondo             7:00p         Baseball



This Week @ Canyon Lake

Saturday, March 4th, 2017

        Drew Tyra with his pick off move in game with Seguin                      (mjrphotog.com)

                This Week       @       Canyon Lake

 Mon Mar 6th    CL Hawks        @       Wimberley            All-Day    Girls   Golf
                                        Quick Sand Course
                Wimberley JV    @       CL Hawks JV           6:00p             Baseball

 Tue Mar 7th    CL Hawks        @       Wimberley            All-Day    Boys    Golf
                                        Quick Sand Course
                Wimberley       @       CL Hawks JV           5:00p     Boys    Soccer
                CL Hawks        @       Wimberley             6:00p     Girls   Soccer
                Wimberley       @       CL Hawks              6:30p             Softball
                Wimberley       @       CL Hawks              7:00p     Boys    Soccer

 Wed Mar 8th    CL Hawks        @       Bandera              All-Day            Track

 Thu Mar 9th    CL Hawks JV     @       Canyon HS            All-Day            Baseball
                                        Canyon Tourney
                CL Hawks        @       San Marcos           10:15a             Softball
                CL Hawks        vs      Fredericksburg        1:30p             Softball
                                        San Marcos Tourney
                CL Hawks        vs      Devine                3:00p             Baseball
                                        Somerset Tourney
                CL Hawks        vs      Midland Greenwood     3:40p             Softball
                                        San Marcos Tourney
                CL Hawks        vs      Medina Valley         5:30p             Baseball
                                        San Marcos Tourney

 Fri Mar 10th   CL Hawks        @       Wimberley            All-Day            Tennis
                CL Hawks JV     @       Canyon HS            All-Day            Baseball
                                        Canyon Tourney
                CL Hawks        @       San Marcos             TBD              Softball
                                        San Marcos Tourney
                CL Hawks        vs      Somerset              3:00p             Baseball
                                        Somerset Tourney
                CL Hawks JV     @       Bandera JV            5:00p     Boys    Soccer
                CL Hawks        vs      Jourdanton            5:30p             Baseball
                                        Somerset Tourney
                Bandera         @       CL Hawks              6:00p     Girls   Soccer
                CL Hawks        @       Bandera               7:00p     Boys    Soccer


Lakeside Dog Grooming Says         Go Hawks!


Another busy week for the sports programs as spring is in the air with baseball and softball size hail. Just be sure to have cover when the hail stones look like a shot-put.

Baseball started this year in a mud hole and found it hard to get their vehicle out of that quagmire.

A well deserved win on Friday night showed hope that with a little repair the machinery will be humming by the time district play commences.

The Hawk Baseball crew will be in the Somerset Tournament starting on Thursday with games against Devine and Medina Valley that first day.

CLJV Baseball will play Wimberley on Monday and then off to the Canyon Tournament on Thursday.

Softball had a good week with wins over Burnet and Navarro and will now meet up with Wimberley this next Tuesday.

        Go Canyon Lake

This will be a huge game along with a trip to San Marcos for their last tournament of the season.

Their Pool of teams has Fredericksburg in the first round and that will give a showcase of what each of these two District 28-4A partners have before real games start in a couple of weeks.

The Lady Golf team did not have all present last week but will have their team ready for their Tournament in Wimberley on Monday while the Boys play at the Quick Sand Course on the next day.

Track & Field will travel to Bandera on Wednesday for a mid-week meet.

The Tracksters had a cool and rainy day in Fredericksburg on Saturday and will look to improve and close the gap on the Billies as they won the battles on Saturday against CL and two other District 28-4A schools in attendance.

The good news is that the Hawks found that they were also better than Bandera and Hondo and now have an inkling on how they will need to train and prepare for the District Meet in April.

So, there are a lot of tournaments for all the teams that use a bat this week.

     Alayna-Gayle says Go Hawks!

Soccer gets back in action after a bye date this past week.

The Boys had a huge tie against Fredericksburg as they solidified their playoff and now have a chance of improving their seeding.

Wimberley will be up first for both Girls and Boys teams. The Lady Soccer team played the Texans tough in their last contest and this week will travel the Back-Bone to play at their place.

Bandera will be the opponent this Friday as the Boy’s team will hope the third time is a charm after suffering a loss earlier this year at the Hawk Tournament and then going on the road to tie the Bulldogs in the first round of play.

The ladies beat the Bulldogs on the road in that first round and the Bandera Lady Soccer team will have a tough time winning on the road as CL will work on a victory as this district year quickly comes to a close.

This is by far the best Soccer Teams combined in Hawk history as it is shaping up as the second year in a row where both squads will be making Playoff T-Shirts this year.

A week of many games and events as Spring Break will in full bloom on that next week.

Catch an event and support the Hawks, between the Hawk Sports complex and Wimberley you will be able to good chance of seeing Canyon Lake in action.

Go Hawks!!

Both Hawk Golf Teams Won the NISD Tourney in Seguin

Saturday, March 4th, 2017

                               Hawks show off after finishing 1st in Golf outing in Seguin

Canyon Lake Golf Teams have had some surprising finishes this season as the Lady Hawks have won two tournaments and the Hawk Boys won their Tournament two weeks ago.

Both the girls and boys won the Northeast ISD Novice Tourney in Seguin two weeks ago.

Senior Sam York has carried the Hawks thus far as she has been low score in the meets.


This Week @ Canyon Lake

Sunday, February 26th, 2017

Opponents hoping they are not playing dodge ball against Maddy Puente (photo by Karen Holmes)

                            This Week        @       Canyon Lake

 Feb. 26 Monday             CL Hawks         @       Blanco               10:00a  Boys   Golf
                                                     Vaaler Creek
                            CL Hawks JV      @       Blanco                5:00p         Baseball
                            CL Hawks JV      @       Blanco                7:00p         Baseball
                            CL Hawks         @       Boerne                7:00p  Boys   Soccer

 Feb. 28 Tuesday            CL Hawks         @       Blanco               10:00a  Girls  Golf
                                                     Vaaler Creek
                            Boerne           @       CL Hawks JV           5:00p  Girls  Soccer
                            Burnet           @       CL Hawks              5:30p         Softball
                            Boerne           @       CL Hawks              7:00p  Girls  Soccer

 Mar. 2 Thursday            Hays             @       CL Hawks             12:00p         Baseball
                            Snyder           @       CL Hawks              5:00p         Baseball

 Mar. 3 Friday              CL Hawks         @       Round Rock           All-Day        Tennis
                            Lehman           @       CL Hawks              5:00p         Baseball
                            Navarro          @       CL Hawks              5:00p         Softball
                            Sequin           @       CL Hawks              7:30p         Baseball

 Mar. 4 Saturday            CL Hawks         @       Fredericksburg       All-Day        Track
                            TBA              @       CL Hawks               TBD          Baseball


Repeat-Boutique Says Go Hawks and Repeat Winning


Canyon Lake put up a good fight in their Basketball game with Navarro but just missed out on that last 3point shot for a chance to go to another round.

The Hawks had their best season since they built the school and look to have more years like this one as the Junior Varsity won District 28-4A this year and will look to fill those 8 vacancies from graduating Seniors

Congratulations to these Boys and keep thriving for the best.

Girls Soccer had a huge win this past week against Fredericksburg as they now have cemented themselves into a playoff berth while looking for a better seed with more wins as they will start the second round this Tuesday when Boerne comes to town.

The Boys Soccer team had a tough loss to Fredericksburg on the road losing, 4-3 but will look to rebound when they go on the road to Boerne on Tuesday. The Boys tied Bandera last Tuesday and will continue their best season since they started kicking balls in 2008.

Golf is the next sport that is showing promise as both the Girls and Boys teams won their Meet last week in Sequin. Chance Martelli was medalist with a 77 score as both of these teams will continue their trek when they travel to Vaaler Creek this week for another chance to fill their Trophy Case.

Baseball started their season and came away with one tie to go with 5 losses. A tough start to this season as it will not get any easier as the Comal Tournament will start up this week and Canyon Lake will be host to several teams.

A good time to come out for some good baseball as the schedule above has the Hawk game times.

Lakeside Dog Grooming Says         Go Hawks!

Softball finished 2nd for their second time as they repeated that same position as the week before at Navarro.

This crew now stands with a 9-2-1 record as they will welcome two home games this week when Burnet and Navarro come calling. This will be a good week to see how this team will start to jell with games that will not be timed and that in itself will allow the Coaches to see how the Hawks do in longer settings.

Canyon Lake won their 100th game two weeks ago and now will have their sites on getting to .500 ball with a good year.

Volleyball is the only Hawk sport with an overall winning record for team sports.

        Go Canyon Lake

Track & Field had some promising times and throws and jumps coming from the Hays Lobo Relays last Saturday.

This week will be a big test as CL will travel to Fredericksburg and have a chance to see how their District 28-4A mates will fare with some one on one competition.

The Billies have always been a large hurdle for the Hawks to clear and this will give a chance of knowing what will need to be done to clear those barriers.

A lot going on, so if you are bored, then come out to the Hawk Nest and see some games!!

Go Hawks!!!