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This Week @ Canyon Lake

Sunday, April 3rd, 2016
Sophomore JC Parrish taking his swings

Sophomore JC Parrish taking his swings                          (Pictures by Tasha Dunavant) 

                       This Week @ Canyon Lake
 Mon Apr 4       CL Hawks        @     Floresville       All-Day   Boys   Golf
                                       2nd Rd District Play        Girls
                 La Vernia       @     CL Hawks JV       5 & 7pm          Baseball 
                 Yoakum          @     CL Hawks          6pm              Softball

 Tue Apr 5       CL Hawks        @     Gonzales          6pm              Softball
                 Boerne          vs    CL Hawks          7pm       Girls  Soccer
                                       Area Playoffs
                 CL Hawks        @     Gonzales          7pm              Baseball

 Wed Apr 6       CL Hawks        @     Cuero             All-Day          Track
                                       District 26-4A

 Thu Apr 7       CL Hawks        @     Cuero             All-Day          Track
                                       District 26-4A

 Fri Apr 8       Navarro         @     CL Hawks          6pm              Softball
                 Navarro         @     CL Hawks          7pm              Baseball
                 CL Hawks        @     Wimberley         All-Day          Tennis
                                       District Meet

 Sat Apr 9       CL Hawks JV     @     Wimberley         All-Day          Tennis
                 CL Hawks Var    @     Wimberley         All-Day          Tennis
                                       District Meet


This Week @ Canyon Lake

Sunday, March 27th, 2016
Grayson Rohrbacher's defense will be needed in Playoff game with Giddings

Grayson Rohrbacher’s defense will be needed in Playoff game with Giddings  (picture Lynne Carpenter)

                      This Week @ Canyon Lake
 Mon Mar 28  CL Hawks District  @     Floresville        All Day  Girls Golf
                      Day 1           Riverbend Golf Course
             CL Hawks District  @     Floresville        All Day  Boys  Golf
                      Day 1           Riverbend Golf Course

 Wed Mar 30  CL Hawks           @     Dripping Springs   5:30pm         Track

 Fri Apr 1   CL Hawks           @     Texas Relays       TBD      Boys  Track
                                      4x200 & 4x400 Relays
             Taylor             vs.   CL Hawks           6:00pm   Girls Soccer
                                      Del Valle Stadium
             Giddings           @     CL Hawks           7:00pm   Boys  Soccer
 Sat Apr 2   Yoakum             @     CL Hawks           7:00pm         Baseball

 Mon Apr 4   Yoakum             @     CL Hawks           6:00pm         Softball


Hawks Need Bigger Gloves after Loss to La Vernia

Friday, March 25th, 2016

          Go HAWKS

Canyon Lake errors matched La Vernia’s hits in another district loss, 16-4.

The Hawks lost their gloves in this loss after giving up 16 runs in which 15 were unearned.

Those numbers make it hard for any team to get in a win column as the first round of district games come to a close with CL still looking for their first win.

All is not lost as Canyon Lake have several close losses and still have a chance of turning this season around.


This Week @ Canyon Lake

Sunday, March 20th, 2016


Junior Rory Preiss throwing to 1st Base while the season jumps into the 2nd week

Junior Rory Preiss throwing to 1st Base while the season jumps into the 2nd week.

                             This Week @ Canyon Lake

 Mar 21 Mon      CL Hawks      @   Wimberley       6:00pm   Boys   Soccer
                 Wimberley     @   CL Hawks        6:00pm   Girls  Soccer
                 CL Hawks      @   Wimberley       7:00pm          Baseball

 Mar 22 Tue      CL Hawks      @   Fredericksburg  All Day  Boys   Golf
                                   Lady Bird GC
                 CL Hawks JV   @   Wimberley        5 & 7pm        Baseball
                 CL Hawks      @   Wimberley        6:30pm         Softball

 Mar 23 Wed      CL Hawks JV   @   Rebel Invitational              Tennis
                                   Hays High School
                 CL Hawks      @   Fredericksburg    All Day Girls Golf
                                   Lady Bird GC

 Mar 24 Thu      CL Hawks      @   Rebel Invitational              Tennis
                                   Hays High School
                 CL Hawks      @   Texans Relays     Afternoon     Track
                 La Vernia     @   CL Hawks          6:30pm        Softball
                 La Vernia     @   CL Hawks          7:00pm        Baseball

 Mar 27 Sun      CL Hawks Fans @   Your Favorite Church            Easter


This week the big game will be Boys Soccer taking place in Wimberley on Monday.

If the Hawks can win then they will clinch their first playoff as they will have the tie breaker over the Texans after a 2-2 game in the first round.

CL came within one goal in their last week’s game with District 28-4A Champion Fredericksburg and will now have their eyes set on this game with our neighbors to the North.

The Hawk ladies clinched 4th place last week and will now be getting ready for another year of playoffs. Congrats Lady Hawks!!

Baseball and Softball have fallen on hard times as both of these sports lost district games.

The Baseball team was in their first week of district contests while the Softball team have now gone two weeks of district competition without a win.

It is still early for both teams as this will be an important week for Softball as they will end their first round of games and will need to switch the on button on to start climbing to get into playoff contention.

All of those losses for the girls have had 3 games coming up just 1 run short while the other game against Cuero was decided by 2 runs.

Close but no cigar. (That statement is for President Obama’s Cuba trip this week.)

Track and Field, Golf, and Tennis will get back into action after enjoying their spring break.

A lot of games are on the road this week but a short drive to Wimberley would get you back to speed with your favorite Hawk team.

Go Hawks!!

Softball and Baseball Top 3

Sunday, March 20th, 2016
Go Hawks!!

                  Go Hawks!!

                        Softball and Baseball Top 3

                              Softball Top 3
 at bats                  runs                      hits
 Carly Dubois      70     Kirsten Jones      27     Carly Dubois       39
 Alexis Robinson   61     Carly Dubois       23     Kirsten Jones      27
 Lauren Mentzer    59     Alexis Robinson    21     Alexis Robinson    26

 rbi’s                    extra base hits           base on balls
 Alexis Robinson   24     Alexis Robinson    12     Kirsten Jones       9
 Lauren Mentzer    19     Lauren Mentzer      8     Kat Weber           7
 Kat Weber         18     Kat Weber           5     Char Hutson         7

 batting ave              on base percentage        slugging percentage
 Carly Dubois    .557     Carly Dubois     .592     Alexis Robinson  .754
 Kirsten Jones   .474     Kirsten Jones    .565     Carly Dubois     .629
 Kat Weber       .429     Kat Weber        .508     Kat Weber        .589

 innings pitched          strike outs               earned run average
 Alexis Robinson 56.1     Alexis Robinson    90     Maggie Banks     0.69
 Lauren Mentzer  44.1     Lauren Mentzer     63     Lauren Mentzer   1.90
 Maggie Banks    10.2     Maggie Banks        6     Alexis Robinson  2.12


                             Baseball Top 3
 at bats                  runs                      hits
 Hayden Reed       33     Gavin Dietrich      7     Rory Preiss        11
 Rory Preiss       31     Hayden Reed         6     Gavin Dietrich      9
 Gavin Dietrich    29     Isaiah Daily        3     Hayden Reed         9
                          Rory Preiss         3

 rbi’s                    extra base hits           base on balls
 Gavin Dietrich     6     Austin Brooks       2     Dylan Hodges        5
 Rory Preiss        5     Hayden Reed         2     Gavin Dietrich      5
 CJ Parrish         2     Rory Preiss         2     Austin Brooks       4
 Hayden Reed        2                               Lee Stafford        4

 batting average          on base percentage        slugging percentage
 Austin Brooks   .471     Austin Brooks    .571     Austin Brooks    .588
 Rory Preiss     .355     Gavin Dietrich   .429     Rory Preiss      .452
 Gavin Dietrich  .310     Rory Preiss      .375     Gavin Dietrich   .379

 innings pitches          strike outs               earned run average
 Gavin Dietrich  22.1     Gavin Dietrich     20     Gavin Dietrich   2.85
 Colton McDonald 13.2     Colton McDonald     8     Rory Preiss      4.89
 Avery Montgomery 8.0     Cade Dunavant       7     Colton McDonald  5.30

Hawks Lose Another Close Game to Cuero, 3-1

Saturday, March 19th, 2016
Catcher Kat Weber Can Throw You Out if you try to Steal

Catcher Kat Weber Will Throw You Out 

Canyon Lake continued their District 26-4A Season in a bad dream as another close loss to Cuero moves the Hawks record to 0-4 in district play losing, 3-1.

“We will need to stay together as a team,” Head Coach John Gallagher calculated after the loss. “We stranded way too many runners and we just got to score.”

On how important this next week will be, “Everybody is upbeat all of the girls know we can turn this around.”

The Hawks are the best 0-4 team in Texas as this talented group just needs a few good things to happen in order to turn this tide.

Canyon Lake has now gone 5 games without scoring in one of the first 3 innings. Those slow starts have proven to be a hard hole to climb out of.


Softball: Bats Catch a Cold in Loss to Gonzales, 2-1

Monday, March 14th, 2016
Go Hawks!!

                         Go Hawks!!

Canyon Lake could not get any traction in their loss to Gonzales and go 0-2 to start District 26-4A play.

“I knew this would be a tight game,” Head Coach John Gallagher said. “We did not execute when we needed to, we played good defense and we pitched well and we also threw two base runners on second, but offensively we were not on.”

The Hawks bats have gone silent with just 3 hits in this contest and failing to get a batter to 3rd base. In fact, that happened just once hence that one run scored on an Apache error.

Alexis Robinson was the losing pitcher but was also having trouble with her strike zone throwing 132 pitches with 59 of those pitches being called a ball.


Coaches Corner with Softball’s, John Gallagher

Monday, March 14th, 2016
Softball's Coach John Gallagher

Softball’s Coach John Gallagher

The ReSporter caught up with Head Coach John Gallagher after the Hawk’s loss to Yoakum last week.

The ReSporter: What is the answer to all of those pesky errors for this team?

Coach Gallagher: “All 8 of our errors were either from a lack of concentration or lack of confidence. All the errors were on routine plays that we make everyday in practice or in games. They have been addressed and worked on in practice.”

The ReSporter: You have pitching that seems to be excelling as you enter into district play. I know you would like to be firing with all of your weapons, between gloves and bat,which one is more important to get wins with pitching being the constant?

Coach Gallagher: “Our defensive play is more important at this point. We have been productive offensively so when our defense is solid we win.” (more…)

This Week @ Canyon Lake

Sunday, March 13th, 2016
Go Hawks!!

                      Go Hawks!!

                              This Week @ Canyon Lake
 Mon 3/14      Cuero        @    CLHawks JV          5-7pm         Baseball
               Gonzales     @    CL Hawks              6pm         Softball

 Tue 3/15      Billies      @    CL Hawks JV           5pm  Girls  Soccer
               CL Hawks JV  @    Billies               5pm  Boys   Soccer
               CL Hawks     @    Navarro             630pm         Softball
               Billies      @    CL Hawks              7pm  Girls  Soccer
               CL Hawks     @    Billies               7pm  Boys   Soccer
               CL Hawks     @    Navarro               7pm         Baseball

 Fri 3/18      Bandera      @    CL Hawks JV           5pm  Boys   Soccer
               CL Hawks JV  @    Bandera               5pm  Girls  Soccer
               Cuero        @    CL Hawks            630pm         Softball
               Bandera      @    CL Hawks              7pm  Boys   Soccer
               CL Hawks     @    Bandera               7pm  Girls  Soccer
               Cuero        @    CL Hawks              7pm         Baseball



Play Ball!! As CL Lady District Softball Starts Tonight in Yoakum

Tuesday, March 8th, 2016
                      Hawk Softball by the Numbers
     0     Number of hits in game with Johnson City.
     1     Total number of hits by both teams in same game.
     2     Triples hit by Kat Weber.
     2.05  Earned Run Average for Lauren Mentzer.
     3     Ties in the history of Hawk Softball.
     6     Players presently in the Top 10 for batting average.
    10     Home-Runs hit by Alexis Robinson.
    11     More runs than hits for Kirsten Jones in her career.
    12     Wins away from having a .500 record.
    41     Runs scored in the 2nd Inning.
    43     Walks up to this point in the campaign.
    51     Strikeouts this year.
    52     Stolen bases so far this season.
    57     At bats for Carly Dubois leading the team.
    83     Wins for John Gallagher
