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Archive for the ‘Softball’ Category

Hawks Softball Win Third Straight over Boerne, 6-0

Monday, April 4th, 2011

Canyon Lake whitewashed the Boerne Greyhounds in a win that helped cement the Hawks into second place in the District 26-3A race last Friday night at the Canyon Lake diamond.

Pitcher Missy Romero helped the Hawks win their third game in a row and also winning their second straight over the Greyhounds.

Canyon Lake has now scored 29 runs In the last three games helping take a lot of pressure off the defense. The bottom of the batting order were the players that raised the bar for this win. (more…)

Softball Profile: Missy Romero

Monday, April 4th, 2011

MissyRomeroThe Hilltop ReSporter will be taking a look at individual players for the rest of the season.

The first stop will be from the circle as we look at Junior Pitcher Missy Romero.

Pitcher for a softball team has been the pivotal player for any team, because of the chance of dominating the game with strikeout power. This aspect had been adjusted this year when UIL moved the circle back three feet to the same distance as the college game. (more…)

Coaches Corner with John Gallagher

Thursday, March 31st, 2011

coachjohngallagherReSporter: What are you looking for from the team the next round through District play?

Coach Gallagher: “More consistency in our offensive production, continued strong defensive effort, keeping errors to a minimum, and getting everyone to improve their knowledge of games situations.”

ReSporter: With the game being divided into three parts: Fielding—Hitting—Pitching…
What are some numbers you think you need to get to to be put in a position for winning or placing in the playoffs? (number of errors per game, hits per game, etc….) (more…)

Standings for 26-3A Softball

Thursday, March 31st, 2011


The Hawks are fighting with three teams for two playoff spots as district play goes into the second round.

Canyon Lake, Billies, and Texans, will be fighting for those two spots and the games between those teams the second time around will determine who can advance. (more…)

Lady Hawks Beat Navarro, 11-3

Thursday, March 31st, 2011

The Canyon Lake Softball team beat the Navarro Panthers, 11-3 scoring in every inning but one last Tuesday night on the road.

The Hawks have plugged in their extension cord after suffering a power outage as recently as last week. In the last two games Canyon Lake has scored 24 runs improving the most important part of the game….scoring. (more…)

Lady Hawks taking care of Business, Win 12-5

Monday, March 28th, 2011
mckenna beseda

McKenna Beseda

The Hawks scored some much needed runs in their win over San Angelo Central last Friday at the Canyon Lake Softball field.

The Hawks were running on a streak of not having more than two runs in the previous three games and responded with a break our inning, scoring five runs in the first. (more…)

Softball: CL suffers power outage in loss, 1-0

Friday, March 25th, 2011

img_2518The Canyon Lake Hawks could not get the run to put the team in prime position in district play, when they lost a one run game to Fredericksburg Billies last Tuesday in Fredericksburg.

This was the second game in a row where the Hawks played some very good defense as pitcher Missy Romero only mustered two strikeouts.

In the fifth inning the Billies had runners on third and second after a double with one out. Enter the defense in full display when leftfielder Megan Browning caught the flyball and threw a strike to Katy Payne gunning out the Billie trying to score. (more…)

Softball District 26-3A Standings

Monday, March 21st, 2011

Softball District 26-3A Standings


Softball Hawks Beat Wimberley Texans, 2-0

Saturday, March 19th, 2011

The Hawks won their first game ever against the Wimberley Texans last Friday afternoon at the Hawks Softball Diamond.

Pitcher Missy Romero pitched with confidence as she threw only 35 pitches in the middle innings allowing the opportunity to pitch stronger in the heat when the latter innings came calling.

What was the reason for the confidence? How about the simple number that tells about errors in a game? There were none!! (more…)

Softball: Hawks lose Heartbreaker, 2-0 to Bandera

Saturday, March 12th, 2011

The Canyon Lake Hawks lost their first district game last Friday against the Bandera Bulldogs, 2-0.

When asked Head Coach John Gallagher the one word description of the game…..
“Heartbreaker”, he said.

The pitching dual was on, starting in the first inning as the Hawk’s Missy Romero and Amber Neal from Bandera set the stage. The two pitchers combined for 25 strikeouts and walked only four hitters. (more…)