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District 14-4A Standings/Schedule/Stats

Monday, September 5th, 2016
Austin Brooks getting an interception in Reagan Game

Austin Brooks getting an interception in Reagan Game           ([email protected])

                         Football Standings & Schedule
                         Team             W    L    T     Pct
                         CL Hawks         2    0    0   1.000
                         Boerne           2    0    0   1.000
                         Fredericksburg   1    1    0    .500
                         Taylor           1    1    0    .500
                         Austin Eastside  0    1    1    .250

 This Week’s Games:      Giddings      @    CL Hawks
                         Yoakum        @    Taylor
                         Boerne        @    SA Holy Cross
                         Burnet        @    Fredericksburg
                         Aus Eastside  @    Austin Lanier

 Last Week’s Results:    CL Hawks        42    Austin Reagan    16
                         Taylor          37    Rockdale         28
                         Boerne          42    Medina Valley    10
                         Fredericksburg  49    Austin Travis    21
                         Aus Eastside    19    SA Milton Awad.  19


 2 Weeks Stats: (Austin Eastside is not included based on no data)
 Quarterbacks     Team      Comp  Att   Pct    Yds    Int  TD
 Klutts           Boerne    26    36   .722    382    0    7
 Gardner          Taylor    22    45   .489    372    0    5
 Flannery         Billies   24    34   .706    253    2    2
 Ben Fulton       CL Hawks   9    13   .692    224    1    3

 Rushers          Team       Att   Yds   Ave   TD
 Crittendon       Taylor     42    298   7.1   2
 Austin Brennan   CL Hawks   19    248  13.1   4
 Sanchez          Billies    21    218  10.4   3
 Tanner Faris     CL Hawks   18    151   8.4   2
 Hart             Boerne     12    149  12.4   0
 Loth             Billies    25    129   4.8   1
 Micah St. John   CL Hawks   25    102   4.1   2
 Gardner          Taylor     12    102   8.5   4

 Receiving        Team       No    Yds   Ave   TD
 Jackson          Taylor     11    258  23.0   4
 Cleland          Billies    19    203  10.6   1
 Brandon Courtney CL Hawks    3    112  37.3   2
 Hart             Boerne      2     70  35.0   1
 Snelling         Boerne      5     67  13.4   1
 Austin Brennan   CL Hawks    3     66  22.0   1
 Wells            Taylor      4     66  16.5   0
 Majors           Billies     5     65  13.0   0

 Team       Offense Yardage         Team        Points Per Game
 CL Hawks         882               Boerne            46.0
 Taylor           876               Taylor            41.5
 Fredericksburg   827               CL Hawks          41.0
 Boerne           694               Fredericksburg    30.5
                                    Austin Eastside    9.5

 Team       Offense Rushing         Team         Pts Allowed Per Game
 CL Hawks         637               Boerne            11.0
 Taylor           496               CL Hawks          11.5
 Fredericksburg   428               Fredericksburg    27.0
 Boerne           312               Austin Eastside   35.5
                                    Taylor            45.0

 Team        Offense Passing
 Fredericksburg   399
 Boerne           382
 Taylor           380
 CL Hawks         245


Volleyball Standings & Schedule *Updated

Monday, September 5th, 2016
Libero Sam York getting a key save in win over Marion

Libero Sam York getting a key save in win over Marion                                 (picture by Phil Melone)

              Volleyball Standings and Schedule

              Team              W   L     Pct
              CL Hawks         17   8    .680
              Boerne           17  10    .630
              Bandera          15  11    .577
              Fredericksburg   14  17    .452
              Hondo             9  12    .429

              This Week’s Games
              September 6th    CL Hawks       3   La Grange     1
                               Boerne         3   SA Christian  1
                               Fredericksburg 1   Liberty Hill  3
                               Bandera        3   Jourdanton    1
                               Harper         2   Hondo         3

              September 9th    CL Hawks       @   Navarro
                               SA Madison     @   Boerne
                               Wimberley      @   Fredericksburg
                               Bandera        @   Gonzales
                               Hondo          @   St. Mary’s Hall



Volleyball District 28-4A Standings & Schedule

Sunday, August 28th, 2016


Kaylie Duke duking it out in Blanco Win

                Kaylie Duke duking it out in Blanco Win

                 District 28-4A Volleyball Standings and Schedule

                 Team              W    L     Pct
                 CL Hawks         16    8    .667
                 Bandera          14    9    .610
                 Boerne           16   10    .615
                 Fredericksburg   14   16    .467
                 Hondo             8   12    .400

Volleyball: District 28-4A Standings & Schedule *Updated

Sunday, August 21st, 2016
Junior Alysha Perez can reach the stars

                                                                     Junior Alysha Perez can reach the stars

                      District 28-4A Volleyball Standings & Schedule
Hawk Proud

                      Hawk Proud

                      Team               W    L    Pct
                      Boerne            13    8   .619
                      CL Hawks          12    8   .600
                      Bandera           10    7   .588
                      Fredericksburg    12   14   .462
                      Hondo              6   10   .375


                      This Week’s Games
                      Tues    August 23   CL Hawks       3   Poth               1
                                          Devine         3   Bandera            0
                                          Boerne         0   La Vernia          3
                                          SA Cole        0   Hondo              3
                                          Billies        0   Boerne Champion    3

                      Thurs   August 25   CL Hawks       2   Del Valle          0
                                          CL Hawks       1   Fossil Ridge       2
                                          CL Hawks       0   Weatherford        2
                                          San Marcos Rattler Tournament
                                          Boerne         2   SA Harlandale      0
                                          Boerne         2   Pleasanton         1
                                          Boerne         1   SA Marshall        2
                                          Seguin Tournament
                                          Fredericksburg vs. SA MacArthur
                                          Fredericksburg vs. Round Rock Westwood
                                          Fredericksburg vs. Austin Anderson
                                          Leander Rouse Tournament

                       Fri    August 26   CL Hawks       3   Blanco             1
                                          Wimberley      3   Bandera            0
                                          Hondo          @   Jourdanton
                                          Fredericksburg vs  tba Leander Rouse Tournament

                       Sat    August 27   CL Hawks       vs  tba Rattler Tournament
                                          Boerne         vs  tba Seguin Tourament
                                          Fredericksburg vs  tba Leander Rouse Tournament


District 28-4A Volleyball Standings *Updated thru Friday

Thursday, August 18th, 2016
                    District 28-4A Volleyball Standings
Go CL Hawks

Go CL Hawks

         School            W     L     Pct.
         CL Hawks          9     6    .600
         Fredericksburg   11     8    .579
         Bandera           8     4    .667
         Boerne           10     4    .714
         Hondo             4     8    .333

                           Tuesday results
         CL Hawks          3     Lockhart       0     25-19, 25-19, 25-19
         SA Christian      3     Hondo          0     25-16, 25-10, 25-16
         Boerne            3     Blanco         2     25-16, 22-25, 25-11, 25-19, 16-14
         La Vernia         3     Billies        2     21-25, 25-16, 26-24, 18-25, 15-4

                                This Week's Games
         Thursday Aug. 18   Bandera         2        Pleasanton    0
                            Bandera         0        SA FEAST      2
                            Bandera         2        Blackett      0
                                  Devine Tournament
                            Fredericksburg  0        Liberty Hill  2
                            Fredericksburg  2        Stockdale     0
                            Fredericksburg  2        SA Stephens   0
                                  Bastrop Tournament

         Friday Aug.  19    CL Hawks  16-25, 25-23, 25-19   SA East Central
                            CL Hawks  18-25, 07-25          SA Clark
                            CL Hawks  25-20, 25-14          Los Fresnos
                                  NEISD Tournament
                            Hondo           2        Karnes City   0
                            Hondo           2        Eagle Pass    1
                            Hondo           2        CC Moody      1
                               Floresville Tournament
                            Boerne          2        Marion         1 
                            Boerne          2        Crystal City   0
                            Boerne          2        SA Highlands   1
                                   Devine Tournament
                            Fredericksburg  2        San Marcos     0
                            Fredericksburg  1        Cedar Ridge    2
                            Fredericksburg  2        Bastrop        1
                                    Bastrop Tournament

          Sat   Aug.  20    CL Hawks        1        SA Madison     2
                            CL Hawks        0        East Bernard   2
                            CL Hawks        2        Kerrville      0 
                                    NEISD Tournament
                            Boerne          2        D'Harris       0
                            Boerne          2        Marion         0
                            Boerne          2        Somerset       0 
                                    Devine Tournament
                            Fredericksburg  0        Copperas Cove  0
                            Fredericksburg  0        Bastrop Cedar  2 
                                     Bastrop Tournament
                            Bandera         vs.      Jourdanton  
                                    Devine Tournament
                            Hondo           0        Blanco         2
                                   Floresville Tournament

Basketball Standings & Top 3 for Boys and Girls

Wednesday, February 3rd, 2016
                District 26-4A Girls and Boys Basketball Standings

 Girls         W   L    Pct   GB          Boys         W   L    Pct   GB
 Wimberley     9   1   .900    —          Navarro      9   0  1.000   —
 Navarro       9   2   .818   0.5         Wimberley    7   1   .857   1.5
 La Vernia     8   3   .727   1.5         La Vernia    5   4   .571   4.0
 CL Hawks      5   5   .500   4.0         CL Hawks     5   4   .571   4.0
 Gonzales      3   7   .300   6.0         Yoakum       3   5   .333   5.5
 Yoakum        1   9   .100   8.0         Gonzales     1   8   .143   8.0
 Cuero         1   9   .100   8.0         Cuero        0   9   .000   9.0

 Feb. 2   CL Hawks    39    Cuero      38   CL Hawks    61    Cuero      34
          Navarro     54    Yoakum     40   Navarro     78    Yoakum     34
          Wimberley   54    La Vernia  38   Wimberley   57    La Vernia  52

 Feb. 5   Wimberley    @    CL Hawks
          Cuero        @    Yoakum
          Navarro      @    Gonzales


                           Boys and Girls Top 3

 shooting pct              3pt goal pct            free throw pct
 Rory Preiss       .467    Joseph Boyd      .500   Brandon Ward     .682
 Tyler Williams    .451    Jacob Ramirez    .357   Sam Langford     .625
 Heath McDonough   .443    Gerrit Wilkins   .294   Justin Ferris    .588

 points                    3pt goals                made free throws
 Rory Preiss        225    Jacob Ramirez      25    Brandon Ward      45
 Brandon Ward       204    Brandon Ward       23    Gerrit Wilkins    36
 Will Gray          182    Will Gray          19    Rory Preiss       36

 offensive reb             defensive reb            total rebounds
 Rory Preiss         62    Rory Preiss       103    Rory Preiss      165
 Tyler Williams      41    Heath McDonough    85    Heath McDonough  125
 Heath McDonough     40    Will Gray          81    Will Gray        111

 assists                   steals                   blocks 
 Geritt Wilkins      55    Brandon Ward       38    Tyler Williams    33
 Brandon Ward        43    Rory Preiss        35    Heath McDonough   16
 Will Gray           43    Will Gray          33    Rory Preiss       15


 shooting pct              3pt goal pct             free throw pct
 Emma Gray         .433    Char Hutson      .333    Sarah Russell    .917
 Skylar Hurst      .382    Emily McDonald   .333    Caitlin Mabry    .714
 Sarah Schneider   .375    Sarah Russell    .265    Morgan Vardeman  .555

 points                    3pt goals                made free throws
 Emma Gray          182    Sarah Russell      32    Emma Gray          32
 Sarah Russell      182    Alexa Ramos         7    Alexa Ramos        28
 Alexa Ramos        155    Mia Riali           3    Mia Riali          26

 offensive reb             defensive reb            total rebounds
 Emma Gray           64    Emma Gray          85    Emma Gray         149
 Sarah Schneider     46    Sarah Schneider    64    Sarah Schneider   110
 Skylar Hurst        33    Mia Riali          50    Mia Riali          69

 assists                   steals                   blocks
 Emma Gray           37    Alexa Ramos        71    Sarah Schneider    33
 Alexa Ramos         34    Sarah Russell      42    Emma Gray          27
 Mia Riali           18    Mia Riali          41    Caitlin Mabry      10

Basketball Standings

Thursday, January 28th, 2016
              District 26-4A Girls and Boys Basketball Standings

 Girls        W   L    Pct    GB         Boys        W   L    Pct    GB
 Wimberley    8   1   .889    —          Navarro     7   0  1.000    —
 Navarro      7   2   .778   1.0         Wimberley   6   1   .857    1.0
 La Vernia    7   2   .778   1.0         CL Hawks    4   3   .571    3.0
 CL Hawks     4   4   .500   3.5         La Vernia   4   3   .571    3.0
 Gonzales     2   7   .222   6.0         Yoakum      2   4   .333    4.5
 Yoakum       1   7   .125   6.5         Gonzales    1   6   .143    6.0
 Cuero        1   7   .125   6.5         Cuero       0   7   .000    7.0

  Jan. 29    Navarro    @    CL Hawks  
             Gonzales   @    Yoakum
             Cuero      @    La Vernia

             Girls                           Boys
  Jan. 26    CL Hawks   38   Gonzales  30    CL Hawks    59    Gonzales   47
             Wimberley  44   Cuero     28    Wimberley   80    Cuero      35
             La Vernia  58   Navarro   47    Navarro     58    La Vernia  57


CL Hawks Demolish Cuero, 65-29

Saturday, January 9th, 2016
                         District 26-4A Standings
                   Team         W   L      Pct     GB 
                   Navarro      3   0    1.000     — 
                   Wimberley    2   0    1.000      1/2 
                   CL Hawks     2   1     .667     1 
                   Yoakum       1   1     .500     1 1/2 
                   La Vernia    1   2     .333     2 
                   Gonzales     0   2     .000     2 1/2 
                   Cuero        0   3     .000     3
                              Tuesday Games
                   CL Hawks       @     Wimberley
                   Gonzales       @     Navarro
                   Yoakum         @     Gonzales
                   La Vernia      @     Boerne

                             Friday's Results
                   CL Hawks       65    Cuero      29 
                   Navarro        66    Yoakum     40 
                   Wimberley      67    La Vernia  54 
                   Gonzales       Bye


CLJV Wins 71-53, While Varsity is Short in Loss to Navarro

Wednesday, January 6th, 2016


Junior Bennie Brownlee poured in 22 points in win over Navarro JV

Junior Bennie Brownlee poured in 22 points in win over Navarro JV

The CL Junior Varsity team won their second district game with a win over Navarro, 73-53.

CLJV is now averaging 70 points per game in district play as this game had 3 players leading the charge.

Bennie Brownlee led the scoring with a cool 22 points followed closely by Joseph Boyd (19) and Ryner Martin scoring 17.

“I still come out the same and try to be a leader,” Brownlee started when asked about the transition from Varsity to JV. “This is where it counts and we are in the part of the season when we have more games because we are playing in district.”


CL Hawks Volleyball Bracket Ornaments

Wednesday, November 4th, 2015
Canyon Lake's Student Body is all in for this year's Volleyball Team

            Canyon Lake’s Student Body is all in for this year’s Volleyball Team

Assessing the field after the first round of games as Canyon Lake prepares for Sealy this Friday at Cedar Creek High School with a 6:00pm start.

Things we know? A repeat from last year’s Area game as Sealy met Canyon Lake and swept the Hawks, 3-0.

But that will not mean the same result this season. In that game last season, Sealy was the top seed after winning their district while CL tied with Navarro and was awarded the second seed to start their bracket play.

So, yes, these are the same schools but they have switched seeding positions.

Sealy lost their one game tilt with Columbus after both schools finished their district tied with one loss.
