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District 26-4A Standings and Recap

Sunday, September 21st, 2014
With two wins this week in district play, Canyon Lake would be tied for first place.

With two wins this week in district play, Canyon Lake would be tied for first place.

 District 26-4A Volleyball Standings
 Team         W    L    Pct       District Play     W    L   Pct    GB
 Wimberley   26    8   .765       CL Hawks          4    0  1.000   --
 CL Hawks    24    8   .750       Wimberley         4    0  1.000   --
 Cuero       19    7   .731       Navarro           3    2   .600    2 
 Navarro     23   11   .676       Yoakum            2    2   .500    1 1/2
 Yoakum      16   12   .571       La Vernia         2    3   .400    2 1/2
 La Vernia    9   23   .281       Cuero             0    4   .000    4
 Gonzales     1   14   .067       Gonzales          0    4   .000    4

 This Week's Games:
 Sept. 22    Wimberley   Beat  Poth         3-0   

 Sept. 23    CL Hawks    Beat  Navarro      3-0
             Yoakum      Beat  Gonzales     3-0
             La Vernia   Beat  Cuero        3-1

 Sept. 26    Navarro     Beat  Yoakum       3-1
             Wimberley   Beat  La Vernia    3-0

 Sept. 27    CL Hawks    Beat  Cuero        3-0 


TAPPS Division II District 3 Standings & Warrior #’s

Sunday, September 21st, 2014

TAPPS Division II District 3 Standings and Warrior Numbers

 Team                     W    L     Pct.
 BCS Warriors             4    0   1.000
 Castle Hills             3    1    .750
 Cedar Park Summit        3    1    .750
 Kerrville OLH            2    1    .667
 Austin Veritas           2    2    .500
 Austin Concordia         0    3    .000
 New Braunfels Christian  0    3    .000
 Last Week's Results
 BCS Warriors     49    SA The Winston            00
 Austin Veritas   76    Temple Holy Trinity       28
 SA Sunnybrook    66    Austin Concordia          13
 Castle Hills     52    Giddings State School     19
 Evant            44    Cedar Park Summit         22
 Seguin Lifegate  56    New Braunfels Christian   06
 Next Weeks Games
 BCS Warriors         Bye
 Austin Concordia     @    Austin Veritas
 Kerrville OLH        @    New Braunfels Christian
 Castle Hills         @    Cedar Park Summit


    Bracken Warriors by the Numbers:
  2 Times BCS has scored just six points in a game.
  3 Safeties scored by Austin Wilkinson.
  4 Teams BCS has never played that are on this year's schedule.
  6 Is the average score SA The Winston has in seven games.
  8 Turnovers by Bracken's opponents this season.
 10 Times Davis Scott scored one point after a Bracken score.
 11 Times Eli Achilles scored one point after a Bracken score.
 16 Longest completion and run by Thomas Johnson
 17 Games BCS has held opponents to less than 100 yards of offense.
 18 Games BCS has shut out their opponent
 20 Longest completion and run by Coy Zunker
 35 Longest completion and run by Christian De Leon
 43 Longest completion and run by Jeff Camp
 45 Longest completion and run by Brady Beene
 55 Is the average score for BCS in their games with The Winston
140 Yardage gained by BCS against Rosehill. BCS still won this game back in 2007.

District 14-4A-I Standings & Team Stats

Sunday, September 21st, 2014
 District 14-4A-I Standings & Stats
 Team               W     L      Pct.
 Bandera            3     1     .750
 Fredericksburg     3     1     .750
 Boerne             3     1     .750
 Liberty Hill       3     1     .750
 CL Hawks           2     2     .500
 Taylor             0     4     .000

 Last Week's Results:
 Wimberley         28     CL Hawks       27
 Bandera           28     Comfort        22
 Boerne            34     SA Antonian    00
 Liberty Hill      45     Waco Connally  25
 Fredericksburg    30     Llano          00
 La Grange         42     Taylor         22

 Next Week's Games
 Lampasas          @      CL Hawks
 Fredericksburg    @      La Grange
 Lytle             @      Bandera
 Boerne            @      Sonora
 Burnet            @      Taylor
 Liberty Hill      @      Abilene Wylie

 Team & Individual Stats:
 Team Offense         Point Ave.       Team Defense       Point Ave.
 Liberty Hill            36.0          Bandera               18.0
 Boerne                  30.0          Boerne                19.3
 CL Hawks                28.8          CL Hawks              20.8
 Billies                 26.8          Billies               26.3
 Bandera                 22.3          Liberty Hill          33.0
 Taylor                  19.3          Taylor                37.8

 Passing             Team              Yards
 Quinten Dormady     Boerne            1241
 Kyle Grona          Fredericksburg     463
 Joe Rodriguez       Bandera            434
 Terrell Reynolds    Taylor             327
 Skyler Tschoepe     CL Hawks           260
 Garrett Wright      Liberty Hill        97

 Rushing             Team              Yards
 John Shannon        Liberty Hill      363
 Bryce Johnston      Fredericksburg    343
 Josh DeVries        CL Hawks          311
 Hayden DuBois       CL Hawks          276
 Robert Woods        CL Hawks          273
 Alex Ganzales       Bandera           239
 Landon Ventura      Bandera           227

 Receiving           Team              Yards
 Eli Davis           Boerne            447
 David Snelling      Boerne            352
 Cole Dunaway        Boerne            182
 Noah Nelson         Bandera           145
 Evan Schuller       CL Hawks          105
 Will McClure        Boerne            100

District 26-4A Volleyball Standings and Schedules

Monday, September 15th, 2014
Canyon Lake Volleyball starts District 26-4A this week.

Canyon Lake Volleyball starts District 26-4A this week.

 District 26-4A Volleyball Standings
 Team             W   L    Pct.        District Play      W   L    Pct.   GB
 Cuero           19   5   .792         Wimberley          3   0   1.000   --
 Wimberley       24   8   .750         CL Hawks           2   0   1.000  1/2
 CL Hawks        22   8   .733         Navarro            2   1    .667   1
 Navarro         22  10   .688         Yoakum             1   1    .500   1 1/2
 Yoakum          15  10   .600         La Vernia          1   2    .333   2
 La Vernia        8  22   .267         Cuero              0   2    .000   2 1/2 
 Gonzales         1  13   .071         Gonzales           0   3    .000   3

 This Week's Games:
 Sept. 16         CL Hawks    beat Yoakum    3-0
                  La Vernia   beat Gonzales  3-0
                  Wimberley   beat Navarro   3-1
                  Cuero       beat Wharton   3-0

 Sept. 19         CL Hawks    beat Gonzales  3-0
                  Navarro     beat La Vernia 3-0
                  Wimberley   beat Cuero     3-0
                  Yoakum     Bye

District 14-4A-I Standings and Stats

Saturday, September 13th, 2014
 District 14-4A
 Team            W   L   Pct
 Canyon Lake     2   1  .667
 Bandera         2   1  .667
 Liberty Hill    2   1  .667
 Fredericksburg  2   1  .667
 Boerne          2   1  .667
 Taylor          0   3  .000

 Last Week's Results:
 CL Hawks        38    Marion      06
 Marble Falls    40    Boerne      07
 Hallettsville   26    Taylor      14
 Liberty Hill    43    Brownwood   36
 Burnet          55    Billies     07
 SA Christian    28    Bandera     00

 Next Week's Games:
 CL Hawks        @     Wimberley     7:30pm
 SA Christian    @     Boerne
 La Grange       @     Taylor
 Liberty Hill    @     Waco Connally
 Llano           @     Fredericksburg
 Bandera         @     Comfort
 Team and Individual Stats:

 Offensive Points Average         Defensive Points Average
 Liberty Hill     33.0            Bandera          16.7
 CL Hawks         29.3            CL Hawks         18.3
 Boerne           28.7            Boerne           25.7
 Fredericksburg   25.7            Fredericksburg   35.0
 Bandera          20.3            Liberty HIll     35.7
 Taylor           18.3            Taylor           36.3

 Top 5
 Rushing                          Receiving
 Name           Team    Yards     Name           Team     Yards
 John Shannon   LHill   363       Eli Davis      Boerne   297
 Josh DeVries   Hawks   294       David Snelling Boerne   270
 Bryce Johnston Billies 226       Cole Dunaway   Boerne   182
 Alex Gonzales  Bandera 207       Noah Nelson    Bandera  108
 Hayden DuBois  Hawks   164       Evan Schuller  Hawks     83

 Passing          Team     Yards
 Quinten Dormady  Boerne   907
 Kyle Grona       Billies  386
 Joe Rodriguez    Bandera  320
 Terrell Reynolds Taylor   166
 Skyler Tschoepe  Hawks    129

Volleyball District 26-4A Standings

Monday, September 8th, 2014
Hawks starting a Block Party

Hawks starting a Block Party

District 26-4A Volleyball Standings
 Team           W     L     Pct.      District Play      W     L     Pct.
 Cuero         17     4    .810       Navarro            1     0   1.000
 Wimberley     22     8    .800       Yoakum             1     0   1.000
 CL Hawks      20     8    .714       Wimberley          1     0   1.000
 Navarro       21     9    .700       CL Hawks           0     0    .000
 Yoakum        15     8    .652       Gonzales           0     1    .000
 La Vernia      7    20    .259       La Vernia          0     1    .000
 Gonzales       1    11    .091       Cuero              0     1    .000

 This Week's Games:
 Sept. 9   Yoakum     beat  La Vernia  3-1
           Goliad     beat  Gonzales   3-0
           CL Hawks   beat  La Grange  3-0
           Navarro    beat  Cuero      3-0

 Sept. 12  La Vernia  @   La Grange
           Wimberley  beat  Gonzales   3-0
           Yoakum     @   East Bernard
           Cuero      @   Smithville


Division II-District 3 Standings & BCS by the #’s

Sunday, September 7th, 2014
 Standings and Bracken Christian by the Numbers
 Team                       W   L    Pct.
 BCS Warriors               2   0   1.000
 Kerrville OLH              2   0   1.000
 Cedar Park Summit          2   0   1.000
 Castle Hills               1   1    .500
 Austin Veritas             0   2    .000
 Austin Concordia           0   2    .000
 New Braunfels Christian    0   2    .000

 Last Week's Scores:
 Bracken Christian        51   CASA                     06
 Selma River              34   New Braunfels Christian  32
 Brownwood Victory Life   81   Austin Concordia         19
 Seguin Lifegate          46   Austin Veritas           36
 SA Cedar Park Summit     44   Waco Vanguard            35
 SA FEAST                 40   SA Castle Hills          32

 This Week's Games:
 Bracken Christian         @   Austin Hill Country
 New Braunfels Christian   @   Brenham Christian
 Austin Concordia          @   SA Lutheran
 Round Rock Christian      @   Austin Veritas
 San Marcos Hill Country   @   Cedar Park Summit
 SA Castle Hills           @   Seguin Lifegate


 Bracken Warriors by the Numbers:
  1 Team Bracken has held to (-) yards passing.
  3 Mercy games lost.
  6 Times Bracken has scored 46 points in a game.
  7 Wins over CASA the most over any team.
  8 Neutral site games won by BCS.
  9 Points scored by Fr. Christian DeLeon.
 10 Playoff games won by BCS.
 11 Teams Bracken has held to (-) yards rushing.
 15 Times a BCS QB has passed over 100 yards in a game.
 17 Times Bracken has shut a team out.
 19 Teams that have never won against BCS.
 24 District games won by BCS.
 29 Touchdowns by a return (Int, Kick-off, Punt, Fumble).
 31 Road games won by BCS.
 35 Mercy game wins by BCS.
 36 Home games won by BCS.
 40 Non-District games won by BCS.
104 Touchdown passes for Bracken.
241 Points scored by Noah Boriack, in 6th place.
381 Touchdown runs for Bracken.
675 Yards gained against Gustine for first all-time list.

14-4A-I Standings & CL by the Numbers

Sunday, September 7th, 2014
Hawk Defense shuts down the Tigers.

Hawk Defense shuts down the Tigers.


District 14-4A Standings & Hawk by the Numbers
 Team              W   L    Pct
 Boerne            2   0  1.000
 Fredericksburg    2   0  1.000
 Bandera           2   0  1.000
 Canyon Lake       1   1   .500
 Liberty HIll      1   1   .500
 Taylor            0   2   .000

 Friday's Results:
 Canyon Lake      43    Smithville    14
 Boerne           41    Medina Valley 15
 Fredericksburg   48    Austin Travis 35
 Bandera          40    Ingram Moore  07
 Liberty Hill     49    Brenham       47
 Rockdale         24    Taylor        21

 This Week's Games
 Marion           @     CL Hawks        7:30pm
 Taylor           @     Hallettsville
 Fredericksburg   @     Burnet
 Boerne           @     Marble Falls
 Brownwood        @     Liberty Hill
 SA Christian     @     Bandera


 CLHawks by the Numbers:
   0.0 Number that CL had a runner over 100 yards rushing in 2008.
   0.5 This year's difference between offense vs. defense scoring average.
   2.0 Wins CL has at neutral sites. (Playoff wins)
   6.0 Times CL has held team below 200 yds of offense. (171 in Smithville game)
   6.5 Ave. per rush for Robert Woods ranks 2nd for CL. (20 or more attempts)
   7.2 Ave. per rush for Josh DeVries ranks first for CL. (20 or more attempts)
   8.0 Times CL has held team below 100 yds of rushing. (61 in Smithville game)
  10.0 Wins CL has playing as visitor.
  12.0 Times CL has topped 300 yard rushing. (338 in Smithville game)
  17.0 Wins CL has playing at home.
  18.0 Times CL has topped 400 yards of offense. (402 in Smithville game)
  21.1 Points CL averages offensively. (67 games)
  41.0 Times CL has had a runner with over 100 yards in a game.
  67.0 Games CL has played.
  72.0 Points scored by Hayden Dubois, holds seventh place all-time.
  74.0 Points scored by Josh DeVries, holds sixth place all-time.
  84.0 All-time passing touchdowns.
 102.0 All-time rushing touchdowns.

Hawks on Home Stretch for start of District 26-4A

Monday, September 1st, 2014
Addison Farley ready to score in game with Lockhart earlier this year

Addison Farley ready to score in game with Lockhart earlier this year

Canyon Lake Volleyball won the Bronze Bracket at the San Marcos Tournament last weekend, sweeping their bracket to get their game back after losing to Blanco on Friday night.

That Blanco game was on the Hawks off day for the tournament and CL had played several larger teams from the Dallas area.

Canyon Lake beat Connally, Weatherford, and SA Southwest on Saturday claiming that bracket with a Hawk flag.

This was the last regular season tournament for the Hawk girls as they will enter into District play in a couple of weeks in hopes to ending their season by earning the right for a berth in the UIL Tournament.

Canyon Lake has already matched last year’s win total and will want to now take aim on the all time 25 win season set in 2009.

The Hawks also continue to close in on evening their all time record as they will need three more wins to get that record (109-112) to .500.

The top 4 teams will qualify and you can start to see what each team will be bringing to the court as there has been enough games to get a feel on what might happen.

Navarro has played 27 games already while Canyon Lake is close behind with 25 in the books.

The ReSporter has to search for records so the District 26-4A Standings below will not be complete.

 District 26-4A Standings
                           W   L    Pct
 Cuero                    17   3   .850
 Wimberley                14   4   .778
 CL Hawks                 18   8   .692
 Navarro                  19   9   .679
 Yoakum                   13   8   .619
 La Vernia                 6  14   .300
 Gonzales                  1   9   .100

 This Week's Games:
 9/01    Wimberley      Won    Devine

 9/02    CL Hawks       Won    Marion      
         Yoakum         Won    Vanderbilt Industrial  
         Yoakum         Won    Beeville Jones        
         La Vernia      Lost   SA East Central    
         Cuero          Won    Nixon-Smiley          
         Navarro        Won    Shiner
         Gonzales       Lost   Hallettsville

 9/04    Wimberley              @    Hays Rebel Bash Tournament
         La Vernia              @    Hays Rebel Bash Tournament

 9/05    Sinton                 @    CL Hawks    6pm
         Hallettsville          @    Yoakum
         Navarro                @    Luling

CL Hawks Finish 2nd in Bastrop Silver Bracket

Sunday, August 24th, 2014
Sophomore Regan Mickey is setting the stage for Senior Lillie Sander

Sophomore Regan Mickey is setting the stage for Senior Lillie Sander

The Canyon Lake Hawk’s Volleyball team will be returning home this Tuesday when they play Smithville.

Canyon Lake has reeled off 12 wins thus far and being just two weeks into their season they have averaged 1.2 games per day.

Two tournaments, in Wimberley and Bastrop, helped in adding to that total. The Hawks will end their tournament tour this weekend when they travel to San Marcos.

The Hawks best win was against Navarro in Wimberley’s tournament and worst loss might have been in their last game at Bastrop when they faced Thrall, a 2A team for that Championship game in the Silver Bracket.
