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Archive for the ‘Track & Field’ Category

Bailey Drum Honored with Best Girl’s Multi Sport Athlete

Thursday, June 5th, 2014

The Hilltop ReSporter got wind of one more athlete who was awarded for being the best female

Sophomore Bailey Drum with Girls AD John Gallagher after being named Best Multi Sports Athlete

Sophomore Bailey Drum with Girls AD John Gallagher after being named Best Multi Sports Athlete

multi sport athlete this past season.

With the addition of Girls AD, John Gallagher, this award was born with the intent of seeing if more girls would try their hand at more than one or two sports.

Enter this year’s winner.

Sophomore Bailey Drum who started in August and continued through the Region Track Meet in Kingsville a few weeks ago.

Drum played Varsity on both the Volleyball and Basketball team as a Sophomore and proved that this young lady will be a force as she continues her high school career.

Second Team All-District in Volleyball where Drum was also active in the class room with a 95 average during her season and making Academic All-District.

A side note for CL Volleyball in District 27-3A with teams that had Academic All-District recognition.

 School                        # of Girls
 Bandera                           0
 Boerne                            8
 Fredericksburg                    3
 Navarro                           0
 Wimberley                         0
 Canyon Lake                      10
 Bailey Drum       Regan Mickey      Alexis Robinson     Hannah Wunderlich
 Grace Allen       Kelsey Ahrens     Mariah Ellis        Hayley Melone
 Lillie Sander     Kacee Vrana       Emily Muniz         Trena Lorett
 Danielle Stansberry

That is one of the most impressive stats of this season as Bailey and nine other classmates dominated this honor.

Drum finished second with 207 kills, fifth with 140 digs, third with 14 blocks, and fourth with 21 service aces for Canyon Lake this past season.

The Hawks were a very young team as Freshman Mickey and Sophomore Wunderlich were the top two players in assists.

Junior Ellis, Junior Melone, and Freshman Mickey were the top three in digs and CL had the top five non-seniors with service aces.

 Melone       56
 Regan        30
 Wunderlich   26
 Ellis        21
 Drum         21
Bailey Drum Triple Jumping in the Blanco Track Meet this year

Bailey Drum Triple Jumping in the Blanco Track Meet this year

Bailey Drum also finished her basketball season finishing second in scoring with 102 points for the Hawks. With 68 rebounds, Drum, was only behind Kyndall Drum (not related) and Amber Ramsey this past season.

Drum ran or jumped (literally) to track and field after the basketball season ended, where she was active in several events this past year, but the Triple Jump was that one event that kept Drum in competition into April with a Region berth.

Drum picked a good time to unleash her best Triple Jump of her career, as she soared for a 36-02 mark in the Area Meet after finishing on the first place podium in the District Meet, jumping for 34-07.50.

How Bailey Drum performed with her best distances or times:

 100 Meter Hurdles        300 Meter Hurdles       4x400 Meter Relay
 17.00 Dist Meet          51.30 Dist Meet         4:13.63 District Meet

 Triple Jump              High Jump
 36-02.00 Area Meet       4-08.00 Blanco Meet

Notice how many of Drum’s best marks were performed near the end of her track season which certainly gives you an idea of her never ending energy and will to compete at her very best.

Congratulations Bailey Drum and The ReSporter looks forward to covering you the next two years as there will certainly be more stories ready to expound on your conquests.

The ReSporter shares Stats from this Past School Year

Wednesday, May 28th, 2014

The Reporter would like to thank all the many readers that have frequented this website this past year.

The ReSporter would like you to Vault into next year by placing an Ad on this site.

The ReSporter would like you to Vault into next year by placing an Ad on this site.

This has been a very successful year for the website as each month this season had more visits than any previous month since we started four years ago.

The ReSporter had 315 articles this past school year and since starting this quest, The ReSporter, has finished a total of 1,159 posts or articles.

Another way of saying, a lot of stories.

Now it is time for The ReSporter to take a few months off and hopefully come back with enough energy to get another year finished.

Our apologies for these past couple of weeks, The ReSporter, has suffered ‘Burn Out’ much like many of the Seniors have suffered from Senioritis.

With that being said, The ReSporter would like to invite you to think about helping with posting an Ad through this venue.

Since, The ReSporter, likes numbers then chew and calculate how these stats might help your business.

 School Year starting August 1 through May 28
 Year             Visits       Pageviews     Ave Time     Top 3 Cities in Visits
 2013-14          25,334       62,610           3:02      CL-8689/SA-4560/NB-2388
 2012-13          21,241       49,631           2:45      CL-6035/SA-3434/NB-2164
 2011-12          16,142       43,868           2:55      CL-4940/SA-2365/NB-1868
 *2010-11          3,005       14,826           2:34      CL- 885/NB- 519/SA- 443

The * for 2010-11 represents just three months as this endeavor started after the basketball season that year, so those numbers will not have the same amount of days you could visit.

This also shows how each year has topped each previous season which should hopefully give you an idea of what might happen this coming school year.

SA and NB for the cities represent San Antonio and New Braunfels. Austin and San Marcos were right behind those two cities giving you an idea of how far this site can reach what you might be needing to sell or get across to your audience.

Thanks once again for showing support for this site and know that an Ad would cost $50 per semester and an extra $35 if you would like to have your Ad placed with articles, which many of you have noticed we started doing this past spring.

The ReSporter would also welcome ideas and thoughts that you might like to see for this upcoming school year.

Be Blessed and enjoy the Summer and tell my Advertisers you saw their Ad on my site…and Congrats to all the Seniors from Bracken and Canyon Lake. You don’t know how much I have enjoyed covering your events these past 4 years.

Kaelin Simmons Continues to Excel in Sports

Monday, May 26th, 2014

The ReSporter has a hard time catching up with previous Hawk students that had played a sport for Canyon Lake.

Islander Freshman Kaelin Simmons throwing the discus

Islander Freshman Kaelin Simmons throwing the discus

Each year there is 2-4 students that have decided to take there trade to College and continue their passion of sports.

Last season CL had a student that did not get offers for continuing her college days in competition for sports but as it turned out has found herself throwing a lot of baggage in the form of a Discus and Shot Put.

This past Track and Field season Kaelin Simmons had a Shot Put heave for 42′ 0.75″ and Discus throw that traveled 129′ 10″.

“I made my mind up the first week of summer,” Simmons said in response of when she had decided to go for trying out for track with Corpus Christi A&M. “I had to wait three months to hear if they (Corpus Christi) would have enough spots and if they might cut some girls.”


Track & Field All-Time Records: Top 5

Tuesday, April 29th, 2014
Christian Dittman Jumping into Canyon Lake Records

Christian Dittman Jumping into Canyon Lake Records

The ReSporter would now like to show off the best ever in Track & Field.

This is one of the sports that has had more success through the years. Canyon Lake finished second to Fredericksburg a couple of years and even when they might not have won district, the Hawks could out point most of their district foes at the State Meet.

Case in point was last season when Marisa Ellis won State in the High Jump.

Take a look with their performance mentioned first and then the year that athlete had that time or distance. Also if you see an athlete with Bold Green then you have an opportunity to see them again since they have more years to climb the charts.


This Week @ Canyon Lake

Sunday, April 20th, 2014

This Week @ Canyon Lake

Another year is almost over as Canyon Lake is now down to two sports still running their engines.

Pitcher Nick Kissell will be trying to turn the tide to wins this week against Navarro

Pitcher Nick Kissell will be trying to turn the tide to wins this week against Navarro

Track & Field will be in Kingsville this week, as they will be attempting to make a trip to State a reality.

The ReSporter has an article about that event posted if you would like to read about these students.

This Track team is very young and you will have many opportunities to watch these athletes improve on their marks made this season and hopefully a few more to come after this week.

Baseball is down to their last two regular season games.

Navarro will be in town this Tuesday and a win by Canyon Lake will allow you to not just pencil the Hawks for a post season spot—-you can also use ink.

Canyon Lake has been on a downward spiral the past couple of weeks but baseball is a sport that can change on a dime based on pitching and fielding.

Hitting is also in that formula, but pitching and defense can usually trump those batters which makes this game an intriguing affair to behold.

The Hawks won their first round game with the Panthers and you can bet that team is no longer around as Navarro is also in a place where they can also reach the playoffs by beating Canyon Lake in their two games this week.

Fredericksburg is the other team vying for a spot and if they are swept by Bandera, then both Navarro and CL will be playing more games next week.

Canyon Lake needs to get off to a good start and have some wins to craft some momentum going into the post season.

With a 3rd or 4th place finish, CL will certainly be playing a 1st or 2nd place team in District 28-3A giving a tough first round.


Track & Field Hawks will be off for Region Meet this Week

Sunday, April 20th, 2014

Canyon Lake will have 7 athletes taking a van to Kingsville next week after competition in their Area Meet last week in Hawkville.

Sophomore Bailey Drum will represent the ladies after a personal best triple jump of 36-02 and winning this event.

Bailey Drum keeps that great Triple Jump tradition going for the Hawks

Bailey Drum keeps that great Triple Jump tradition going for the Hawks

From Head Girls Coach John Barthels, “Bailey was tied for 4th place going into the Area Meet with a jump of 34-07. The young lady she was tied with jumped 35-00 on her first attempt putting pressure on Bailey early. Then Bailey jumped her season and career best of 34-09.00 before being re-arranged for the finals.

She had one jump that I told her would have been 36-00 if she had not scratched by half a foot. She was still in 5th place going into her final jump, where she needed to have a 35+ attempt. Then she perfectly hit the board and exploded to a 36-02.00 jump, giving her 1st place over everyone.”


Track & Field Stories

Monday, April 14th, 2014

Track & Field Stories

There are many stories in this sport based on having individuals performing for a team but

Austin Kahill making a heave with the Discus

Austin Kahill making a heave with the Discus

knowing how they perform really just rests on how they prepare themselves.

Yes, those relay events would certainly be the closest to where a team atmosphere is present but for the most part this sport is based on how individuals do in order to help the team win.

Junior Shane Relkin is one student that will be performing after he surprised many people when he uncorked a jump that was good enough to win district.

Relkin had broken the 20 foot mark earlier this year and had the potential to win, but overall this district field could of been several athletes.

“I got my best mark on the very last jump,” Relkin stated. “All my jumps before that one were horrible and I almost did not make the finals.”

In the Long Jump, athletes perform jumps in order to make that final field of participants to compete and will be given another set of jumps after weeding out those that were not as good.


This Week @ Canyon Lake

Sunday, April 13th, 2014
Triple Jumper Bailey Drum will be in the hunt for continuing her Track Season in Area Meets

Triple Jumper Bailey Drum will be in the hunt for continuing her Track Season in Area Meets

This Week @ Canyon Lake

The Hawks are now entering the time of a close of another year with three sports still in motion.

Track & Field will have a handful of athletes still competing this week in an Area Meet that will either have them practicing another week to 10 days for Region Meet being held in Kingsville.

One of those Area Meets will be at Canyon Lake this coming Wednesday with those running events, while field events will commence in La Vernia on Monday.

Canyon Lake has several athletes with a legit chance of continuing their season.

Christian Dittman would be first on that list as he has had a top notch jumps with the Pole Vault all season.

Mariah Ellis might be a pleasant surprise in the 800 Meter Run and Bailey Drum could be an enrollee for the Triple Jump.


Hawks Sending 15 Athletes to Area Meet Next Week in Track & Field

Saturday, April 12th, 2014
Christian Dittman will be attempting a chance for Region Meet in the Pole Vault

Christian Dittman will be attempting a chance for Region Meet in the Pole Vault

The CL Hawk Track and Field Teams finished their District Meet bunched in the middle as they hope to break from the pack with several younger athletes that showed off their skills against older students.

Bradford Door Works can fix your Door faster than Brandon Courtney can jump a hurdle

Bradford Door Works can fix your Door faster than Brandon Courtney can jump a hurdle

In other words, don’t get caught up in this year’s point totals because the future is where this finish line will be.

Several Hawks had breakout seasons and next year will hopefully be able to fly to their finish line.

Case and point, a Freshman Hurdler that took this year by storm, by the name of Brandon Courtney who broke all of the Hawk records in the 110 and 300 meter hurdles.


MVMS Shows Off Speed at District Track Meet

Thursday, April 10th, 2014

Mountain Valley Track & Field team had a very successful season as they performed in

Parziale's Pizza says Go Mountain Valley Middle School Hawks!!

Parziale’s Pizza says Go Mountain Valley Middle School Hawks!!

Fredericksburg last week last Friday.

The future for Canyon Lake High School will have several athletes with some aspirations of grandeur. (used those Big words to motivate some class work)

MVMS 8th Grade Boys team finished in second place being edged out by Navarro, 141 to 137.

Luke Justis and Will Joyner were the two top point producers as all four teams showed some good times and distances.

Justis finished with 30 points for MVMS with a first place finish in the 200 Meter Dash and two Relays.
A 2nd place finish in the Triple Jump and 5th place finish for the long jump helped give him his score.
