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Basketball Coaches Corner with Lucas Chapman

The ReSporter: Your first year as a Head Coach, what would you do differently as you prepare for next year?

Coach Chapman: “I don’t know if we will do a whole lot differently going forward. I would like to think that if we continue to just do the same things and just continue the process then the results will get better. We will always emphasize the fundamentals like shooting, passing and ball-handling and work on those things day in and day out. Strategically we will do some different stuff such as picking up the pressure on defense, but we are not going to stray too far from what we have started.”

The ReSporter: What is your overall assessment of this year’s team and season?

Coach Chapman: “Although the record and results may not indicate it, I thought we did some really good things this year. Most of all I am proud about how we played and how we conducted ourselves. We played the game the right way, acted right and represented Canyon Lake the right way. We had a really good stretch of games in December where we played at a high level. We also set some individual records for the program, and we finally won a district game. I think what we did this year was lay the foundation for the future and with the program where it is now, that’s what we needed.”

The ReSporter: Talk about your Seniors and what they brought to the table this season.

Coach Chapman: “I have been with most of our seniors for five years. For pretty much my entire career I have been around these guys, so it’s sad to see them go. I have built relationships with these young men and their families, and I am going to miss them tremendously. This season our seniors did a great job of coming into the gym and working hard day in and day out. There were very few times where I felt like we didn’t prepare or play hard. They also did a great job in the classroom and behaving themselves like the great young men that they are. Like I mentioned earlier, these seniors have laid the foundation for the young guys to follow. They showed them how to play, how to prepare and what it means to be a Hawk Basketball player.”

The ReSporter: What thoughts do you have on your JV and Freshman teams and what are your hopes during this offseason?

Coach Chapman: “First off, I need to give a shout out to our JV and Freshmen coaches, Coach Hooper and Coach Barthels. As first-year high school coaches they did a great job or learning on the fly and teaching our young guys. They are a huge asset to our program, and I’m glad we have them on our side.”

The ReSporter: As a coach when you watch or work with the younger players, you are always looking at their development going forward.

Coach Chapman: “Like I have told them, we are never too concerned about wins and losses at the JV and Freshmen levels. Obviously, we want to win them all, but what we are more concerned with is developing skills, work ethic and unselfishness for the future. We are always concerned about how a player can help us on the varsity level down the road. With that said, I feel like we have a great nucleus of young guys that can and will help us be successful down the road. I saw a ton a improvement both on an individual level and a team level with our sub-varsity teams this season. Now what they have to do, and what we preach, is continue to work hard and develop in the off-season. We are going to try and give them every opportunity we can to allow them to continue to grow during the Spring, Summer and Fall. The opportunity is there, they just need to take it.”

The ReSporter: Last parting shot or nuggets you would like to share with Parent’s, fans, and players?

Coach Chapman: “I just want to thank everybody for all of their support and help this season. As a first-year head coach, it was a whirl wind at times, but I was fortunate enough to have a lot of great people around the help. From our players, parents, Coach Barthels and Coach Hooper to our Booster Club, CLHS staff and community, we had people pitch in and help out every step of the way. I hope and feel that people are starting to get excited about basketball around here. Towards the end of the season we had some great crowds, and I hope it continues next season. I am so grateful to be at Canyon Lake and get to work with all the great people I come into contact each day. Like I have said, this program is not about me or any individual, it’s about the players, coaches, parents, school and community working together to be successful. We have begun that process, and I look forward to continuing that process down the road. Lastly, thanks to the Hilltop ReSporter for all of the coverage this season. You do a great job, and I look forward to allowing you to write “winning” articles down the road.”

The ReSporter: Thanks Coach Chapman, it was a pleasure covering your team this season and I look forward to many good years in the future.