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Coaches Corner, Football | November 19, 2014

Coaches Corner with Bracken’s Lloyd Fields

Coaches Corner with Bracken’s Coach Lloyd Fields

The ReSporter: Hey Coach, I heard it will be raining this Saturday, who does that favor if anyone?

Head Coach Lloyd Fields

Head Coach Lloyd Fields

Coach Fields: “Yeah, I heard there might be a 100% chance of rain. I don’t think it will make any difference, the field is turf and so that would make it equal for both teams.”

The ReSporter: You had a tough game last time you faced Austin Veritas…what are your thought about this week’s game?

Coach Fields: “I know that they were excited when they got off the bus for our game and we were coming off a bye week and I just felt like they were a lot more fired up than our team…I just don’t know what their mind set will be when they play us this week.”

The ReSporter: You had a game last week in the first round and you have mentioned in the past how you like to play a game and not take a week off before the playoffs start…

Coach Fields: “Yes, a few years back we had a team from the Houston area cancel their game with us and I felt that hurt us in the playoffs that year…I just don’t feel like open dates help you….but that is certainly debatable. If you had injuries or had a team like ours with so few players it might help in those cases.”

The ReSporter: You mentioned the number of players Veritas has compared to Bracken…having that many on the sideline certainly helps a team…

Coach Fields: “Yes, if they find that some players are not excited to play, then all they would have to do is go to their extra players and find thrones that would be itching to go and play. We would be in trouble if any of our players are not fired up to play.”

Gordon the Plumber says Go Warriors beat Veritas

Gordon the Plumber says Go Warriors beat Veritas

The ReSporter: Your four losses were all district games, after seeing the scores of last week what is your overall assessment of the South Central District?

Coach Fields: “This by far is the toughest district in the State. There will be two teams from our district in the final four. It reminds me of our district four years ago when we had Marble Falls and OLH, in those last two years it really just us and Geneva.”

“I was also surprised in how well Tyler Street played and how they dominated OLH…they were certainly underrated and now seem like a legit team…as well as the Waco team.”

The ReSporter: What might be the difference in this game compared to the game played earlier this year?

Coach Fields: “Our young players will be the key for what we can do…they have grown up a lot since then, we just don’t know how old they have gotten in order to help in our game.”

The ReSporter: How will you go at Veritas this week?

Coach Fields: “We will need to run right at ’em…we had some success in the second half with our run and that will be the way we will try to go this week.”

The ReSporter: How is your team approaching this week’s game?

Coach Fields: “This team has been very workmanlike all year and this week is not any different. This just isn’t a rah-rah bunch of guys….so it hard to tell. During this time of the year the game becomes more mental and if they don’t know how to tackle yet then this week will not make any difference. The guys are mature and we will just try to take our ‘A’ game to them on Saturday.”

The ReSporter: Thanks Coach and good luck and Go Warriors!!