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Game Article, Track & Field | March 26, 2017

CL Boys Track have more Personal Bests coming from the Texans Relays

      GO Canyon Lake!!

Canyon Lake had a hard time getting home on Thursday night as their bus had to take on that furious wind after a 3rd place finish for the Varsity and a 2nd place trophy for the Junior Varsity.

Lester Boehm is now entrenched in 3rd place for CL as he won the 200 meter dash with a time, 22.93 and on a calm night might have had this athlete moving even further up the pack. The good news is having another chance this Thursday in Lockhart.

Joseph Ruiz was another Hawk with a PR (personal best) in the 100 meter dash (11.27) as he too is now 3rd all-time in this race.

Country Comfort Supports Boys Track & Field

Ruiz had some wise comments concerning the strong winds on this day, “You have to run low and you do not want to run like when you put your hand outside the car and have to fight through it.”

The McDonough brothers finished 1 and 2 in point gathering as the wind did have them doing some neat dance moves as they approached the high jump bar.

Heath McDonough had some tough jumps in his high jump event as Heath needed to get his jump on his last try twice for his eventual win.

On if the wind was a problem, Heath McDonough surmised, “Sometimes it is hard to keep your balance and the wind was the reason I missed my turn.”

On one of Heath’s jumps the bar fell while he was in route and he had to abort his attempt quickly.

   Hawks Flying High

“I watch video after each jump and that helps me know what I will need to do to correct mistakes,” Heath McDonough continued. “It is kind of sad this is coming to an end, but I still want to make it to Regional and get to 6’4 without any misses.”

If that can be done then Heath would have an excellent chance of reaching State.

On what it is like to compete against his brother (Caimen), “I like the competition and I will help him but he did not help me today.”

That was a case where Caimen was ahead of Heath as the rest of the field in the high jump event started to dwindle.

    Alayna-Gayle says Go Hawks!

To be fair, both of these athletes were also competing in the triple jump and so after they finished one event then they were off to the other side of the field  for that next competition.

CL was strong in the hurdles and high jump events and Gerrit Wilkins had the 2nd best long jump in Hawk history (20-11) as he trails only Jordan Anderson in this event now.

“I’m just listening to the Coaches advice,” Wilkins said after his best long jump ever. “They are wanting me to stay in the air longer and I just pressed it.”

This is some good lingo coming from a basketball junkie. On if he thinks he can get going in the triple jump, Wilkins said, “My ankles have been bothering me in the triple jump but I hope I can get back into that event.”

When was the last time Canyon Lake had 3 students score points in the 1600 meter run? Until this meet it had never happened.

Jaren Marmolejo finished 2nd while Caden McLaughlin and Jacob Christiansen finished out the trifecta

Lakeside Dog Grooming Says         Go Hawks!

as CL garnered 16 points in this one event.

When you add the 3200 meter run, you have another 12 points scored as Marmolejo and McLaughlin both finished in the top 6 on this jaunt too.

The Junior Varsity was also strong in the hurdles with Nic Rivera returning with a vengeance in finishing 1st in both the 110 and 300 meter hurdles.

Cody Kline is also showing a lot of promise as he continues to rake in PR’s as the season matures.

Bradley Hight was in familiar territory with another 1st place finish in throwing the discus.

Robert Beam broke the 10 foot mark in the pole vault which has been a barren event since Christian Dittman graduated 3 years ago.

This Junior Varsity group has continued to score points and finishing a stones throw away in each of their meets this season.

An all hands on deck this week will show just how much more these Hawk Tracksters can go as the district meet is right around the corner as April comes calling.


                           Texan Relays Boy Team Standings
      Junior Varsity       points                Varsity              points
      San Marcos            175                  Wimberley             138
      CL Hawks              139                  San Marcos            115
      Wimberley             123                  CL Hawks               93
      Lampasas               77                  Lampasas               79
      Navarro                58                  Llano                  72
      Llano                  26                  Navarro                71
      Smithville             22                  Smithville             52


                            CL Hawks Individual Scoring

      Junior Varsity      points                  Varsity            points
      Nic Rivera            29                    Caimen McDonough     20
      Cody Kline            16                    Heath McDonough      18
      Jaren Marmolejo       16                    Lester Boehm         16
      Seth Titzman          13                    Gerrit Wilkins       10
      Bradley Hight         10                    Conner Rose           6
      Tristan Chacon        10                    Tanner Faris          6
      Robert Beam            8                    Joseph Ruiz           6
      Paul Martinez          7                    Chance Martelli       4
      Caden McLaughlin       6                    Landry Moore          2
      Michael Harwell        5                    Colton McDonald       2
      Jacob Ruff             5                    Joseph Crisp          2
      Jacob Christiansen     4                    Charlie McIntosh      1
      Bryce Vincent          4
      Zach Covington         2
      Floris Georgi          2
      Caleb Almond           2


      Junior Varsity                              Varsity
      100 meter dash      place      time         100 meter dash      place      time
      Paul Martinez        5th      11.71         Joseph Ruiz          4th      11.27

      400 meter dash                              200 meter dash
      Seth Titzman         2nd      55.35         Lester Boehm         1st      22.93
      Floris Georgi        5th      57.55
                                                  400 meter dash
      1600 meter run                              Chance Martelli      5th      53.67
      Jaren Marmolejo      2nd    5:17.06
      Jacob Christiansen   4th    5:20.30         110 meter hurdles
      Caden McLaughlin     5th    5:21.49         Caimen McDonough     2nd      15.71
                                                  Gerrit Wilkins       4th      16.22
      3200 meter run
      Jaren Marmolejo      2nd   11:53.80         300 meter hurdles
      Caden McLaughlin     4th   12:43.30         Caimen McDonough     3rd      42.18

      110 meter hurdles                           long jump                  distance
      Nic Rivera           1st      16:00         Gerrit Wilkins       3rd   20-11.00

      300 meter hurdles
      Nic Rivera           1st      43.41         discus
      Cody Kline           2nd      43.71         Joseph Crisp         5th  128-09.50
      Bryce Vincent        5th      46.79
                                                  triple jump
      long jump                  distance         Heath McDonough      5th   38-10.75
      Nic Rivera           3rd   18-06.00

      shot put
      Zach Covington       5th   38-03.00         high jump
                                                  Heath McDonough      1st       6-02
      discus                                      Caimen McDonough     3rd       6-00
      Bradley Hight        1st  116-02.00         Charlie McIntosh     6th       5-08

      high jump                                   4x100 meter relay    5th      44.76
      Cody Kline           5th       5-02         Joseph Ruiz          Landry Moore
                                                  Tanner Faris         Conner Rose
      pole vault
      Robert Beam          2nd      10-06         4x200 meter relay    2nd    1:33.77
                                                  Heath McDonough      Tanner Faris
      4x100 meter relay    4th      46.66         Conner Rose          Lester Boehm
      Jacob Ruff           Paul Martinez
      Caleb Almond         Tristan Chacon         4x400 meter relay    4th    3:35.04
                                                  Chance Martelli      Heath McDonough
      4x200 meter relay    3rd    1:37.12         Lester Boehm         Colton McDonald
      Jacob Ruff           Paul Martinez
      Nic Rivera           Tristan Chacon

      4x400 meter relay    1st 3:46.02
      Michael Harwell      Cody Kline
      Seth Titzman         Tristan Chacon