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Boys Basketball, Game Article | December 16, 2020

CL Hawks Green Turn Luling Red in Win, 61-33.

Landon McLaughlin uses his size to his advantage in earlier game with Llano. (photo by Karen Holmes)


Canyon Lake’s Green team continued their winning ways jumping out to a 17 point first quarter lead in coasting in their 5th straight game over Luling, 61-33.

           Way To Go Hawks!!

“Once again, the kids are getting better and better at organizing the chaos,” Head Green Coach Ryan Garney stated. “If they play with full effort, they will give themselves a chance every time. Tonight, they out efforted our opponent at every position.”

That every position takes into account that two of the starters were moved up to varsity after some guaranteeing some of those players.

The Luling Eagles jumped out to a quick 3-0 lead but was held scoreless for their next 11 minutes as CL Green ran off 28 unanswered points and that would be the Eagles last lead.

Every Hawk had an assist and all but one player scored a bucket. Drake Dershimer led this onslaught with 12 points and 3 blocks.

“Each game just depends on how a game starts,” Dershimer stated when asked bout how well this group jumps out to big leads. “We all get energized and we keep looking for the best shot.”

Drake Dershimer in a groove after win over Luling.

That last statement was highlighting the 22 assists that had Travis Parma and Tyler Balderas tied with 4 a piece.

The Green Lake was plentiful in all facets of this contest as mentioned with scoring and assists but add on every player with a rebound, steal and 5 different Hawks with a block tells a lot of how well this group has taken this chaotic offense into a consistent realm.

Dershimer has been leading CL in blocks this season and commented on his secret, “I just try to watch the player with the ball and see which way they will be going and then just jump from behind them!”

Pretty successful formula as some of those blocks had some balls hit with some degree of authority.

Parma also had his hand on the keys for grand theft auto after a 6 steal night that led the Hawks in 33 thefts for the night helping in that chaos needed or wanted with this type of offense. Or offense that starts with defense.

Canyon Lake will be back in action this Friday against Blanco and a 3pm tipoff for another chaotic 4 quarters.

Way to Go Hawks!!


                  1  2  3  4   Final
CL Hawks Green   20 12 17 12   61
Luling JV         3  7 15  8   33

                            3pt           tot rebounds
                  fgm-fga fgm-fga ftm-fta pts or-dr tot a  s  b  to
Josh Babic          3-10    1-5     0-0    7   4-2   6  2  3  1  4
Drake Dershimer     5-8     2-5     0-0   12   0-5   5  1  1  3  4
Tyler Balderas      2-4     1-2     0-2    5   0-1   1. 4  3  0  4
Marshall McConnell  3-10    0-2     1-1    7   1-3   4  1  5  0  3
AJ Acosta           3-7     2-5     0-0    8   1-0   1  3  2  0  1
Andrew Villareal    3-12    3-12    0-0    9   2-3   5  3  4  1  3
Travis Parma        1-6     0-5     0-0    2   0-4   4  4  6  1  5
Jesse Wean          4-9     1-2     0-0    9   0-2   2  1  5  0  3
Landon McLaughlin   1-2     0-0     0-0    2   3-1   4  2  2  2  3
Kameron Scriber     0-5     0-0     0-0    0   1-3   4  1  2  0  2
totals             25-73   10-38    1-3   61  12-24 36 22 33  8 32
percentages         34%     26%     33%