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Football | August 4, 2015

Second Tunnel Car Wash is a Success!!

Rendition of what the Hawk Tunnel will look like

Rendition of what the Hawk Tunnel will look like

This past Saturday the CLHS Football team s players and Dad’s had another Car Wash Fundraiser to help gather funds for the new Hawk run through tunnel for the Varsity games and hit the $1101.00 dollar mark. The Family Dollar Store, ORielys Automotive in Sattler and CVS in Startzville again came through in true Hawk spirit and allowed the Football teams to hold the event from 0930 -230pm. The Store Managers Ms. Faye Kuykendall at the Family Dollar Store, Wendy Rohimeier at ORielys and Johnny Laho of CVS in Startzville all are huge CL Hawk supporters and have committed to come to some of the football games this season.

The two Car Wash fund raisers put on by the football team generated over $3,600.00 in working donations which is more than half needed for the CLHS Hawk Tunnel. “It is great to see these young men working to earn their way towards this new tunnel in which putting a little skin in the game themselves , this will build a sense of accomplishment, pride, team work and community awareness in the sense that they will pass down this new tradition which will add the CL spirit”, said Mr. Martelli who help organize both events with Rufus Woods.

Seniors Dylan Hodges, Austin Camacho, Roberts Woods showed CL leadership by their action by working at both Saturdays fundraisers as did Sophomores -Micah St.John , Ross Snowden and Tanner Faris. Sr. and Three Year Varsity Letterman Robert Woods said, “We wanted to show the community, our Coaches, the school and our teammates that we could step up to the challenge and do our part for this new tunnel but also to start build traditions for others to follow”. Each person getting a car wash received a 2015 Football schedule and was asked to attend at least one home game if possible.

CLHS football Alumni Tristan (Woody) Woodruff and Hayden Dubios showed up and donated their time and money towards this new tunnel. “Woody stated that “I wish more players would take pride in CL not for only a season but for their entire up bringing here at Canyon Lake and understand that what we have going on here is really cool, ya just gotta get into their heads early on”.

Team mates Eathan Killgore (Soph) Wesley Madzy (Soph), Jacob Foster(Soph) and Caimen McDonough(Soph.) all pitched in Saturday as well as Chris Shultz (Sr.), Austin Brennan(Sr.)Haden Lee(Sr.) and Dylan Dittman(Sr.). Heath McDonough and Colton McDonald were the only two Juniors to ever show up in both car washes as was Jordan Burke was the only (Fresh) there to represent this past Saturday. Last week Freshman Cameron Hebert, Chance Martelli and Tristan Chacon came out to work to put their time in.

A big thank you goes out to Mr Woods, Mr Faris and Mr. Martelli for being supportive and helping put in time for both of these Car Washes.

The new Hawk Tunnel has been ordered and will be able to be delivered by August -17th upon completion. The final payment to get the delivery of the Hawk Tunnel must be made by August 12th here to CLHS on time for this season “Meet the Hawks” on August -21st. So if you’re going to donate please do so now at the information listed below. Mr. Woods stated that “there are many people who said they are going to donate but have yet to do so thus far. If we could get some of these folks to come to the table then we will be on target in getting the total needed to remit final payment”. As of now the CLHS Football still needs to generate about $3,600.00 by the August 12th deadline, it’s as simple as that.
Each person or business contributing a tax deductable donation will have their name(s) listed in this year’s sports program under a special section on the New Hawk Tunnel.
If you are business or parent in the Football pipeline which your boy(s) will run through this tunnel and are willing to donate towards the Tunnel Fund go to www.CLHSABC.com and click Hawk Tunnel through Pay Pal. All donations are Tax deductable through the CLHS Booster Clubs 501(c)3 – CLHS ABC 8555 FM 32 Fischer Texas 78623, memo : Hawk Tunnel.
On another quick note, stay tuned here on the Hilltop News Paper for upcoming news and announcement in August for the push on “Painting of the CL Water Tower” this fall.

Cory Martelli